Praise the Lord brothers and sisters! I ask the question, "What's going On." Haven't you had that question in your mind at sometime or another?
Something has always happened in life to make you ask that question. Here on the Straitway Truth we deal with whatis really going on in the lives of people. It is amazing with all of the education we have today and all of the Institutions, Doctors, Psychiatrists, Divinty schools, Scientist, and Churches that in our time frame man with all of his crenditals and degrees that he has not been able to discover what is really going on.
It is written in the word of God "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, (each other) but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, (satan and his kingdom) against spiritual wickedness in high places." Ephesians
How many times have we heard this scripture quoted? We live in a time that we know what the word says, but we do not have the power! I am going to say somethings that will make you think. And that is my purpose and intent.
For Years, decades, and Centurys satan and his forces have just ran wild in their quest to destroy the human race and to do their best to keep someone from coming to the saving truth is that there is someone that loves us dearly. The creator of all men Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What a job the enenmy has done to cover himself up! He works behind the scenes doing his evil work upon man. And man with all of his education and wisdom has not figured it out yet, That there is a Devil loose!
Behind every ungodly deed, activity, negative emotion, killing, stealing, cursing, divorce, fight, anger, lust, and etc.. the list just goes on. Satan and his henchmen. These evil emissaries control and stand ready to indwell and enhance the work of the enemy in us, our will and invitation. Whereas you might reply that this is the cause of this, and this is the cause of that. I mean when you go to the doctor and he diagnosis' you with cancer, arthrist or some kind of disease. He tells you that the reasons why you may have this or that is because of this. Never do you hear that you are in the shape you are in because you are full of demons that either you or your family line may have given place to. And as a result you need Deliverance!
How many times do you hear that, even if you go to church and get prayer from the Pastor or the Prophet. They never tell you that your problem is demonically inspired. I mean Jesus came on the scene to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 1:8). If you even mention devil or demon in our society, with its tv's, movies and schools we go to, they explain away the real true cause for your trouble. And the more they explain the worse you get, they even make it more of a sad situation for you because if you do have something wrong they send you to the doctor and pump you up full of their drugs and you have just invited, by your own free will, more demons to come in and torment you! Sad isn't it.
I mean you go to the doctor for help and he can't help you, you go to the church for help and the pastor tells you to just do right and stop doing this and pray and etc... and you do not get any better but worse. And pretty soon you fall away from the fellowship because nobody understands you. And you are so condemned by time the chruch folks get finished throwing stones at you that you just throw up your hands and say what is the use.
Well Jesus did prove to us all of the answers we need. It's just that we have been conditioned by hearing certain faiths, belief's and ideas that we are still struggling to believe the very word of God that saved us from our sins.
Demons insinuate themselves to gain increase control, the host (YOU) gradually become enslaved. Once this happens the spirits have a legal license to express them selves in the mind, body and the life of the believer, You may want to stop what you are doing, you may have no desire to do the very things you pray for God to help you with. God is a god of order he will not break his rules for you or me, we must line up with his program if we are to expect to see results. These demons working form within, they coerce, tempt and compel, amplifying and exaggerating natural desires. This, alone with outside temptations, overcomes resistance to the demonic forces and their compelling suggestions.
I think that one of our major problems today in the body of Jesus Christ is that we are doing what Jesus called us fools for. "Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets
We say we do but we have really showed that we do not believe all that the prophets have said, Jesus being the greatest one that ever walked on the face of this earth.
The problem we have today is the same problem that we have always had Satan and his devils. They are the cause for all the spirits of Bitterness, Control, Witchcraft, drunkenness, rape, lust killing, divorce, anger, pride, hate, smoking, cursing, drugs, etc..... The Lack of understanding among the educated and the Preachers have left the people in bondage and not free like Jesus said they should be.
The Answer is not another prayer, or counseling session. we need to do just like Jesus told us to do as a believer! Cast the Devils Out in Jesus name. We need Delivereance.
Pastor Dowell.
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