
Elder's Page
The True Birth-Date of The Real Jesus The Messiah
Aug 20, 2005, 07:55

The True Birth-Date of The Real Jesus The Messiah

By Brother Richard Fliearman Jr.



The Birth-date of Jesus Christ is found in the chronology of the Levite priesthood and of Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist. (Luke 1:5) In this text, the Word tells us that Zechariah was “of the Course of Abia” also know as (Abijah) in 1Chronicals 24:10 and (Abi) in Nehemiah 12:17.  This course was the eighth of 24 courses of ministration performed during the year as ordered by David the King and prophet.  This Levitical ordering is also confirmed by the Dead Sea scroll findings in the caves of Qumran, which gives us confirmation for six-years of scheduling for these priests.  (See Bromiley Vol.  1 pg. 688)


At the end of Zechariah’s ministration, he returns home and his wife conceives.  This gives us an irrefutable fixed point from which we can begin to chronologically trace the exact point of Jesus birth. For we know that Elizabeth was in her sixth month of pregnancy when the Angel Gabriel made salutation to Mary, the mother of Jesus. This complete chronology of events is detailed in the 1st chapter of the book of Luke.


The priesthood ministered by Course (1-24) bi-annually, or for 1 week at a time with all the priests appearing 3 times a year (Lev. Ch. 23) at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which is Passover, the Feast of Pentecost, and the feast of Tabernacles. This Priestly ordering began on Tishri 1 which according to our time would reckon to be very late August-early September time frame, and was begun again on approximately Adar 29, or what our reckoning would be the late March - early April time frame, or about 14 days before Passover.


In any event Jesus was not born on October 25th, November 25th, December 25th!  Nor was he born on January 25th or February 25th!  Jesus was born on or about the Feast of Tabernacles. There is not a single shred of evidence in the scripture that gives credence to a late December time for the Messiah’s nativity.  In fact, in the whole of old-testament prophecy there is not any date of observance commanded by Torah other than the weekly Sabbath, between the dates of late September-early October and late March-early April. The scripture cannot be broken, and neither can such an important event stand in complete isolation from the cycle of annual Sabbaths (feast days) commanded in the Torah in which God has given us meticulous details as to when, where, why, and how all these should be observed. But this is not going to convince anyone bound by the traditions of men, and the iniquities of their fathers who hold the status quo position and could care less about the truth of Gods word. But to those who will enter in to life, and love the truth more than life itself, this is for your edification and learning. Though Jesus was born in a barn, there have been many false traditions and teachings surrounding the event of his birth. For example, nowhere in scripture does it tell us that there was a little drummer boy there on that night. A drum is a war instrument intended to affect the heart of the enemy and rally the army to battle. This is obviously not in harmony with “peace on earth” and “good will toward men”. Another such merchandising fallacy is that there were three wise men present at his nativity. First, the scripture does not say how many wise men there were. The fairy story version of there being three in number is pure conjecture. Nor were they present at his nativity, but found the king in a house at the age of approximately 18 months. The first problem is that these kings where at the very closest, one continent away at the time they saw his star appear. The also convened a caravan of Camels, planned the trip after discoursing over the heavenly discovery. A camel is not the fastest mode of transportation. They also made much inquiry through Herod and the scholars, and without a doubt such an endeavor could not have been made in a days time on camel back. (Matt 2:1-11) There were no Druid or wiccan ornaments such as trees, oak logs, wreaths, candles, or biblically unclean meat served in commemoration of the birth of an Israelite male. The gifts presented were protocol and the paying of homage to a dignitary who was a king. They did not exchange gifts among themselves, neither did Joseph and Mary give gifts to the wise men. There were no fertility rites involving the stag or deer, nor was there present some fat glutton of a man called Santa (an anagram for Satan) donning the fertility or re-productive symbolisms of red and white. No, there were no demon elves (anagram for evil ones) present at Jesus’ birth, except the ones that may have been in Joseph and Mary.

         On the following pages, there is a series of chronological charts, which show how the Levitical Priesthood served in succession, where John’s father Zecharias ministered, when his wife Elizabeth conceived, and subsequently Mary, the mother of Jesus, and their deliveries of the prophet John, and King Jesus our Lord and saviour.  


Course / Division

Heb. Month/Day



Significant Events

Scripture / References

1  Jehoarib


7/1- 7/7


Feast of Trumpets

Lev. 23:24, Qumran Schedule Bromiley vol. 1 pg 688

2  Jedaiah

7/8 – 7/14


Day of Atonement (10th)

Lev. 23:27


7/15 – 7/22


Feast of Tabernacles

Lev 23:34

3  Harim

7/23 – 7/29




4  Seorim


7/39 – 8/6

Sept / Oct



5  Malchihah


8/7 – 8/13




6  Mijamin

8/13 – 8/20




7  Hakkoz

8/21 – 8/27




8 Abijah


8/28 – 9/5

Oct / Nov

Zechariah’s first ministration

1 Chronicles 24:10, Nehemiah 12:17




9/6 – 9/12




10 Shecaniah

9/13  - 9/19




11 Eliasaib

9/20 – 9/26




12 Jakim

Kislev – Tevet

9/27 – 10/3

Nov / Dec



13 Huppah


10/4 – 10/10




14 Jeshbeab

10/11 – 10/17




15 Bilgah

10/18 – 10/24




16 Immer

Tevet – Shvat

10/25 – 11/2

Dec / Jan



17 Hezir


11/3 – 11/9




18 Aphses

11/10 – 11/16




19 Pethahiah

11/17 – 11/23

Jan / Feb



20 Jehezekel

11/24 – 11/30




21 Jachin

Adar 12/1 – 12/7




22 Gamul

12/8 – 12/14




23 Delaiah

12/15 – 12/21

Feb / Mar



24 Maaziah

12/22 – 12/28




1  Jehoarib

Adar  - Abib

12/29 – 1/6




2  Jedaiah

1/7 – 1/13





1/14  - 1/21


Feast of Unleavened Bread


Lev. 23:6

3  Harim

1/22 – 1/28


Feast of first fruits

Lev 23: 10-11

4  Sedrim

Abib – Iyar

2/6 – 2/13




5  Malchijah

2/6 – 2/13




6  Mijamin

2/4 – 2/20

Apr / May



7  Hakkoz

2/21 – 2//28




8  Abijah

Iyar  - Sivan

2/29 – 3/5


Zechariahs 2nd ministration

Luke 1:5, 23; 1 Chr. 24:10; Neh. 12:4, 17 Bromiley Vol. 1


Sivan 3/6


Pentecost Day 1

Luke 1:23  Lev 23: 16-21


3/7 – 3/13


Day 2; Elizabeth conceives

Luke 1:23-24

10 Schecaniah

3/14 – 3/20




11 Eliashib

3/21 – 3/27




12 Jakim

Sivan – Tamuz

3/28 – 4/4




13 Huppah


4/5 – 4/11




14 Jeshbeab

4/12  - 4/18




15 Bilgah

Tamuz – Av

4/19 – 4/25

June / July



16 Immer

Av 4/27 – 5/17




17 Hezir

5/4 – 5/10




18 Aphses

5/11 – 5/17




19 Pethahiah

Av – Elul

5/18 – 5/24

July / Aug

70 Days


20 Jehezekel

Elul 5/25 – 6/1




21 Jachin

6/2 – 6/8




22 Gamul

6/9 – 6/15




23 Delaiah

6/16 – 6/22




24 Maaziah

6/23 – 6/29

Aug / Sep



1  Jehoarib

Tishrei 7/1 – 7/7


Feast of Trumpets

Lev 23:24

2  Jedaiah

7/8 – 7/14



Day of Atonement (10th) Lev 23:27


7/15 – 7/22



Lev 23:34

3  Harim

7/23 – 7/29

Sep / Oct



4  Sedrim

Tishrei – Heshvan

7//30 – 8/6


140 Days


5  Malchijah


8/7 – 8/13




6  Mijamin

8/14 – 8/20


Elizabeth begins to show

Luke 1:24

7  Hakkoz

8/21 – 8/27

Oct / Nov



8  Abijah

Heshvan – Kislev 8/28 – 9/5




9  Yeshua


9/6 – 9/12




10 Shecaniah

9/13 – 9/19


Gabriel salutes Mary (Elizabeth      182 days)

Luke 1:28-38

11 Eliashib

9/20 – 9/26

Nov / Dec

Mary visits Elizabeth

Luke 1:39

12 Jakim

Kislev – Tevet

9/27 – 10/3




13 Huppah


10/4 – 10/10




14 Jeshbeab

10/11 – 10/17




15 Bilgah

10/18 – 10/24




16 Immer

Tevet – Shvat

10/25 – 11/2

Dec / Jan



17 Hezir


11/3 – 11/9




18 Aphses

11/10 – 11/16




19 Pethahiah

11/17 – 11/23

Jan / Feb



20 Jehezekel

Shvat – Adar

11/24 – 11/13


70 days



21 Jachin

Adar 12/1 – 12/7




22 Gamul

12//8   - 12/14


Mary leaves Elizabeth 266 days

84 days (Mary)

Luke 1:56

23 Delaiah

12/15 – 12/21

Feb / Mar

Yohan Ben Zechariahs born John the Baptist

270 days

Luke 1:57

24 Maaziah

12/22 – 12/28


=  280 days


1  Jehoarib

Adar – Nisan

12/29 – 1/6




2  Jedaiah

Nisan 1/7 – 1/13





1/14 – 1/21

Mar / Apr

Passover /Unleavened Bread


3  Harim

1/22 – 1/28




4  Seorim

Nisan – Iyar

1/29 – 2/5




5  Malchijah

Iyar 2/6 – 2/13


140 days



6  Mijamin

Iyar 2/14 – 2//20

Apr / May



7  Hakkoz

2/21 – 2/27




8  Abijah

Iyar – Sivan

2/28  - 3/5





Sivan 3/6



Lev. 23:16-21

9  Yeshua

3/7 – 3/13




10 Schecaniah

3/14 – 3/20




11 Eliashib

3/21 – 3/27




12 Jakim

Sivan – Tamuz

3/28 – 4/4




13 Huppah


4/5 – 4/11




14 Jeshbeab

4/12 – 4/18




15 Bilgah

4/19 – 4/25

Jun / July

210 days



16 Immer

Tamuz – Av

4/26 – 5/3




17 Hezir

Av 5/4 – 5/10




18 Aphses

5/11 – 5/17




19 Pethahiah

5/18 – 5/24

July / Aug



20 Jehezekel

Av – Elul

5/25 – 6/1




21 Jachin

Elul 6//2 – 6/8




22 Gamul

6/9 – 6/15




23 Delaiah

6/16 – 6/22


Joseph goes to Bethlehem to be taxed

Luke 2:1-5


24 Maaziah


6/23 – 6/29


Aug / Sep


273 days


1  Jehoarib

Tishrei 7/1 – 7/7


Mary Gives birth to Yeshua Ben  Adonai            

Days of separation; Lev. 12:2

2  Jedaiah

7/9 – 7/14


ha Messiah

Jesus Christ          

287 days God is with us.


7/15 – 7/22


Feast of Tabernacles

Rite of Circumcision; Luke 2: 21

3  Harim

7/23 – 7/29

Sep / Oct

Days of Purification

Lev 12:4 (33 days)


4  Seorim

Tishrei – Heshvan

 7/30 – 8/6




5  Malchijah


8/7 – 8/13




6  Mijamin

8/14 – 8/20




7  Hakkoz

8/21 – 8/27

Oct / Nov

Jesus 40 days old

Offering made, Lev. 12:6; Luke 2:22

8 Abijah

Heshvan – Kislev

8/28 – 9/4





Here we can glean some very important insight from these charts in regards to our spiritual understanding of what the Lord has done, and yes, is still performing in his body, the Church.

The birth of Jesus fulfilled the Feast of Trumpets and Tabernacles in its first phase with the return of Jesus completing the prophecy and sealing up the vision. (Daniel 9:24)


The ministry of John the Baptist, son of Zecharias, was the forerunner to the ministry of Jesus, just as the ministry of Abijah  (the 8th) was the forerunner to the ministry of Yeshua (the 9th) in 1 Chronicles chapter 24:10-11.  It is truly amazing to see how God prepared this perfect ordering through David in that Jesus, (Greek rendering) ministered right after John the Baptist who would have served in his fathers lot of ministry had he not been called to the ministry of a prophet. The ninth Course, where ‘Yeshua’ was minister matches perfectly with Jesus who is also called Yeshua, which means “ Yah’s Salvation”, in the Hebrew language. So even though Jesus was of the tribe of Judah and not Levi, his name was pre-selected so that when the transition from the Levitical priesthood back to the Melchizedeck priesthood occurred at the river Jordan, the scripture would remain unbroken. This was the foundational work of the new covenant, which was a confirmation of the original covenant made with Abraham the father of faith. (Genesis 15:18; Daniel 9:27; Galatians 3:14-17. 



Zechariah ministered just before Pentecost(day 1) , where the angel Gabriel binds his tongue because of his unbelief. His tongue is then loosed at the birth of John, he is filled with the Holy Ghost, and prophesies, highlighting that Day or Feast of Pentecost, when he first ministered in the temple, declaring the soon fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy. (Joel 2:28)  John the Baptist declares this truth also in Matthew 1:11 where he emphatically prophesies of the true Lamb of God and “the one who cometh after me who is mightier than I, he will baptize with the Holy Ghost and with Fire!” (Pentecost day 2).  Acts 2:1


Mary leaves Elizabeth just before the birth of John.  Obviously she did not want to draw attention away from the happy occasion of John’s birth, to the Holy child she was carrying, which, was a demonstration of good taste and judgment.


The probability that Mary was entering into labor near the end of the Feast of Trumpets is very likely therefore the Blowing of the seventh shofar or trumpet would have signified the birth pangs and soon birth of Jesus.  Just as the seventh trumpet blown or sounded in the book of Revelation signifies the soon return of Jesus and the birth of the Kingdom age, that the scripture be fulfilled “Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God (Rev. 21:3) and Rev 12:1-17.



John the Baptist was in the wilderness until his showing unto Israel (Luke 1:80).  This was due to the religious and social corruption within the priesthood, the sects of the Pharisees, Saducees, and the government at the time.  This was a common thing for many at the time, and several “Communities” and networks of Essene brethren were of a long time standing in practice since the days of the Selucid and Hasmonean empires.  One such community was the Essenes who at one point exceeded 15,000 members at Qumran and were the authors of the “Dead Sea Scrolls” found in the caves there.  The common thought among them was to “Go into the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord”.  This is the exact phraseology used by John “the Voice of one crying in the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”.  By this association alone we can conclude that John spent a considerable part of his youth among such people of whom many were eunuchs (celibate) and lived in Kibbutzim type circumstances and shared common things and expenses, wholly supporting one another. They were wholly occupied with prayer, fasting, writing and reading the word of God, preaching, and laboring for their meat as well as skilled fabricators of iron and bronze etc. They were not pacifist, but were capable and able men to wage conflict if forced to do so, not at all unlike their father Abraham.  They lived in the midst of Israelite society but were very separate and distinct sect of the Jews. They did not participate in the customs of either the Saducees or Pharisees. Neither did they engage themselves in Temple activities but were for the most part mystics. They did however practice the same life-style as did the early church after Pentecost, which is described in the 2nd and 4th chapter of the book of Acts.  Zecharias’ having such a proper child, who was to fulfill such an important role in preparing the way of the Lord Jesus, obviously felt that he should be sheltered and protected from a degenerated and corrupt society not at all unlike ours of this day, and hence removed him from the city and probably lived in proximity to the Essenes and it was through this wilderness life that the Lord strengthened and preserved John the Baptist.



  Reference Material:


1.            See Josephus complete and unabridged works, Book 18, pg. 477, paragraph 5.

2.            Between the Testaments; William L. Lane ThD. pg. 1391 “Sword Study Bible”

3.            Thompson Chain Reference Bible. Archeological supplement on “The Dead Sea Scrolls”, pg. 327-330.

4.            Jewish Sects and their Beliefs; George H. Sandison, Ph D., World Bible Publishers

5.            Bromiley Vol. 1, pg. 688

6.            Victory 2000; Marvin Byers pg.434 appendix E.                                                                         Updated on 5-26-04. This material may be re-produced and distributed as long as its content is not altered in any fashion.


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