More On Sabbath Day
True Sabbath
The True Sabbath Found in the Languages of World. |
 More about Dr. William Meade Jones | | Dr. William Meade Jones lived over a hundred and fifty years ago, and was a well-known London, England, research expert. He discovered in his studies that the Seventh-day Sabbath was the only weekly Sabbath ever commanded by God in the Bible.
Jones decided that, since Scripture clearly shows that the Bible Sabbath was first given to mankind at the end of the Creation Week, (Genesis 2:1-3) then two important facts would have had to be known throughout the ancient world: First, a fixing of the seven-day weekly cycle on a world-wide basis, and second, an ancient world-wide knowledge of the Seventh-day Sabbath.
Jones was convinced of this for several reasons: 1. Adam and Noah were earnest worshipers of God and were faithful Sabbath keepers. (Genesis 6:9,7:5) 2. They would have taught their descendents about the Bible Sabbath, and its sacredness. 3. The truth that God is to be worshiped on the seventh of each seven-day week, requires a seven-day week, even though they may have later turned to idols and left the worship of the True God. 4. As the descendents of Adam and Noah spread out all over the world, they would have carried with them the seven day week, and the seventh day holy Sabbath given by God to mankind.
Many of Adam's and Noah's descendents became scoffers, however Jones reasoned, that they would still carry with them the twin truths of the Creation Week, of Genesis 1 by their keeping of the seven-day weekly cycle, and the Seventh-day Sabbath by naming the seventh day of the week in their language as the day of Sabbath rest.
William Mead Jones decided to research a majority of the languages of the world to see if his reasonings were true. The results of his research was as he suspected and is another powerful proof, not only that the Seventh day is the true Sabbath of God, but also that the creation account in Genesis 1 and 2 is accurate, and that God is our Creator!
^ Top
Chart of the Week (Showing the position of the true Sabbath)
LANGUAGE (Where Spoken, Read, or Otherwise Used)
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
Name of the SEVENTH DAY
Shemitic Hebrew Bible world-wide
Day One |
Day Second |
Day Third |
Day Fourth |
Day Fifth |
Day the Sixth |
Yom hash-shab-bath Day the Sabbath
Hebrew (Ancient and Modern)
One into the Sabbath |
Second into the Sabbath |
Third into the Sabbath |
Fourth into the Sabbath |
Fifth into the Sabbath |
Eve of Holy Sabbath |
Shab-bath Sabbath
Targum of Onkelos (Hebrew Literature)
Day One |
Day Second |
Day Third |
Day Fourth |
Day Fifth |
Day the Sixth |
Yom hash-shab-bath Day the Sabbath
Targum Dialect of the Jews in Kurdistan
Day One of the Seven |
Day 2nd of the Seven |
Day 3rd of the Seven |
Day 4th of the Seven |
Day 5th of the Seven |
Day of Eve (of Sabbath)
yoy-met sha-bat kodesh Holy Sabbath Day
Ancient Syriac *Each day proceeds on, and belongs to the Sabbath
One into Sabbath |
Two into Sabbath |
Three into Sabbath |
Four into Sabbath |
Five into Sabbath |
Eve (of Sabbath)
Shab-ba-tho Sabbath
Chaldee Syriac Kurdistan and Urdmia, Persia
One into Sabbath |
Two into Sabbath |
Three into Sabbath |
Four into Sabbath |
Five into Sabbath |
Eve (of Sabbath)
Shap-ta Sabbath
Samaritan (Old Hebrew Letters) Nablus, Palestine
Day One |
Day Second |
Day Third |
Day Fourth |
Day Fifth |
Day Sixth |
Shab-bath Sabbath
Babylonian Euphrates & Tigris Valleys Mesopotamia (Written lang. 3800 B.C.)
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
Sa-ba-tu Sabbath
Assyrian Euphrates and Tigris Valleys, Mesopotamia
First |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
sa-ba-tu Sabbath
Arabic (Very old names)
Business Day |
Light Moon |
War Chief |
Turning Day or Midweek |
Familiar or Society Day |
Eve (of Sabbath)
Shi-yar Chief or Rejoicing Day
Arabic (Ancient and Modern) Westn. Asia, E,W & N. Africa
The One |
The Two |
The Three |
The Four |
The Fifth |
Assembly (day, Muham)
as-sabt The Sabbath
Maltese, Malta |
One (day) |
Two (and day) |
The 3 (3rd d.) |
The 4 (4th d.) |
Fifth (day) |
Assembly |
Is-sibt. The Sabbath
Ge-ez or Ethiopic Abyssinia (Ge-ez signifies "original")
One (day) |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Eve (of Sabbath) |
san-bat Sabbath
Tigre Abyssinia (Closely related to Ge-ez)
One (First day) |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Eve (of Sabbath) |
san-bat Sabbath
Amharic, Abyssinia (Nearly related to Ge-ez)
One |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Eve (of Sabbath) |
san-bat Sabbath
Falasha (Language of the Jews of Abyssinia)
One |
Second |
Third |
Fourth |
Fifth |
Sixth |
yini sanbat The Sabbath
Coptic / Egypt (A dead lang. for 200 years)
The First Day |
The 2nd Day |
The 3rd Day |
The 4th Day |
The 5th Day |
The 6th Day |
pi sabbaton The Sabbath
Orma or Galla South of Abyssinia (This language has two sets of names, the first being the oldest)
Lady, Virgin Mary Day. Great or Festival Sabbath
Second day. First Trade Day
3rd Day to the Sabbath. Second Trade Day
4th day to the Sabbath. Fourth (day)
Fifth (day) |
Assembly (day) |
Last day of the half-week inclusive of 4th day. Little or Humble or Solemn Sabbath (A day of no ceremonial display and no work)
Tamashek or Towarek. (From ancient Lybian or Numidian). Atlas Mountains, Africa.
First day |
Second day |
Third day |
Fourth day |
Fifth day |
Assembly Day |
a-hal es-sabt. The Sabbath Day
Kabyle or Berber. (Ancient Numidian) North Africa
Day the One (First) |
Day the Two (2nd) |
Day the Three (3rd) |
Day the Four (4th) |
Day the Fifth |
The Assembly Day |
ghas or wars assebt The Sabbath Day
Hausa (Central Africa)
The One (1st) |
The Two (2nd) |
The Three (3rd) |
The Four (4th) |
The Fifth |
The Assembly |
assebatu The Sabbath
Urdu or Hindustani (Muhammadan and Hindu, India) (Two names for the days)
One to Sabbath. Sunday |
2nd to Sabbath. Moon-day |
3rd to Sabbath. Mars |
4th to Sabbath. Mercury |
5th to Sabbath. (Eve of Juma) |
Assembly (day) |
sanichar - Saturn shamba - Sabbath
Pashto or Afghan Afghanistan
One to the Sabbath |
Two to Sabbath |
Three to Sabbath |
Four to Sabbath |
Five to Sabbath |
Assembly (day) |
khali - Unemployed-day, Shamba - Sabbath
| The table above includes some of the oldest languages known to man. One of these, the Babylonian language, was in use hundreds of years before the Hebrew race was founded by Abraham. That language designated the seventh day of the week as "sa-ba-tu," meaning rest day -- another indisputable proof that the Bible "Sabbath" was not, and is not, exclusively Jewish.
Very few realize that the word "Sabbath" and the concept of resting from work on the seventh day of the week (Saturday) is common to most of the ancient and modern languages of the world. This is evidence totally independent of the Scriptures that confirms the Biblical teaching that God's seventh day Sabbath predates Judaism. The concept of a Saturday holy day of rest was understood, accepted, and practiced by virtually every culture from Babylon through modern times.
In the study of the many languages of mankind you will find two important facts:
1. In the majority of the principal languages the last, or seventh, day of the week is designated as "Sabbath."
2. There is not even one language which designates another day as the "day of rest."
From these facts we may conclude that not only those people who called the last day of the week "Sabbath," but all other peoples and races, as far as they recognized any day of the week as "Sabbath," rested on the seventh day. In fact, it was recorded by the great historian, Socrates, that in his time the whole known world, with the exception of Rome and Alexandria, observed the seventh day of the week.
"The people of Constantinople, and almost everywhere, assemble together on the Sabbath, as well as on the first day of the week, which custom is never observed at Rome or at Alexandria." Socrates, "Ecclesiastical History," Book 7, chap.19.
Another interesting fact is that the words in the original languages that are used to designate the seventh day of the week as the "Sabbath" have continued to be very similar while the other words have been so changed over time that they are unintelligibel to people of other language groups. This another proof that the Sabbath and the words used to designate the seventh day of the week as the "Sabbath day" originated at Creation in complete harmony with the Biblical record found in Genesis 2:1-3.
Language List
Language Greek Latin (Italy) Spanish (Spain) Portuguese (Portugal) Italian (Italy) French (France) High German (Germany) Prussian (Prussia) Russian (Russia) Polish Hebrew Afaghan Hindustani Persian Arabic Turkish Malay Abyssinian Lusatian (Saxony) Bohemian Bulgarian (Bulgaria) New Slovenian (Illyria, in Austria) Illyrian (Dalmatia, Servia) Wallachian (Roumania or Wallachia) Roman (Sapin, Catalonia) Ecclesiastical Roman (Italy) D'oc. French (ancient and modern) Norman French (10th -11th Centuries) Wolof (Senegambia, West Africa) Congo (West Equatorial Africa) Orma (South of Abyssiania) Kazani - TARTAR (East Russia) Osmanlian (Turkey) Arabic (Very old names) Ancient Syriac Chaldee Syriac (Kurdistan,Urumia,Persia) Babylonian Syriac (A Very Old Language) Maltese (Malta) Ethiopic (Abyssinia) Coptic (Egypt) Tamashek (Atlas mountains, Africa) Kabyle (North Africa, Ancient Numidan) Hausa (Central Africa) Pasto (Afghanistan) Pahlivi (ancient Persian)
Persian (Persia) Armenian (Armenia) Kurdish (Kurdistan) Ndebele (Zimbabwe) Shona (Zimbabwe)
Miscellaneous Middle Ages Languages Georgian (Caucasus) Suanian (Caucasus) Ingoush (Caucasus) Malayan (Malaya, Sumatra) Javanese (Java) Dayak (Borneo) Makassar (s. Celebes & Salayer islands) Malagassy (Madagascar) Swahili (east equatorial Africa) Mandingo (west Africa, s. of Senegal) Teda (central Africa) Bornu (central Africa) Logone (central Africa) Bagrimma (central Africa) Maba (central Africa) Permian (Russian) Votiak (Russian)
Word for Saturday/7thDay Sabbaton Sabbatum Sábado Sabbado Sabbato Samedi Samstag Sabatico Subbota Sobota Shabbath Shamba Shamba Shambin Assabt Yomessabt Ari-Sabtu Sanbat Sobota Sobota Subbota Sobota Subota Sambata Dissapte Sabbatum Dissata Sabbedi Alere-Asser Sabbado or Kiansbula Zam-ba-da Subbota Yome-es-sabt Shi-yar Shab-ba-tho Shaptu
Is-sibt San-bat Pi sabbaton A-hal es-sabt Ghas assebt Assebatu Shamba Shambid
Shambah Shapat Shamba Sabatha Sabata
Shabati Sammtyn Shatt Hari sabtu Saptoe or saptu Sabtu Sattu Alsabotsy As-sabt Sibiti Essebdu Assebdu Se-sibde Sibbedi Sab Subota Subbota
Meaning Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath day Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath The Sabbath Day Sabbath Day Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Day Sabbath Sabbath Day Sabbath Sabbath Day Last Day Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath day of the Sabbath Chief or rejoicing day Sabbath Sabbath
the Sabbath Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath the Sabbath day the Sabbath Sabbath (pleasantest day of the week) Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath
Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath day Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath The Sabbath The Sabbath Sabbath The Sabbath The Sabbath The Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath Sabbath
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Updated:Nov 18th, 2009 - 20:31:16
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