Illuminati Illuminati The Illuminated Elders of the Illuminated angel of darkness who has transformed himself into an angel of light, by deception Have you searched far and wide for the identification of the so-called "Illuminati"? Only to find the knowers cannot identify them but give you details of an invisible unseen, untouchable mystical ghost? Not anymore, not only are they identified, but all proof has been exhibited here, of mankind's enemy, Chabad Lubavitch Illuminated Masters, which give council to All the Kings and the Richmen of the earth. It was not Weishaupt, House, Herzl, Balfour, Untermeir.....these were justnusefull idiots. It is not Blair, Bush, Putin, Soros, etc...again these are freemason useful idiots..... It is the Chassidim "Masters" the rabbi's of Talmud Bavli who are the controllers.... It is these whited Sepulchres full of dead mens bones who are of their father of lies in their synagogue of satan who give council to their own luciferian elect. The very same that Jesus warned you about.
Tanya- Igeret HaKodesh - Epistle 29 Moreover, even after G-d has radiated [a glimmer] of His blessed light, and has caused an emanation in the form of an evolution of numerous [descending] degrees, level beyond level, by way of intense contractions and numerous, immense garments [that obscure G-dliness] - these are familiar to those adept in the Esoteric Wisdom, [16] and in the Idra Rabba [17] these [contracted degrees of divine illumination] are referred to as "hairs".
You to can become Illuminated little righteous obedient goyim Noachides And in order for it to be able to absorb this degree of illumination, it must be equipped with the protective and receptive garments of the mitzvot (Noachide Laws) , as previously explained.
Geonim (pl. of gaon) Pharisees Torah luminaries; more specifically, the heads of the Babylonian academies after the composition of the *Talmud Kabbalah (lit., "received tradition"): the Jewish mystical tradition Zohar (lit., "radiance"): the classic text of the *Kabbalah
Who are these so called Illuminati? These who the sheep dog, pastors of the Talmudic Zionist Front report? This invisible group of men who control all of the affairs of all the worlds governments? This elite bunch who orchestrate the global finances and create wars? By reason of her costliness and in her were found all who have been slain upon the earth. If you have been following all previous stories and articles by now you know and understand who they are. But now we are going to identify the whores and whoremongers and their pimps by individual name. These you had better watch carefully. Ready? The Pharisees of the Sanhedrin of the Oral Tradition of the Babylonian Order of Nimrod the High Priest the High Pontifex Maximus who rules the Babylonian Talmudic controlled Jerusalem the whore and the Vatican II, Pontifex Maximus of Saturnis (Rome) Pontifex Maximus John Paul II, the daughter of the whore. Chabad Lubavitch, the sons of the synagogue of Satan, the Sofiet Bolshevik Rabbi's of the order of Nimrod and their mystical euphoric Olam Ha Ba "New World Order" and the coming of their god-man Moshiach
The people who have sold your freedom, traitors of America and traitors of God the Most High, Christ Jesus the Lord over all.
Do not make the mistake to take this information lightly. It is indeed a real danger for the freedoms of Christian Americans. Their laws and lobbying efforts have gone unchecked for decades, and it is these who are in control. It is these who were in control during the time of Jesus Christ Visitation. It is these Pharisees that the Lord clearly warned you about in these last days. The RebbeR. Menachem Mendel Schneerson (b. 1902), the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe; eldest son of the saintly kabbalist, R. Levi Yitzchak, rav of Yekaterinoslav; fifth in direct paternal line from the Tzemach Tzedek; son-in-law of the Rebbe Rayatz
POPE SEATED ON SATAN’S High Priesthood the Prophet of Baal's THRONE The coming false-Christ of the Babylonian Talmud, Moshiach ben Dovid will merge with his High Priest of Nimrod's Order soon, to establish the one world religion of their god, Satan. The Babylonian pagan worship of Nimrod, Semiramis, and the god-incarnate son extended throughout the entire world and eventually assumed the name of Trinitarian Christianity in Rome (Figure 3, pages 24, 25). Trinitarian paganism spread from Babylon to Rome by way of Pergamum. The Babylon Kings, who were descended from Nimrod, served as both king and priest of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion. As priests, they bore the title "Pontifex Maximus"125 or "Supreme Pontiff," meaning "supreme pathfinder" or "bridge maker," representing "the path or connection between this life and the next."126 They ruled upon the throne of Satan, which is the throne of Nimrod as the "hidden god."127 The last king to reign in Babylon was Belshazzar, who celebrated the pagan Babylonian ritual using the sacred Jewish temple vessels which his father King Nebuchadnezzar confiscated from the Jewish temple in 587 B.C.:
After the death of Belshazzar in 539 B.C., the Persian Emperor Cyrus conquered Babylon and forced the Babylonian princes to flee to Pergamum. They continued their reign there as priest-kings of Babylonian paganism.129 In 133 B.C., Attalus III, the last Babylonian King to rule in Pergamum, willed his dominions to the Roman Caesar, and the kingdom of Pergamum merged with the Roman Empire along with Satan-Nimrod’s throne and the title "Pontifex Maximus."130 In 63 B.C., Julius Caesar, who had been elected Pontifex Maximus, became emperor of Rome and vested the office of Roman emperor with the priestly powers and functions of the Babylonian Pontiff.131 Henceforth, the title Pontifex Maximus was used by the Roman Caesars as illustrated on a Roman coin depicting the image of Augustus Caesar (27 B.C.-14 A.D.) with his title "Pont. Max.," which is an abbreviation of Pontifex Maximus (Figure 4, page 26). Thus, the Roman emperors, like the preceding Babylonian emperors, now served as priests of Babylonian paganism, and bore the title Pontifex Maximus. For centuries, Pergamum remained the site of Nimrod’s throne. With the appearance of Christianity, Babylonian paganism threatened the early Christian church of Pergamum as related in the Revelation given by Jesus to His Apostle John, who referred to Pergamum as the seat of Satan’s throne which is Nimrod’s throne:
In 376 A.D., Gratian became the first Roman emperor to refuse the idolatrous title of Pontifex Maximus.133 He presented the Babylonian Throne, or Satan-Nimrod’s Throne to the bishop of Rome.134 By this time, the Roman bishops had advanced in political power, and in 378 A.D., Bishop Damasus was elected Pontifex Maximus, becoming the official pagan Babylonian priest seated on Satan’s throne in Rome. As such, the bishop converted the pagan Babylonian temples of Rome into Trinitarian Christian churches and introduced the worship of Nimrod, Semiramis and the god-incarnate son under the respective titles of "god the father," "god the son" and "god the holy spirit." All the pomp and ceremony that existed in ancient Babylon was now practiced as Roman Trinitarian Christianity. Before the Babylonian conversion into Trinitarian Christianity, the early Christians were a small cult surrounded by numerous Babylonian pagan temples. Historians, however, relate the amazing "overnight" conversion of Romans to Trinitarian Christianity, which coincided to a remarkable and unprecedented disappearance of paganism.135 In actuality, the Roman pagans did not convert to Trinitarian Christianity; but rather, Bishop Damasus exercised his authority as head of Babylonian paganism in Rome, and replaced all the Christian elders with pagan priests and continued the practice of the pagan Babylonian Mystery religion under the name of Trinitarian Christianity. Henceforth, all the bishops of Rome have donned the robes of Nimrod along with the title of Pontifex Maximus. The Roman Catholic bishops were viewed by most Christians as head of Trinitarian Christianity, and entitled pope or "pater patrum" in Latin, that is, "father of the fathers,"136 despite the fact that Jesus the Christ forbid His followers to refer to anyone as father except for the heavenly Father:
Thus, like the Babylonian emperors and the Roman Caesars before them, the pagan Roman Catholic popes were seated on the throne of Satan, and possessed the title Pontifex Maximus140 as displayed on a medal portraying Pope Leo X (1513-1521 A.D.) with the inscription "Pont. Max." (Figure 4). Further evidence supports the fact that the papal office is the pagan Babylonian priesthood. Roman Catholic popes not only bear the title Pontifex Maximus and are seated on Satan-Nimrod’s throne, but they also wear the scarlet robes of Nimrod and the miter of the fish-god Dagon, plus they carry the shepherd’s crook of Nimrod and the mystical keys of Janus and Cybele, who were the pagan god and goddess representing Nimrod and Semiramis respectively.141 The Roman bishops wore only white robes until they received Satan’s throne and the title Pontifex Maximus.142 Roman Catholic popes and cardinals now wear the scarlet robes of Nimrod. The shepherd’s crook or crosier carried by the pope is the magical crook traced directly to Nimrod who was the first shepherd king.143 The miter worn by the pope represents the mouth of a fish and was worn by the pagan Philistine fish-god Dagon,144 which is another name for Nimrod (Figure 5, page 30).145 Also, the tiara worn by the popes is identical in shape to that worn by the Philistine fish-god Nimrod.146 Notes 125. The Two Babylons, pp. 240-252. 126. PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. Baker’s Pocket Dictionary of Religious Terms. 127. The Two Babylons, pp. 275, 276. 128. Daniel 5:1-30. 129. The Two Babylons, pp. 240, 241. 130. ibid, p. 241. 131. Babylon Mystery Religion, p. 80; The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, pp. 66, 67. 132. Revelation 2:12-17. 133. Babylon Mystery Religion, p. 80; The Two Babylons, pp. 238, 247-252. 134. The Two Babylons, pp. 247, 248. 135. ibid., pp. 250, 251. 136. Babylon Mystery Religion, p. 83; The Catholic Encyclopedia, volume 10, p. 403. 137. RABBI. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. 138. POPE. Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. 139. Matthew 23:8-10. 140. PONTIFEX MAXIMUS. Supreme Pathfinder ... the pope. Baker’s Pocket Dictionary of Religious Terms. 141. Babylon Mystery Religion, pp. 83-90; The Two Babylons, pp. 206-218. 142. Babylon Mystery Religion, p. 111. 143. CROSIER. Baker’s Pocket Dictionary of Religious Terms; The Two Babylons, p. 217. 144. The Two Babylons, pp. 216, 217. 145. ibid., pp. 114, 215, 252. 146. ibid., pp. 216, 217. ____________________________
Christian Worship and the Sabbath DayChristian belief is manifested in what is practiced: Christianity is not just philosophy or speaking spiritual words, it is also the practice and life-style of good deeds which demonstrate our commitment to Jesus Christ. Being a Christian is a Way of life, based upon what is believed to be true. In order to not be mislead into believing errors, it is important for Christians to always question what is taught to them. The Scriptures remind Christians that it is not for them to make judgments about another Christian's Spiritual status: these questions and judgments are to be left to God. However, even without judging the person, it can be agreed that God tells Christians not to practice errors, nor to be unrighteousness (I John 3:7) and to be holy just as God is holy (I Peter 1:15). Therefore, what may be said is that a Christian is not supposed to practice errors, and should therefore earnestly avoid being deceived into doing so. The Most Widely Accepted Error In Modern ChristianityDoing a little historical research into the Christian Sabbath Day, it becomes obvious that a major deception has been promulgated for multitudinous generations: For over 1,600 years the majority of the Christian world has been taught, and has accepted without question, that Sunday is the Christian's day of worship. Yet the Scriptures, historical records, and direct quotations from every major Christian denomination, all agree that this commonly taught belief is a blatant error. The truth is that God's Sabbath day has always been the seventh day of the week-(which today is called) Saturday. his deception regarding Sunday (as being the Christian day of worship) has been passed down since the fourth century A.D.; most people who believe this lie have themselves not questioned it by comparing the history and doctrines of their church with the teachings of the Bible. As both the Scriptures and historical records show, there have always been large numbers of Christians, found throughout the world, who worship Jesus Christ on the Sabbath day, rather than on Sunday. Even the great Protestant missionary movement of the last two centuries discovered previously established and thriving villages of Sabbathkeeping Christian congregations in China, Asia, South America, Africa, and the Pacific Islands. The practice of going to worship services on the day of the Sun (Sunday) instead of on the Sabbath day is a deception that was literally forced upon the congregations which were within the Roman Empire. At that time, congregations outside of the Roman Empire were not influenced so directly, and continued to worship on the Sabbath day. Even within the Roman Empire, the practice of Sunday worship was not part of the earliest Christian communities-including the Gentile communities. As historical records show, this deception was not made into a "Christian tenet of faith" until over 300 years (between ten to fifteen generations) after Jesus Christ's resurrection. Though some scholars claim to have found a reference a congregation holding worship Services on Sunday as early as 115 A.D, it is still admitted that prior to that all Christians everywhere, including Gentile Christians, worshipped Jesus Christ on the Sabbath Day. The Sunday worship deception was proclaimed as "truth" by a decree of the Bishop at Rome (circa 325-333 A.D.). The record of historical documents shows that his purpose was to separate Christianity from the Jewish religion as far as possible. At the same time, it was decreed to keep the festival of Easter (Ishtar) instead of the Passover. Most older encyclopedias describe these events under the title "Quarto-Deciman Controversy." These (and other) decrees by the Bishop of Rome were the cause of the first major (international) split in the church, whereby most of the other Bishops (there were 14 other major Bishops) refused to go along with the decrees. Their reply (also preserved in historical documents) declared that the Roman Bishop's mixing of Christianity with Sun-god worship was unacceptable; as a result, most outside Christian congregations (which were beyond the threat of Roman armies) rejected the Roman Bishop's decree, and continued as before-to worship Jesus Christ on Saturday. Upon "all" other believers, the practice of going to church on Sunday was forced by decree-punishable by death or slavery-and was enforced by the Roman government's army and judicial system. Many Christians within the Roman domain lost their lives, or were forced into slavery as the Roman armies imposed the Sunday worship decrees. Later, this practice included forcing all businesses to close and everyone (whole villages) to attend Sunday worship in "mass." Further, businesses were forced to be open on Saturdays, and work schedules had to include working on Saturdays. By the Crusades of the Middle Ages, the practice of Papal coercion included converting new members into the fold of the Roman Catholic Church by forcing them, at sword point, for confessions (oaths) and to submit to water baptism. This was often how mass groups of entire villages were "converted." As a result of such severe enforcement, over the course of many years, the western culture was transformed to regard Saturday as the opposite of God's Sabbath day, believing it to be a day of business and labor. Likewise, Sunday is regarded as the opposite of the day of Baal-the day of the Sun-god; it is believed to be the day to worship Jesus Christ. Since our schools primarily teach history from the Roman point of view, people never hear about the much larger portion of Christians that remained faithful to the practice of worshipping God on Saturday-His memorial day of creation. Even having these facts behind the Sunday worship deception (since circa 330 A.D.), this deception has been taught as being the unquestioned "sacred" truth in most Christian denominations. Most Christians today, are completely unaware that there could possibly be any problem associated with worshipping God on the day of the sun, rather than on His Sabbath day. After all, one day honors the god of the sun, while the other day is the memorial of the creation by the Creator God. Creation WeekIn the book of Genesis, verses 1-25, the earth has been prepared for five days for God's creation of mankind. On the sixth day God created the first man and woman: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps upon the earth" (v. 26). "And God saw every thing that he had made, and behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day" (v. 31). On the seventh day God created the Sabbath Day: "Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from all his work which He had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had rested from all His work which God created and made" (Gen. 2:1-3). There are two Hebrew words in verses 2 and 3 that should be understood before proceeding, because they specify how the Creator God views the Sabbath Day: The Hebrew word 'quadash': The word translated as "sanctified", comes from the Hebrew word 'quadash', and means "to be hallowed, holy, to consecrate, prepare, dedicate," and is a denominative verb. The verb 'quadash', being a denominative verb, connotes the state of that which belongs in the realm of what is sacred. Thus, a "sanctified" object is distinct from the "common or profane" object. Therefore, the seventh day is distinct and set apart as being holy time, in the realm of what is sacred, in contrast to the other six days. It is a separated time, from the rest of time. The Hebrew word 'barak': The word translated as "blessed", is the Hebrew word 'barak', and means "to kneel, praise or salute." The word's major function is to confer honor, worship, high esteem and acknowledgment. For God to bless, as in Genesis 2:2-3, means that God has taken notice of the seventh day, and has saluted it with His favorable esteem. From these verses in Genesis it is apparent that the seventh day of the week has a very special significance to God, since He gave it a special blessing and then set it apart as being sacred time. From the very beginning of creation, God intended Adam and Eve, and all their children, to keep the seventh day as holy time. This is the one day a week specifically reserved to worship God and remember His creation. Also of note is that God's sanctification of the Sabbath day had nothing whatsoever to do with the law of Moses, the Ten Commandments, or sacrificing animals. In contrast, it is important to note that the first day of the week (Sunday) was not sanctified by God anywhere in the Scriptures-neither in the old or the new covenant. Sunday worship was never introduced by God-but was, and is, a creation and institution of men. The Seven Day Weekly CycleIt is not by accident that all world governments use exactly the same seven day weekly cycle. Even though each culture has a different name for each day, different names for the months, or different numbers for the year, they all use the same seven day cycle, called a week. Of course men have invented other "weeks", but the seven day week has always prevailed throughout history. Upon checking the common Gregorian calendar [with the exception of some calendars which are numbered for banking or accounting purposes], you will find, looking from left to right, that Sunday is the first day of the week, followed in order by [second] Monday, [third] Tuesday, [fourth] Wednesday, [fifth] Thursday, [sixth] Friday, and [seventh] Saturday. Saturday is the seventh day of the week in our modern world wide culture. If you have an opportunity to check older calendars, dating back as far as you can find, even from other countries, you will find the same relationship between Saturday and Sunday. Sunday is the first day of the week, and Saturday is the seventh day of the week. Further, it has been established that this seven-day weekly cycle has never been disrupted or broken, even back to the time of Adam and Eve. Through archaeological digs, many ancient manuscripts have been found dating back to events occurring in each of the centuries between today and 600 B.C. These manuscripts provide recorded dates of astronomical events, dates of monumental battles, dates of weddings, dates of business transactions, and some even include references to the Sabbath day. In every instance where a date is specified, and also provides reference to a Sabbath day, that date and the Sabbath day match exactly to demonstrate that the seven day weekly cycle has never been disrupted. Calendar systems have come and gone, but the seven day weekly cycle has perpetuated throughout history. One example is found in "The Talmud the Steinsaltz Edition", Volume XIV Tractate Ta'anit Part II ( 1995 by Israel Institute for Talmudic Publications and Milta Books), pages 205-206. It says the following regarding the destruction of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem-built by Solomon, and destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar's army: Page 205: "Then late on the day of the ninth, close to nightfall, they set the Temple on fire, and it continued to burn the entire next day, on the tenth." Page 206: "When the Temple was destroyed for the first time at the hands of Nebuzaradan [captain of the guard], that day was the ninth of Av, and it was the day following Shabbat, and it was the year following the Sabbatical Year.... And similarly when the Temple was destroyed a second time at the hands of Titus, the destruction occurred on the very same day, on the ninth of Av." In II Kings 25:8-9 we learn that this event occurred in the nineteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar. These ancient records provide a clear example of reporting both a known event, the destruction of Solomon's temple, and that event happening relative to a Sabbath day. The ending of the Sabbath day would be at sunset, as the Babylonian / Jerusalem calendar's day ends at sunset. For this same reason, the ninth of Ab would start at sunset, extending for about 24 hours after that, through Sunday afternoon, to the next sunset. Therefore the first temple was destroyed starting on Saturday evening, in the nineteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar. By other analysis, Nebuchadnezzar's nineteenth year can be calculated to be in 587 B.C. In that year the ninth of Ab unmistakably began at sunset on Saturday night. Thus, two historical records reference a weekday Sabbath, relative to a month, day, and specific year. The fact that they match demonstrates that the identification of which week day is the Sabbath day has not been corrupted for the last 2500 years, between now and 587 B.C. As a related historical note, the second temple was likewise destroyed by the Roman army under Titus in 70 A.D. In 70 A.D., the ninth of Ab also began at sunset on Saturday night, just as with the first destruction. Since God, after the exodus circa 1450 B.C., used the laying out of the manna to demonstrate which days were work days and which day was the Sabbath day of rest, it is certain that the weekly seven-day cycle has not been interrupted throughout most of the Bible's historical time frame, from Moses to Jesus. The History Of Sun WorshipAttending worship services on Sunday did not begin with the advent of Christianity. Sunday, the first day of the week, has been a religious day of worship throughout history. The activity of worshipping 'god' on Sunday was intentionally used to distinguish those who worshipped "the Mother and Child", in contrast to those who worshipped the "Invisible Creator God" on the seventh day of the week. This alternative worship system began over 4300 years ago with Nimrod (Osirus), a man who rebelled against God, and was deified by Semiramis (Isis), his sister and wife. Shortly after the great flood, during the life time of Shem, a son of Noah, Nimrod and his sister, named Semiramis, founded the great religions which have survived to this day. Nimrod rebelled against God, and set himself up as a 'local' deity. He married his sister, Semiramis, and together they started an underground (hidden or occult) priesthood with worship ceremonies. This was done in rebellion to the priesthood sanctified by God, represented through Noah and Shem. Shem, upon hearing of Nimrod's activities, and after repeated warnings, gathered an army and sought to capture him. Nimrod fled, but was eventually captured and executed for his rebellion. The execution included the cutting of Nimrod into many pieces, whereby each piece was sent to a specific region of the world as proof of his death and as a warning against following his rebellious religion. Semiramis, upon hearing of the death of her husband, sought after and gathered each piece of Nimrod and reconstructed his body. She then had sexual intercourse with the body of Nimrod (more probably with her high priest) who allegedly became alive again long enough for her to conceive. Later, Semiramis bore "Nimrod's only Son" called "Ninus (Horus), the savior", and claimed that she supernaturally conceived the child. As proof that the child was the reincarnated Nimrod, only taking the form of a child, Semiramis claimed that she witnessed an evergreen branch grow out of a dead log in one night, the same night the child was born. (This is the yule-log as it is known today.) Later, Semiramis was deified into the title of "The Mother, The Queen of Heaven", and the child-savior was portrayed as a child-god held in her arms. The first "mother and child" nativity story was told over 4300 years ago, 2300 years before Jesus the Messiah was born. Incidentally, Ninus is listed as being the second Pharaoh of Egypt, and started the practice of believing that the King is also 'a god', and sun-day-worship. The concept of a god-king has prevailed many times throughout history, and is still held to be true in Japan, believing that the emperor is a god. Today, archaeologists find remains of temples and idols all over the world having the same common religious theme, the theme of the "Mother and Child" being worshipped as the "Queen of Heaven, and her child-god the 'savior'". For instance, in Babylon they worshipped a "Goddess Mother" and a "Son of God", who was represented as an infant in his mother's arms. In Egypt the Mother and Child was worshipped under the names of Isis and Osiris. In India they still are worshipped as Isi and Iswara. In Asia they were worshipped as Cybele and Deoius. In Rome as Fortuna and Jupiter-puer, or Jupiter the boy. Other eastern nations worshipped Rhea, the "Great Goddess Mother". In Greece as Ceres the "Great Mother" with "the babe" at her breast, or else as Irene the "Goddess of Peace" and the boy Plutus. Even in the Orient the Jesuit missionaries were astonished to find the counterpart of the Madonna and her child being worshipped as Shing Moo, the Holy Mother and the "child in her arms". (Reference: "The Two Babylons", by Rev. Alexander Hislop. 1916. Loizeaux Brothers, Inc. Reference: "Babylon Mystery Religion", by Ralph Woodrow. 1981.) It is well known by Bible scholars and archaeologists that the gods and goddesses of the ancient civilizations prior to Christianity were all started by one and the same false religion. In these false religious alternatives, "The Lord" was represented by the sun, and therefore those who worship "The Lord," worship him on his day, or sun-day. Israel And Sun-Day WorshipBy studying the Bible Christians know that one of the main false religions that the Israelites followed, when they departed away from God's way, was to practice the worship of Baal. Baalism is known to be a religion of sun worship. The word translated as "Baal" is from the ancient Hebrew language and means "The Lord." When ancient Israel worshipped Baal they kept Sunday, because Baal-worship was sun-worship, and sun-day is the day when the sun is worshipped. As sun-day was Baal's day, or the Lord's day, the ancient Israelites began to keep the first day of the week as their day of worship, in contrast to God's worship day, the seventh day of the week. The contrast between Sunday worship and Sabbath-Day worship is not confusing. It is historical and straight forward. Readers of the Bible do not become confused when they read the scriptures and find that the Israelites rebelled against God by worshipping "The Lord." They do not become confused by thinking that "The Lord" (Baal) is just another name for "The invisible Creator God," and then begin to wonder why God is all upset about a simple name variation? The worship of Baal, whether you call it the worship of "The Lord" or call it something else, is distinguished from the worship of the true Creator God by what they did, not the words they used to describe their deity. What they did was worship "their god" on sun-day, called it worshipping "The Lord," and thereby denied the Creator God who decreed that He is to be worshipped on His Creation-Day, Saturday. History Of The Authority Of The PopeAs part of the doctrine of the sun-worship religion, they believed that the king, or emperor, was the direct representative of the sun god on earth. As such, the king was more than just mortal, but was king-god, or god-king. He was the only one in whom the highest level of the spirit of the sun-deity resided. This 'spirit' was not the Holy Spirit of God, but the 'spirit' of the sun. This is why the pagan emperors were worshipped as god. The religious center representing sun-worship was transferred from Babylon, after the death of Belshazzar, to the city of Pergamos in Asia Minor, about 575 B.C. In Revelation 2:13, Pergamos is called "Satan's seat," and was the headquarters of the original Babylonian sun-worship until Imperial Rome began to take over the leadership around 50 B.C. This began in the person of Julius Caesar when, as emperor, he had supreme civil and religious rule. "... When Julius Caesar, who had previously been elected Pontifex Maximus, became also, as Emperor, the supreme civil ruler of the Romans, then as head of Roman religion, all the powers and functions of the true legitimate Babylonian Pontiff were supremely vested in him, and he found himself in a position to assert these powers" (From Sabbath to Sunday, Samuele Bacchiocchi, 1977, p. 241). In the year 46 B.C., Julius Caesar was made "Praefectus Morum" (supervisor of morals); that is, he was made head of Roman religions. In the year 44 B.C., he was made dictator for life (see Langer's Encyclopedia of World History). It is essential to understand that from that time forward, the Emperor of Rome was also head of the state religions. This did not change until Emperor Justinian, who reigned from 527-565 A.D., submitted to the head of the Roman Catholic Church. From that time forward, the Pope was acknowledged by the Emperor to be Pontifex Maximus over all religion. The Pope now had supreme authority in religious matters and the Emperors had control of the political power of the state.(... End of first half....Part Two next issue!) The very same Pontifex Maximus High Priesthood of the Babylonian Talmudic Sanhedrin and all of its wizards the Chabad Lubavitch unto their g-d Baal and their false-Church of Rome the Pontifex Maximus has finally been rejoined to establish the World Religion of Satan, Talmudic Pontifex Maximus the Prophet of their soon to be anointed but Temporary Moshiach ben Satan, false-Christ, their god of this world. But they shall fail to establish their Vision, for the Lord Jesus Christ the True King of the Universe will bring in the True Zion to Jerusalem and God's True Chosen, they who were purchased by the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant, the Lamb of God the Most High, Christ Jesus. It was and continues to be these sons of the synagogue of Satan who hate Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty. It is and was these Pharisees of the Babylonian god tradition the rabbi's of the great Sanhedrin who made void the word of God the Most High with their oral traditions of the Babylonian High Priesthood's Order of Nimrod, the Pontifex Maximus. It is and has been and will continue to be them who in their Mishnah Tractate Sanhedrin who so detest Gentile's that they say a Gentile deserves death if he worships on the Sabbath day, thus the control of the Rome Pontifex Maximus was to cause the Gentiles to worhip on their actual god Baal's day, the Sun god's day the sun-day. It was them who sent their Pontifex Maximus in the Order of Babylon to cause any who would worship after Jesus Christ, to establish another day of celebrating the birth of Immanuel into their sun-god baal. Thus the day of the new birth of the sun, after winter soltice, December 25, the day the sun has finished the old round and begins the New Year round. This god, Baal who was and is none other than Nimrod, was represented as a fir tree which became known to the pagan's guided by the Talmudic controll as a christ-mas tree. The yule log was a growth of that fir tree, Nino's the son of Nimrod. Thus Jeremiah 10:
This Illustration was posted to educate apathetic sleeping "Judeo-Churchizionians of the influences at work to undermine the Christ-mas celebration. The author of this work, has attempted to coerce and threaten to have it removed. Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 7:56 AM
Subject: Fw: Illustration on your site-- please take off immediately
----- Original Message ----- From: "nina frenkel" <nina@speakeasy.org> To: <debbie@samliquidation.com> Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2003 10:55 AM Subject: Illustration on your site-- please take off immediately > To Whom it May Concern at Sam Liquidation.com, > > I discovered that you used without my permission the attached illustration > of a boy and his father lighting a menorah atop a tree, on your website: > file:///C:/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/illuminati.htm > > The illustration is under my copyright and is under contract for sole > publication by Microsoft Corporation unless permission is granted by the > illustrator. I did not make any arrangements with your organization for the > online publication of this illustration, and so this is against the law. > > Please remove this illustration immediately, and please send me an email to > let me know. > > thank you, > > Nina Frenkel > sorry nina. That site is for education purpose only and is not used for monetary gain. No one is using your intellectual material for commerce.
Obviously Ms. Frenkel does not understand that just like her and her un-authorized articles and pics of others, that I am a good and Loyal customer to Microsoft exercising my so-called right of free speech. Yet again the cries of "anti-Semitism" that oppressive word will probably be used against me, an opposer of "False Zion" _________________
Now, the Roman Pontifex Maximus has totally rejoined the Babylonian Talmudic Pontifex Maximus to establish their soon to be King over Babylon the Mystery Revived. It is them who have the so called Judeo Christianity which is contrary and cannot be conciled who have the apostate Churchizionians wailing for Tammuz with them for they are the sons of Satan who have propagated this other name for Jesus Christ which too is a great lie. Yeshu is in their own words an acronym for "May his name be blotted out forever" The followers of "that man," whose name is taken by the Jews to mean "May his name and memory be blotted out," are not otherwise to be regarded than as people whom it would be good to get rid of. They are called Romans and tyrants who hold captive the children of Israel, and by their destruction the Jews would be freed from this Fourth Captivity. Every Jew is therefore bound to do all he can to destroy that impious kingdom of the Edomites (Rome) which rules the whole world. Since, however, it is not always and everywhere possible to effect this extermination of Christians, the Talmud orders that they should be attacked at least indirectly, namely: by injuring them in every possible way, and by thus lessening their power, help towards their ultimate destruction. Wherever it is possible a Jew should kill Christians, and do so without mercy. The Roman Pontifex Maximus as most Telly Tubby Televangelist are declaring now that the Jew does not need the only way in which to enter the Kingdom of God the narrow gate, Christ Jesus. The Everlasting Covenant made with Isaac. Pontifex Maximus John Paul II shown kissing the Koran which the Pontifex Maximus Order of Nimrod's Babylonian Talmudic Pharisees control. And they willfully do not want to enter the Kingdom of the Lord God almighty but choose instead another kingdom, the kingdom of the god that they chose over the WORD, their kingdom where they want a flesh Lord over them, behold their Olam Ha Ba where they will rule supreme, the Master race, temporary though it will be. The Liars in sheeps clothing the wolves, the Zionist worshippers of their Talmudic god, propagate this great lie of Satan and have caused the Chosen Children of God, they who are purchased by the Everlasting Covenant of the Blood of the Lamb, Christ Jesus, to reject the Lamb as they have and be deceived that they will be rescued from the Great wrath of the Lamb on the day of the Lord. This is how the Order of Pontifex Maximus and the god of Babylon have taken the world with the approval of them who only give Jesus Christ lip service. For they would not see and did not believe the Truth, and God has sent unto them a strong delusion so that they would believe the Lie of the great Liar, Satan. Not only will they not enter into the Kingdom of the Lord Most High, but they will rush to embrace this god of the Talmudic Jews, the Moshiach ben Satan and his High Priest the prophet of Baal. After all, this is what they have already agreed to themselves. Jesus Christ will arrive as on schedule, as he has already told us Matthew 24, and HE will bring God's true Zion and HE will bring God's Chosen, they who had faith in Christ Jesus and are the true seed of Abraham, for Abraham's God was and is the WORD which hath created everything which was and is created, Christ Jesus the Word of God who was with God and is God. For the Word and the Father and the Holy Spirt are ONE. It was the Pontifex Maximus who propagated the worship of Elohim (gods). It is the Chabad Lubavitch who are the Illuminated ones of their god, that Illuminate angel of darkness who has transformed himself into an angel of Light Babylonian Talmudic sons of Satan the Rabbi's of the Order of Nimrod, Chabad Lubavitch and their order of the Apostate obedient Noachides of Solomonic Freemasonry. Beware.
The Rebbe’s Revolution In 5762 Ten years passed. On the one hand, world-wide terror increased. On the other hand, the world continued to progress towards the time of the Rebbe Mendel Menachem Schneerson's revelation. Somehow, the Rebbe arranged it so that Bush’s son would become president too and complete what his father left unfinished.By Rabbi Naftali Estulin
Since the time has come for the revelation of the Rebbe MH"M, the U.S. has no choice, and must fulfill its destiny and instill the Sheva Mitzvos within all of humanity. "The Noachide Laws" http://www.beismoshiach.org/Moshiach/moshiach341.htm
http://www.lubavitch.com/article.asp?ID=39 Lieberman Joseph Lieberman and former senator Rudy Boschwitz. Lieberman, who ran with Al Gore in the last presidential campaign was the evening's keynote speaker. Senator Rudy Boschwitz, a prominent republican who served as state representative for Minnesota for many years, was honored at the dinner together with his wife.
Albert Gore
http://www.haruth.com/AsiaShanghaiVisit1.htm Hillary Clinton
http://rebbe.chabadonline.com/life/video/ Newt Gingrich
http://rebbe.chabadonline.com/life/video/ Bill Clinton
http://rebbe.chabadonline.com/life/video/ Congressman John Lewis
http://rebbe.chabadonline.com/life/video/ Margaret Thatcher
Welcome to Deep South Jewish Voice web.edition Congressman Richard Shelby R-ALabama Chabad Celebrities Celebrity guests include host Dennis Prager, Elliot Gould, Jon Voight, James Caan, Fyvush Finkel, Robert Guillaume, Renee Taylor, Joe Bologna, James Avery, Lesley Grossman, Ron Lester, Vic "the Brick" Jacobs, Dom DeLuise, Shelly Berman, Daryl Sabara, Dmitry "Star of David" Salita, Bob Saget, LA Dodgers, Howie Mandel, Regis,Celebrity Appearances include Elliott Gould, Jon Voight, James Caan, Melissa Gilbert, Tony Danza, Fyvush Finkel, Regis Philbin and Performances by David "Dudu" Fisher, Rebbe Soul Band, Andy Statman, Daniel Rodriguez, Robbie Britt and Elan.Sid Caesar, Bob Hope, Michael Douglas, Whoopi Goldberg, Shelley Winters, Tony Danza, Judd Nelson, Regis Philbin, Steve Allen, Edward James Olmos and Valerie Harper. In 1997, the cast of "Friends" produced a special segment that aired only on the telethon. One-time Chabad fellow traveler Bob Dylan has made four surprise appearances. Former Vice President Al Gore stumped for the cause three times.
These Chabad Centers are not about Goyim, but only about siphoning Billions from the useless Goy for their own ends Chabad-Lubavitch School To Receive Presidential Citation http://www.rickross.com/reference/lubavitch/lubavitch2.html A host of politicians, ambassadors and financial backers gathered at the center June 16 for its official opening. D.C. Mayor Anthony A. Williams proclaimed the day "American Friends of Lubavitch Day" and called the center "a spiritual and physical enhancement to the renewal of this city."
Other well-wishers included Agriculture Secretary Dan Glickman; Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Conn.); Reps. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.) and Peter Deutsch (D-Fla.); George Washington University President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg; and local philanthropists Estelle Gelman and Gerald Sigal. Other financial contributors were not present, but their names are posted in the entrance hall. Among them: international banker Edmundo Safdie; New York billionaire and Revlon executive Ronald O. Perelman; Boca Raton, Fla., entrepreneur Monte Friedkin, chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Committee; and Mel Sembler, finance chairman of the Republican National Committee and former envoy to Australia. Remember the De-Mize of the Demon-crats? On occasion, the rabbi has stepped beyond his clerical and counseling responsibilities to make a plea to Congress on behalf of all Jews. Last September, when Republican House leaders scheduled votes on the impeachment of President Clinton during High Holy Days, Shemtov visited the office of Rep. Richard K. Armey (R-Tex.) and persuaded him to change the schedule. Remember This same Dick Armey who put the small pox vaccine bill into the Homeland Security bill? This lying pig of the Chabad Lubavitch who would innoculate the masses with disease and pestilence But Moline perceives Chabad Lubavitch as being uncompromising in its view of Judaism and how Jews should practice their religion. Not only do Lubavitchers proselytize, a practice not common to Judaism, but the goal of their outreach programs is to bring all Jews "to a particular form of observance" that allows no variation, Moline said. The Jews do not need conversion saith Pontifex Maximus Dope Pope John Paul II Out with the Lord Jesus Christ and in with their Nimrodic Talmudic god Baal The U.S. 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that prisons need not provide inmates with Biblical commentary along with the Bible when - unlike the Talmud - it is not an essential part of one's religion, and thus not protected by First amendment rights In The Courts Babylonian Talmudic Sofiet Bolshevik sons of the synagogues of Satan who seek to destroy Christianity and the true Jews who are in congress and will make you all obedient Goyim Noachides Watch them carefully for they control the Bush-ka Regime The following is a list of Jewish members of the 108th Congress (2003-2004), alphabetical by State. The number of Jews in the Senate will rise from 10 to 11 (11%), and the number of Jews in the House of Representatives will remain at 26 (6%). They include 33 Democrats; 3 Republicans;; and 1 Independent. U.S. SENATE: U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES:
Beware...Beware...Beware...Bew Your so-called Telly Tubby Televangelist Judeo-Churchi-zionians are began propagating the coming Talmudic Moshiach, their god Baal who they chose over the Only Salvation, Christ Jesus the Lamb of God Almighty Before we continue let us look at a site of Talmudic Qabalah of the Order of Nimrod's Priesthood of Pontifex Maximus, the Pharisaic Chabad Lubavitch Sofiet Bolshevik sons of the synagogue of Satan, Zionist J.R Church and the Sky Angel Television Prophecy Series. http://www.prophecyinthenews.com/articledetail.asp?Article_ID=89
Tet = 9 After that, we find a passage that describes the nature of the aforementioned multitude. In suffering and torment, they have surmounted the horrors of the Tribulation, ultimately finding redemption and salvation. Their victory is perfectly illustrated by the letter tet, called the letter of "objective good." Its implicit idea is that the Lord’s will often comes through a time of suffering. But its end is blessed. It is this "good that appears evil," which we see here: Tzaddi=90 The letter of "righteousness and the righteous" is tzaddi. It lends its name to tzaddik, the Hebrew word for the "righteous man." Here, in the next occurrence of "Lamb," we see those who gained victory over the beast. They are praising the Lamb. By their actions, they have earned a special sort of recognition for their righteousness: Tzaddi Soffit=900 Finally, we come to the letter, tzaddi soffit. In its final form, it is said to resemble the "righteous man," standing straight and tall, with upraised arms in praise of the Lord: Yes they are propagating that JESUS is not the Messiah the Prince, but one is coming in his own name, Moshiach ben David the son of perdition, to be revealed. Tet Tzaddi Tzaddik The Babylonian Talmudic messiah, behold false-Christ the son of perdition.... These scum have been revealed.
NEWS BRIEF: "Imminent Arrival and Identity of King Messiah Proclaimed by Rabbis Worldwide", msn.com, quoting from Messiah Watch International, but officially announced on Art Bell Show, July 12, 2001, http://communities.msn.com/MessiahWatchInternational&naventryid=100 and Art Bell http://www.artbell.com/ These Hassidic Rabbis, also known as Lubavitchers, are followers of the ancient Mystic Jewish Oral Tradition known today as the Kabala [Spelled Cabala when it was "Christianized" during the Renaissance Period]. Before we go any further into this most exciting discussion, we need to stop to discuss what the Kabala is and why it is so very important to the appearance of false-Christ. The Kabala is the keystone of all Western occult thought and practice today, and is the cornerstone of belief for all Illumined Ones [Masters of the Illuminati] throughout the world. Whether an occultist is White Magic or Black Magick, their cornerstone of belief and thought is the Kabala. When false-Christ arises, he shall be basing his practice of the occult on the Jewish Kabala. (Dark Sentences) Thus, the irony is that, when Antichrist strides out of the newly-built Jewish Temple after committing the "Abomination of Desolation" and begins his effort to slaughter every Jew and Christian on earth, the Jewish Kabala will have provided the major impetus for his efforts! Indeed, the Kabala formed the cornerstone of Adolf Hitler's occult beliefs, so this terrible irony will strike the Jewish people twice in world history. Tet 9 Strength Serpent Tzaddi 90 The Star2Tzaddi Revelation, Meditation Star (or Emperor
Rv:13:18: Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
9-90-900 Hebrew Gematria left to right 600-60-6- 909009 http://www.torah.org/learning/hamaayan/5758/kisavo.html Also, the Hebrew representation of 99 is the letters "tzaddi- tet." The letter "tzaddi" is sometimes called "tzaddik." When the names of the letters "tzaddik-tet" are spelled out in Hebrew, the result is: "tzadi-dalet-yud-kuf-tet-taf," whose gematria is: 90+4+10+100+9+400 = 613. This teaches that the 99 punishments come to those who fail to observe the 613 mitzvot. In particular, we learn that G-d punishes us for failing to observe the positive commandments, something which is not mentioned in the Torah
In the Order of Nimrod's High Priesthood of Baal and the Apostate Solomic Freemasonry obedient Goyim of Noachide They are setting up their courts NOW!!!!! Where they will deliver you to be afflicted and slain where they think to do God a great service..... Death by decapitation http://www.torahcc.org/mishna/5762/27-01-02/friday.htm Torah has NOTHING to do with the Talmud Bavli the oral tradition of the Pharisees of the Sanhedrin the sons of the synagogue of Satan which made void the WORD of GOD the MOST HIGH. This is the evil perversion of Satan their g-d who was and is not the God of Abraham, the Word, the Creator, Christ Jesus. Sick and Satanic Perversion. Remember we are under Talmud Judaic Law since the House Joint Resolution Public Law 102-14 by George H. W. Bush and Talmudic Elder Chabad Lubavitch Rabbid Rabbeye Schneeeeerson, may his soul see eternal damnation.
If you hold firm for the testimony of Jesus Christ whom these sons of the synagogues of Satan, these Babylonian Talmudic Pharisees, Chabad Lubavitcher Sofiet Bolshevik authors of Darwin and creators of atheism, call the Lord Jesus Christ a bastard and the son of a whore and a Roman soldier, and gave you Judeo apostates the name Yeshu which in their volumes of evil is an acronym for "May his name be forever blotted out", you will be beheaded. Rv:20:4: And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Guillotines spotted in America http://www.geocities.com/ron_garon/UN_Boxcars.htm http://www.americanholocaust.50megs.com/ http://www.youdontsay.org/Report17.htm http://www.visi.com/~contra_m/cm/discuss/cm15_militia.html http://liberty.hypermart.net/Archives/02Archives/18-2-August.htm http://www.mt.net/~watcher/uselesseaters.html http://nwo-warning.tripod.com/nwo_guillotines.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.newswatchmagazine.org/powpict/home.htm http://www.gulagamerika.homestead.com/ http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/1994/vo10no22.htm http://www.despatch.cth.com.au/Transcripts/babylon_video_trans_hym.htm
See what the Jewish Congress has in mind for the United States of the Jurisdiction of Israel, enforced by the Great Sanhedrin of the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbi's and their Noachide Courts of Justice unto their god, Baal which they serve. The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists
Am I anti-Semitic? If the criteria used to guage my answer is that those I am anti-Semitic toward believe that Jesus is a Bastard and the son of a whore and a Roman Soldier and if one of those Semites are holders of the Talmud Bavli as their personal perverted and contrary to all men so-called holy mystical Satanic Magik of Darkness books, they are totally anti-Christ, then you can be assured.... I am 100% anti-Semitic toward a Talmudic Jew or a Talmudic obedient Noachide. Do I hate them? No But I do have a pure hatred of their system of pure manifest Satanic evil which will indeed be enforced by Talmudic Judaic law which is now Public Law imposed by the sons of the synagogue of Satan's Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaic Rabbi's and the righteous Noachide president of the United States George H. W. Bush the 33rd degree Freemason in their Talmudic Order of Shlomo (Solomon the apostate) And yes the Sanhedrin of evil which Ezekiel dug into the wall and saw the evil they did do there and the same Sanhedrin of the oral law of the sons of Baal will soon be raised. In the "Secret Chamber of Hewn stone" ten men of the bed of Shlomo will anoint this Moshiach, theirb mang-d to sit upon the Throne of David, once again bypassing the Lord of Lords and the King of the Jews, Christ Jesus. http://www.yerushalayim.net/torah/dafyomi/5763/100402.htm
Count the number of his name, this false-Messiah, their mere man god, Moshiach ben Dovid, with his mark of his name the star of David, the star of Moloch, his true name, Baal, Mithra, Osiris, Nimrod, etc.... Judeo-Christian Leaders Sell Bush's Iraq War
Numeric Values of the Ancient Letters:
Numeric Values of the "Modern" Finals:Koph final = 500 Mem final = 600 Nun final = 700Peh final = 800 Tzaddi final = 900 Check out this Babylonian Talmudic Nimrodic Cabala so -called Christian Liar site which will usher in the god of the sons of the synagogue of Satan http://www.eternitytemplefbc.org/mysteries.htm #9The Tet [ F ]Mystery Its form is that of the serpent who tempted Eve and Adam; also for "objective good." The seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman. From GOD'S point of view, the "good" things that we so deeply desire may actually be evil. Conversely, events that we regard as evil may in reality be good for us. - (Ephesians 3:9) "And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in GOD, who created all things by JESUS CHRIST:" #18 The tzaddi*[ c] Mystery Speech alone is not enough to empower the effective man of GOD. An old saying goes, "In order to talk the talk, you gotta' walk the walk." Paul tells Timothy about the behavior of the righteous in (I Timothy 3:16) "And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: GOD was manifest in the flesh, justified in the SPIRIT, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory #5 tzaddit, soffit [C] perfect righteousness. (*see #18 above) The final tzaddit, [C] represents the eternal counterpart of its normal sense. As previously mentioned, the normal tzaddi [ooc] represents the righteous Saint [tzaddik] in this world. He is shown on bended knee, with hands upraised toward God. However, the final tzaddi [C] represents the righteous man standing before God to receive the reward of his faith. The more he bends to God's will in this world, the straighter and taller he will stand in the kingdom of heaven. Yes they are propagating the coming Moshiach ben David, yes they are deceiving even the very elect if that were possible. And yes they who have fallen for the fables of the Talmudic Liars who call themselves Jew but do hate the Whore Jerusalem will decieve all whose names are not written in the Lambs Book of Life Slain since the foundation of the world....Beware this is not the ONLY MESSIAH THE PRINCE CHRIST JESUS..but an imposter who will stand in the Temple of God shewing that he is Christ as Christ exalting himself in his own name above everything which is worshipped of Christ Jesus and if you do not bow your knee and accept himself as God and the mark of his name that six pointed star to Molec (Baal) that they have made with their hands and the number of his name, this Final Tzaddi 990900 or Hebreqw left to right 909009- universal 600606, six hundred three score and six, you will be expelled from their coming utopia Olam Ha Ba for the good of all who are righteous in this son of perdition, by law of the Sanhedrin in Talmud Bavli Sanhedrin 57a you will be decapitated. Rv:8:3: And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne. Rv:8:4: And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand. Rv:6:11: And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. Rv:7:9: After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands; Rv:7:13: And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? Rv:7:14: And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Rv:20:4: And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. Rv:20:5: But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection.
Yes the Lord Almighty has already told you to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees of the Oral Tradition of the Talmud Bavli and warned you about the fables of these sons of the synagogue of Satan who do lie and are not Jews but do say that they are. These have lead you to believe in the Rothschild/Untermyer/Scofield "Secret Rapture" to set you up in preparation to accept this man-god when he is revealed in the "Secret Chamber of the Hewn Stone by the ten men who will anoint him the King of the Jews, behold the son of Satan.
They are the same order of the Pontifex Maximus as Simon the Magus of the Babylonian Creed, the Papacy which was sent by them who hate Jesus Christ the Lord God and his Father to discredit Christianity after the propagation of worshipping gods. http://www.geocities.com/franzbardon/buchnaga_e.html#2 This is what they are doing to insure that their god of this world is revealed soon..... http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/mq/magickandqabalah.htm http://www.hermetic.com/heidrick/hebrew_pronounce.html TET, TYTh, meaning "Serpent". TZADDI, TzDY, meaning "Fish Hook". 2Kgs:19:28: Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest. Job:41:1: Canst thou draw out leviathan with an hook? or his tongue with a cord which thou lettest down? Isa:37:29: Because thy rage against me, and thy tumult, is come up into mine ears, therefore will I put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest. Ezek:29:4 But I will put hooks in thy jaws, and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales, and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers, and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales. Ezek:38:4: And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Amos:4:2: The Lord GOD hath sworn by his holiness, that, lo, the days shall come upon you, that he will take you away with hooks, and your posterity with fishhooks. and look further at what this son of the synagogue, sky angel, J.R Church is propagating for the apostate masses..... http://www.mayimhayim.org/AlephBetMystery.htm
And they will deceive you in looking for mysteries, but alas the mysteries are revealed to they who know the Lord Jesus Christ Mk:4:11: And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: Eph:1:9: Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself: Eph:3:4: Whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) Col:1:26: Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: Col:1:27: To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: Rv:7:14: And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Sanhedrin 57a. Death by decapitation
Yes the Sky Angel channel and J.R Church will have your head on a platter for the name of Christ Jesus, in their Satanic and elaborate hoax of the Order of Nimrod's Babylonian Talmud and magik of Qabalah. The Tet is the symbol of the Twisted Serpent, and of Objective Good. It means: to Surround, and it also stand for Repentance. G-d is the Essence of all good (Jere 33:11), and all that He created is good (Gen. 1:31), so whatever His Gracious will causes to happen is for good (Psalm 118:1). We may not understand this because it is a mystery which is hard for anyone to put in words. However, we are told this in Romans 8:28: "And we should know that all things work together for good to them that love G-d, to them who are ‘the called’ according to His purpose." The devil, the twisted snake is used by G-d for our objective good, and this makes us partakers or "follow participants" in this mystery. If we become willing participants, it becomes easier to see the multifaceted variegated Wisdom of G-d. Tsade is a symbol of Righteousness and Humility. It also stands for the Light of the World, and Suffering, all which are part of what Messiah is. It is a picture of a Fish-hook, and it's meaning: Harvest and Need. Rabbi Saul is painting a picture of Righteousness in the verse below, this makes the pattern brighter yet. Yeshua is the Tsade - the Righteous 90-09-60 The final Tzaddi is a picture of righteous man standing tall before G-d. When one prayers in an unknown tongue, he is speaking to G-d, and he is speaking righteous mysteries. To think that Yeshua Messiah made us righteous so that we might stand boldly before the Throne of G-d, makes me weep with great joy. I praise G-d for my prayer language. This is the final word, the 27th letter of the Hebrew AlephBet mysteries, and it fits perfectly as does all the others. 900-009-600
Be ye not deceived This is not Jesus Christ, remember in the Talmud Bavli the acronym for Yeshu is "May his name be forever blotted out. This is not Jesus Christ the Name above all names!!
Dig deeper into the wall of Talmudic Nimrodic Qabbalah and see all of the creeping and slimy things that they worship therein http://shekinah.elysiumgates.com/hebrew.html Meaning "to sweep out (by judgment)," tet epitomizes Goodness and Humility--the objective "goodness" which it is the Creator's prerogative to define and delineate, not humankind's. 9-6 The Judgement of Olam Ha Ba "New World Order which any who do not worship after the beast will be expelled As the first letter in the word tzaddig, or "righteous man," tzaddi stands for Righteousness and Humility. But although every tzaddig expresses righteousness in a uniquely individual way, true righteousness can exist only in God.900-left to right 009-600
From the Talmud Bavli Network (TBN) Zola Levvitt, another false-Zionist... To begin with, the familiar symbol for the Internet, World Wide Web or "www", would be rendered in Hebrew as vav, vav, vav (the Hebrew alphabet does not have a "w" and Hebrew-speaking people use the vav, or "v", in place of our "w"). The interesting part is that since Hebrew letter also have numerical values (Hebrew speakers donot prefer Arabic numerals), we have a number for the letter vav. since it is the sixth letter of the alphabet, the expression "www", in Hebrew, is 666. In addition, most Bible commentators agree that Adam was born about 6,000 years ago. If we assume that he was born in exactly 4000 B.C. on our calendar, then we have spent 5,998 years to the present day. (We deduct one year when adding A.D. years to B.C. years since 1 B.C. and 1 A.D. were the same year.) What we now call 1999 is really 5998. 5998 in Hebrew is heh, tet, tet, peh, which would be "http", another computer address. Heh tet tet peh :// vav vav vav Http://www Ordo Templi Orientis another Chabad Group of Talmudism and occultism of Satan HEH, Heh-Aleph , meaning "Air Hole". hei 52 malchut Kingship
TET, Tet-Yod-Taw , meaning "Serpent".
PEH, Peh-Heh or Peh-Aleph , meaning "Mouth". http://www.luckymojo.com/altmagickfaq/qblref
Another aspect of Jewish religion which influenced Kabbalah was the Talmudic phenomenon of prophecy. The prophet was an individual chosen by God as a mouthpiece, and there was the implication that God, far from being a transcendental abstraction, was a being whom one could approach (albeit with enormous difficulty, risk, fear and trembling). Some Kabbalists believed that they were the inheritors of practical techniques handed down from the time of the Biblical prophets, and it is not impossible or improbable that this was in fact the case. you must read http://www.avoiceforchildren.com/cases/usa_vs_oregon/TRAITORS%20ACTING%20RIGHT%20NOW.htm Occult Calendar
Air Hole-Serpent-Mouth-666
Vav Absolute Value- 6 Ordinal Value =6 Reduced Value 6 Tet Absolute Value -9 Ordinal Value-9 Reduced Value-9
Tzadik Absolute Value -90 Ordinal Value-18 Reduced Value-9
Final Tzadfik Absolute Value-900 Ordinal Value-27 Reduced Value-9
Tet -Tzadik- Final Tzadik 9-90-900 Hebrew left to right 909009 Calculate the number of the king-tet-9-6 who is a tzadik of Talmud Bavli-09-60 Who will be the final Tzadik 009-600 Moshiach ben Dovid the Babylonian who they will anoint in the "Secret Chamber of Hewn Stone, in the Temple on the Temple mount, the council of the Sanhedrin and the ten men who are the Bed of Shlomo and who will share as kings with him in one hour, and the three men who will stand for him in the king of kings chamber
The Mark of his name, Moshiach ben David and his star of Molech
5. Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: Give thanks to God and bow the knee before him who bears on his front the seal of the predestination of man, to which God himself has led his star that none other but Him might free us from all the before-mentioned forces and evils.
1. I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the last strata of the earth. 3. Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the political, into schemes of government, but providing always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have not been inducted into the secret places of its art .... 8. The king's plan of action for the current moment, and all the more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are called his closest counselors. 9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. 15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations. 16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable. Behold the falsechrist c) THE VILNA GA'ON (ibid.) supports Rashi's interpretation. He explains that when Sanhedrin sat, ten (of the most important members) sat in the middle of the group, and they were surrounded by the other sixty. These are the "sixty mighty men *around* the bed of Shlomo. (The ten in the middle correspond to the seven "Ro'ei Pnei ha'Melech" and three "Shomrei ha'Saf," who are closest to the king, in a king's court --
http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/dafyomi2/megilah/backgrnd/mg-in-23.htm SHOMREI HA'SAF - the gatekeepers 9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. and in the king of king's court -- see Megilah 23a. The verse in II Melachem 25:19, which associates these authoritative members of the king's court with sixty other men, is discussing the members of the Sanhedrin.
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
c) THE VILNA GA'ON (ibid.) supports Rashi's interpretation. He explains that when Sanhedrin sat, ten (of the most important members) sat in the middle of the group, and they were surrounded by the other sixty. These are the "sixty mighty men *around* the bed of Shlomo. (The ten in the middle correspond to the seven "Ro'ei Pnei ha'Melech" and three "Shomrei ha'Saf," who are closest to the king, in a king's court --
9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. and in the king of king's court -- see Megilah 23a. The verse in II Melachem 25:19, which associates these authoritative members of the king's court with sixty other men, is discussing the members of the Sanhedrin.
three royal guards at the gate ("Shomrei ha'Saf"), five of the royal servants who see the king ("Ro'ei P'nei ha'Melech"), and the seven royal servants who see the king ("Ro'ei P'nei ha'Melech"), as depicted in Sefer Melachim and Megilas Esther. Rv:17:10: And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And why are they fallen ? Pesachim 113113b1) "TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM IN BAVEL HATE EACH OTHER"QUESTION: The Gemara says that the "Talmidei Chachamim in Bavel despise each other." How could the Gemara Bavli say this about the great and holy Amora'im? Certainly they were not suspected of committing any sins, and if so, why were they permitted to despise each other?
The Gemara in Kidushin (30b) cites the verse, "Happy is the person who has many children, he will not be embarrassed when he speaks with his enemies at the gate" (Tehilim 127:5). The Gemara asks, who are the enemies? Rebbi Chiya bar Aba answers that the verse is referring to a father and his son, or a Rebbi and his Talmid, when they learn together, at which time they are called "enemies" of each other. The Gemara adds that "they do not leave from there until they become beloved unto one another." Rashi explains that they are "enemies" because they constantly challenge each other with questions and are not satisfied until they are convinced that they have arrived at the truth. According to that Gemara, the Talmidei Chachamim in Bavel do not literally hate each other. Rather, they look, at times, like enemies because they learn together and challenge each other as if they hated each other, with the sole intention of arriving at the truth.
because a house divided will not stand Mt:12:25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: During the twelfth century, Rabbi Maimonides (Rambam) attempted to counter Christian interpretations of Hebrew Scripture, so he provided an alternative Jewish response for the Jewish people. He wrote, "All the books of the prophets (Nevi'im) and all the Sacred Writings (Ketuvim) will ultimately be annulled in the era of the Mashiach, except for the book of Esther." 2 (Esther is the story instructing us to remember and celebrate Purim throughout every generation). Consequently, few today seriously read and study the Nevi'im (prophets) and Ketuvim (writings). But they do stand ready to murder all goyim who oppose Talmud and their coming mangod, Moshiach ben Satan. Their sacrificial testing ground has been used numerous times, They used it on the Jews with their man Hitler of the order of Nimrod and his teacher a Chabad Lubavitcher Blavatsky of the Sofiet Bolshevik brood. This brrod of vipers are not Jews but are Liars and the synagogue of Satan is their lair. Beware Jew, Beware Christian, Beware ALL men upon the earth, Stan's minions are in preparation to welcome him home
Behold, the son of perdition who will cause the nations to tremble and who the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy with the brightness of his coming with his saints. He will be the Final Sofiet Tzaddik The Wars of Bush's Hashem for this Moshiac to reveal himself Talmudic Plan Three chaotic wars will be perpetrated by the children of Ishmael at the end of days… one at sea… one on land… and one in a large city which will be harder than the previous two… and from there Ben Dovid [Moshiach] will sprout and we will witness their destruction, and from there we will go to Eretz Yisroel (Midrash ibid, remez 506)
The children of Ishmael are they the Chabad
http://www.moshiach.com/discover/articles/essay_today_the_world_trembles.php "How do we transform the world’s tremble – the tremble of the World Trade Center – into the world’s birth?" "America must now lead the world in this war waged against humanity. And all countries of the world must join this war." "All countries – including the Arab states – must join in this war. And if they don’t, then they have declared war on humanity." We now have our greatest opportunity to shine and fulfill our true destiny: to bring this world to Redemption. * * * For more on this see: Zohar II 32a. 8a. III 212b. Rambam’s Iggeret Taiman ch. 3. Ramban, Sefer haGeulah shaar 3. ______________
Their so-called Omega codes of their Talmudic god Baal and their mysticism
" Most Luminous"-Brother-Ventriloquus-He kindled-" Glory " as well as "Splendor"-Became powerful, grew high-Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Leo-There; The Name-A bear-Gog, the giant whose partner is Magog-Angel of 8 C.-Mirabilia, vel occulta sapientiae-Red
Dan:8:23: And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/highlights-of-moshiach/14.htm Moshiach will study Torah according to the Written Torah and the Oral Torah:" Why does Rambam add these words? This follows the end of Halachah 3 (in uncensored editions): "Whoever adds to or deletes from Torah, or interprets Torah incorrectly, taking mitzvos out of their literal context, he is certainly an evildoer and a heretic (this negates any belief in Yeshu as the Messiah). And their Moshiach will build the third temple "And he will build the Beis Hamikdash:" As the Midrash notes,[89] Moshiach will build the Beis Hamikdash: And he will come out of the North of Jerusalem, Safed "When the King Moshiach who is in the north will arise, he will come and build the Beis Hamikdash which is situated in the south"[90] (i.e. the south part of the Temple Mount). "The Beis-Hamikdash in its place:" Although, in general, only the Altar can never be changed from its place,[95] yet, the whole Temple of the future must be in its original place, as specified in Ezekiel. Also, this will determine who Moshiach really is, by showing the precise site of the Beis Hamikdash. "And he will bring the ingathering of Jews:" At the end. As Rashi states:[96] First "G-d will build Jerusalem" - then "He will gather the ingathering of all Jews." Then The Lord Almighty, Christ Jesus, the Everlasting Covenant of Isaac, the Lamb Provided, slain since the foundation of the world, the WORD of God, the Word who hath created everything which was created, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Life, the Light, the Name above every name, the Redeemer, the Councilor, Salvation, The Lord of the Jews, who hath made us adopted sons of God the Most High, by his blood, through faith, of Grace given freely, whether Jew or Greek, only they who hath put on Christ Jesus, has he made us Priest and Kings unto him and his Father, will come again as promised, at the last trumpet as was told to the Prophets of God, at the Last Trump, the Seventh Trumpet, and those who are dead in Christ Jesus, and they who were slain for the testimony of Jesus that they held, will rise first, and they who are blessed in Christ and hath waited and cometh to the 1335 days, shall be caught up in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be changed to new uncorruptible bodies, to be with Christ forever. And his glory is in his saints who have been slain for the testimony that they held and stood firm for in spite of Moshiach ben Satan their god of this euphoric vision they seek, and Moshiach and his Prophet and ALL who accepted him and his star of Moloch and the number of his name, and who accepted his mark on their forehead or in their hand, shall be thrown into outer darkness where there shall be gnashing and gnawing of teeth forever in eternal damnation for they loved not the Truth in Righteousness and so they shall perish and are damed. Praise and Glory forever unto Jesus Christ the Lord over all and the only name in which to enter into the Kingdom of God the Most High.
http://www.moshiach.com/discover/articles/comment_sighting_moshiach.php "The arrival of Moshiach and the accompanying turnabout in the World Order, is a very pragmatic ideal. In fact, much of it has happened already." "Even the Kabbalists agree that Moshiach isn't planning on a sudden appearance. Rather, the people will slowly wake up to the fact that he's already here. Just not in places people generally look."
Moshiach ben Perdition's False Prophet for his false and temporary king-ship Rv:13:14: And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Rv:19:20: And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Rv:20:10: And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Rv:16:13: And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
And they and their Talmudic Babylonian Proselytes are waiting for the Prophet to come as prophesied, thus once again the Judeo-Churchi-zionitized pastors, the dogs who reject the Word and who cannot bark, reject the WORD, Christ Jesus the Word of God. http://www.moshiach.com/discover/tutorials/the_prophet_elijah.php The Messianic redemption is closely associated with the name of the prophet Elijah. He is regarded as the forerunner of Moshiach, “the harbinger who will proclaim peace, the harbinger of good who will proclaim salvation, saying to Zion ‘Your G‑d reigns!’ And he will come before their wars of hashem, the Noachide king, Bushka's war which will begin soon, the war on their hated enemy, Saddam Hussein and the other seven nations, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Jordon, Saudi Arabia and Iran, according to their rabbi mammon-eyes..... Rambam writes: “Before the war of Gog and Magog[2] a prophet will arise to rectify Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is said, ‘Behold, I am sending you the prophet Elijah [before the coming of the great and awesome day of G‑d]’ (Malachi 3:23).. Some of the sages say that Elijah will come before the coming of Moshiach.”[3] But Jesus warned you already and told you Elijah the Prophet has already come... Matthew 3:1-4 1: In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, Matthew 12:14-21 14: Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.
Behold Esaias has already preceded the Only Messiah the Prince, Christ Jesus Matthew 11:7-17 7: And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? http://www.moshiach.com/discover/tutorials/the_prophet_elijah.php reference to the day of Moshiach’s coming, stating that Elijah will come prior to this to announce and proclaim his coming;
But they will make null and void in their oral tradition of their Talmud Mishnah the Word of God and many Judeo-Churchizionians and Jews have fallen to Satan's deception regarding Moshiach's false-Prophet The prophet (False) Elijah’s functions will thus include: to rectify Israel’s behavior, causing them to return to G‑d with teshuvah, as a preparation for the Moshiach redemption;[7] to proclaim the imminent coming of Moshiach;[8] to restore the sacred objects placed in the Holy of Holies of the first Bet Hamikdash, (Temple) and later hidden by King Josiah[9] before its destruction;[10] and to be involved with the resurrection of the dead.[11] Above all, the essential task of Elijah will be to resolve legal disputes (Courts of Justice and Noachide Laws) and to establish peace in the world, as it is said, “He will turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers.
Dan:8:25: And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.
The Axis of Evil, the wars of their g-d hashem A climactic battle in the early stages of the Moshiach redemption (see Igeret Teyman, end of ch. 3) against the forces of evil. (Axis of Evil) (In Tanchuma, Korach: end of 14, there seems to be an allusion that it may involve all the nations of the world.) (WWIII) These forces presumptuously undertake to battle not only Israel but the Almighty Himself, as it were, and will suffer an appropriate defeat. Even so, for a while it will be a most traumatic event with great trials and tribulations for Israel. See Agadat Bereishit 2:1; Midrash Tehilim 2:4; and the parallel passages cited there. See also Targum Yehonathan (and Targum Yerushalmi) on Numbers 11:26; and Torah Shelemah on this verse, note 196. See, though, below, Appendix II, note 17. Note, though, that even according to the sources cited above note 5, this need not be, and Moshiach may come even without any prior announcement by Elijah; see Otzar Balum on Ayn Ya’akov, Sanhedrin 98a; Responsa Chatam Sofer, vol. VI:no. 98; and Keren Orah on Nazir 66a. Cf. Chidushim Ubi’urim Behilchot Melachim, III:17, and IV:9; and the sources cited there.
And their much touted enemy is Amelek, and the spirit of Amelek is Christians who doubt and who oppose, and Amelek is their prime target to destroy
Therefore, if G-d "rested" on Shabbos, it means that on this day of the week, G-d lessened the effect of nature on creation, allowing for a clearer vision of the hand of G-d in everyday life. Keeping Shabbos allows one to be able to hook into this higher reality, and gain this intellectual and spiritual clarity for the upcoming six days of the week. However, if one does not keep Shabbos, then one never arrives at this level of spiritual clarity, and such a person will sink deeper and deeper into the world of nature and intellectual doubt. It is on this level of existence that one finds and confronts Amalek. This is because "amalek," in Hebrew, is equal in gematria to the Hebrew word "sufek," which means "doubt." Furthermore, the Hebrew word "amalek" (ayin-mem-lamed-kuf) can be broken up into two parts: "ayin" (eye) and "malak" (mem-lamed-kuf; severed), as if to say, Amalek is the cause/result of the "severed eye." Which "eye"? The mind's eye, the one with which we can see G-d clearly in life. If one is, G-d forbid, physically blind, he can still "see" G-d in life. However, if one's mind's eye is "blind" to the reality of G-d, then, even if he has 20-20 vision, he won't see the hand of G-d in everyday life, and that is the goal of Amalek. This is the insight to which the Talmud refers when making the connection between Shabbos and the evil people of Amalek; increasing our obseervance of Shabbos decreases the effect of Amalek, for, as the Talmud says: If the Jewish people were to keep two Shabboses, they would be redeemed. (Shabbos 118b)
Listen to this Talmudic Babylonian Judeo-Churchi-zionist regarding who is the spirit of Amalek http://www.parenthood-divine-stewardship.org/parenthood-divine-stewardship-v7i1p1.asp In the Old Testament no enemy is dealt with more thoroughly than Amalek, because Amalek is a type of the flesh, which is the last enemy against God's kingdom. The flesh is what keeps the church from being built up adequately. As long as the flesh remains a problem, the kingdom cannot come. The kingdom comes in only after the flesh has been dealt with. For the sake of the church life, we need to deal with our flesh. If the flesh is not dealt with, there can be no kingdom of God. Then without the kingship of Christ, His headship, there is no way for the Body to be built up. This is the reason that, during the past nineteen hundred years, there has been very little building of the church. The confusions and divisions among Christians today are primarily due to the flesh, to Amalek. Among Christians Amalek is prevailing. Because of this, we do not have the kingdom of God in a practical way. Without the kingdom, it is impossible to have the building.... But the truth remains, the identity of Amalek is indeed the Chabad Lubavitch them selves, all things perceived by these are a ruse of Satan their god http://www.lampbroadcast.org/plets/phtm3/Amalek.htm And Amalek, the man of flesh, is presently making his appearance -- attacking, exactly as in the type (though the light now exists, the darkness remains [cf. Gen. 1:3-5; II Cor. 4:6]). And Amalek will seek, through every means possible, to stop Christians short of the goal. In this respect, the man of flesh, typified by Amalek, is presented in Scripture as one whose main goal centers around opposing those called to inherit the rights of the firstborn. He is the one who stands in the way, seeking through every means possible to prevent individuals from coming into a realization of the inheritance to which they have been called. And how is Amalek to be defeated? That's what the account of the Israelites' encounter and battle with Amalek in Ex. 17:8-16 is about. This section of Scripture reveals how the man of flesh is to be defeated, so that redeemed individuals can be victorious in the present warfare, allowing them to one day realize the rights of the firstborn, in another land, within a theocracy. Slay Amalek, Or... Either slay Amalek, as the Lord commands, or Amalek will, in the end, rise up and slay you. This is a teaching graphically set forth in the Books of I and II Samuel (cf. Num. 14:42, 43; 20:2-21). The Rabbid Rabbis continue to say, about Amalek (Christians) "And when we have turned away from moral compromise to stare unblinking into the face absolute truth, then the insidious philosophy of Amalek will be erased forever from the collective memory of all mankind."
When Yeshu "may his name be blotted out forever (Talmud) and his followers are erased from memory, they they can have their Olam Ha Ba and Moshiach ben Satan, un-emcumbered
Back to Moshiach ben Perdition the god of the Chabad Lubavitchers who say they are Jews but who do lie and are the sons of the synagogue of Satan and Babylon's whore.
Jews, Christian's Wake up! The enemy Amalek is Chabad Lubavitch, the house of the Assyrian, the Babylonian order of the High Priesthood of Satan's synagogue, the war mongers of the earth, the whores of Babylon, they who have rejected the God of their Fathers who they refused at the time of his visitation of Salvation and crucified him. They who cause the children of Israel and all of Christianity to be deceived. The Jews are taught to blame the Christians and the Christians are taught it was the Jews. Wake up before you lose your souls in unrighteousness, IT Is Satan and his minions of Hell
The Talmud elucidates on this:[53] King Solomon desired to attain the status of Moses. A Heavenly voice came forth and cited this verse, "There arose not a Prophet in Israel like Moses" - neither a Prophet nor a King (can emulate the status of Moses). Others say, no other Prophet arose, but a King (like Moses) can arise. This indicates that Moshiach, a King, can attain the status of Moses. Rambam, however, offers a somewhat different description:[54] Oh how they lead the "Lesser" Jews to rebel and become traitors of the American Republic to establish their long held and coveted Olam Ha Ba, so that they under their God, these Pharisaic Chabad Lubavitcher Talmudic sons of Satan can be the rulers of their long sought after Master Race with their king, Moloch at the helm, Lo, their god of their Olam ha Ba, Satan the Father of Lies, and they are indeed of their father, for they are master liars http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/highlights-of-moshiach/10.htm All Jews, including their Prophets and Torah scholars, desire to see the Messianic era, in order to be freed from the oppression of the nations who do not permit them to study Torah and to observe mitzvos properly. For, the King who will rise up from King David's progeny will be a man of wisdom on a higher level than King Solomon, and he will be a great Prophet close to the status of Moses. Therefore, he will teach all the people and will guide them in the path of G-d. Moshiach ben Satan will have animal doglike senses Yet, with reference to the status of a King - the Talmud describes Moshiach[55] as a person who will judge with his sense of smell, as is written,[56] "and he shall be animated - v'haricho (power of smell) with the fear of G-d." Said Rava: This means he will be able to detect the truth of a person's statement and will truthfully judge who is guilty, as is written - "not after the sight of his eyes shall he judge." Upon this the Talmud relates: He will have ESP Even according to the Talmudic opinion that there may arise a King like Moses, such as Solomon, yet, he was only able to judge on the basis of witnesses. Moshiach will judge with an extra-sensory perception, in the capacity of a King - not as a Prophet - since a Prophet cannot judge with his power of prophecy. He shall cause the nations to tremble, but he is but a mere man... Moshiach is called "the great mountain,"[59] inasmuch as he is greater than the Patriarchs. "He shall be exalted" - more than Abraham. "And uplifted" - higher than Isaac. "And placed very high" - higher than Jacob. Moreover, even "Higher than Moses."
"If you are not with us, then you are aginst us" George W. Bush
From the Robbers of God's people http://www.seekgod.ca/kabconnects.htm
Describing, "On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts of the Kabbalah", by Gershom Scholem, Arthur Green, Professor of Jewish Thought, Brandeis University states the basic elements of Kabbalah: "In the Zohar and other writings of the Kabbalah, Jewish mystics developed concepts and symbols to help them penetrate secrets of the cosmos that cannot be understood through reason or intellect… Gershom Scholem, the pioneer of the modern study of Jewish mysticism explains the basic concepts of the Kabbalah: the mystical "form of the imageless God"; good and evil; the Tsaddik or righteous soul; the Shekhinah, the feminine aspect of God; gilgul, the transmigration of souls; and tselem, the concept of the astral body…. " 1. Rest assured that the god of the Jews of Talmud is NOT Jesus Christ, and that Judaism is contrary to all men, there is not and cannot be any reconciliation between true Christianity and Talmudic Judaism. Rest assured that their god is not the LORD GOD Almighty of Abraham, the Word which created everything created, but a strange god with many pantheistic gods. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. According to Gershom Scholem, Maimonides is referenced by all Kabbalists. Warning about the caution which should be exercised in embracing mysticism, Maimonides wrote in his Mishnah Torah: "The less educated the candidate for mystical illumination, the less he knew of theology, the greater was the danger of a conflict with authority. Quite regardless of their specific content, all manuals of mysticism written from the standpoint of traditional authority illustrate this point. The Jewish authorities, for example, tried to avoid conflicts by restricting the right to engage in mystical practice and speculation to fully trained Talmudic scholars. All Kabbalistic manuals quote Maimonides' warning: 'No one is worthy to enter Paradise [realm of mysticism] who has not first taken his fill of meat and bread,'1 i.e., the common fare of sober Rabbinical learning " 5. Beware of the mystical DEAD sea scrolls of Satans minions of Oxford "It is worth noting in passing the extraordinarily conservative streak in some of the Jewish magical literature…One of the Hebrew texts from the Cairo Geniza …has a passage that is almost a direct translation of a Greek incantation for ascent of the uterus also found in the Greek Magical Papyri… The Havdalah deR.Akiva contains Aramaic material… has close parallels with the much earlier Babylonian magic bowls and material…that seems to echo the Watchers myth in the Enoch literature…" 9. "… There is an ever growing corpus of Jewish magical texts, extending now back to the turn of the era with the publication of a number such documents from the Dead Sea Scrolls. These include …a Hebrew physiognomic and astrological text…with themes related to physiognomic and Merkavah traditions… an Aramaic "brontologion," a genre of omen that predicts the future by interpreting thunder…"Songs of the Sage," songs for protection against demons…Aramaic apotropaic incantation anticipating much found in the Babylonian incantation bowls… and some exorcism incantations…" 10. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan Part VI of this series, referenced Peter Michas' statement that he received his education in the Hebrew Roots of Christianity through the Chabad-Lubavich. Dr. Eliezer Segal of the University of Calgary describes Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism as a Kabbalist movement. The doctrines of the Lubavitch Movement are derived from the Kabbalah. The acronym for Chabad even contains the names of three sefirot--chokmah, binah and Da'at:http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/363_Transp/Orthodoxy/Chabad.html and 'Da'at' -- Wisdom, Intelligence and Knowledge. These Kabbalistic terms are central to the distinctive intellectual theology of the movement... The name Lubavitch refers to a town in Lithuania that was the centre of the movement for a brief period during the nineteenth century...Chabad Hasidism continued to be a major force among Russian and Lithuanian Jews from its inception..." The Encyclopedia of Religion states that the Lubavitch Hasidic system of Kabbalah is among those taught in traditional Jewish institutions:Behold the sons of the synagogue of Satan "The dominant brand of Qabbalah in the modern Qabbalistic Yeshivot (traditional Jewish academies) is the Lurianic system. It is studied according to the interpretations offered by Mosheh Hayyim Luzzatto, by Eliyyahu ben Shelomoh Aalman, by Habad, the Lubavitch Hasidic Movement and by the Sefardic Qabbalists of the Beit El Academy in Jerusalem." 16.
http://www.inner.org/gematria/gemabsol.htm In this reckoning, the letters chaf sofiet (final chaf), mem sofiet, nun sofiet, pei sofiet, and tzadik sofiet which are the "final forms" of the letters chaf, mem, nun, pei,and tzadik, used when these letters conclude a word, generally are given the same numerical equivalent of the standard form of the letter. However, sometimes the final chaf is considered equivalent to 500, the final mem to 600, etc. (see chart below). http://www.expage.com/page/raig/ oshiach is Here But Just Has To Reveal HimselfJews Have to do Torah and Mitzvos so we can worthy of Moshiach revealing himself and taking us out of exile. Non-Jews can also help by keeping the 7 Noachide Laws. habad - Lubavitch
Yes this man-god is just about to be revealed by the great letter, God the Most High who has ...LET him be concealed until he be taken out of the way, until corruption is finally thrown out of incorruption, and lo unto the world for when he is cast out he will be like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour, behold the Final Tzaddik in the Order of Nimrod's Babel, the son of perdition who hates the Jews and who hates the Christian's. What they are teaching your little goats (Kids)
The letter tzadik is a symbol of righteousness, and represents the number ninety in the numerical system of the Hebrew alphabet. The tzadik comes in two forms, the longest of the pair used only as the final letter in words.
Tzadik means 'righteous' in Hebrew, referring to God. Only God can be truly righteous in the full sense of the word, as only God is infallible and devoid of injustice. Only God can be equated with purity and total perfection. Yes indeedy doo, they will call this Tzaddik, Christ, and he will show himself to be Christ in the Temple of Christ the Messiah the Only Prince, as Christ, exalting himself above all that is worshipped as Christ Jesus, the Moshiach ben Satan. Humans can also be referred to as tzadik. The term is applied to those who are completely devoted to the service of God and emulate His ways in everything that they do. Righteous ones are seen as God's messengers on earth, as the angels are in Heaven. A righteous person is above the level of angels as they serve God of their own volition And yes you too can become as gods little Christ, just worship this imposter. Thus all the Jews are become gods The tzadik is made up of the letters nun and yud. The yud represents the Divine spark of life-force that is present in every component of creation. This is signified by the vessel that the letter nun symbolizes. Together, the yud and the nun form the tzaddik, which is the resultant shape of reality. In this light, it is said that the tzaddik is the body of all the souls of Israel.Gal:4:8: Howbeit then, when ye knew not God, ye did service unto them which by nature are no gods. The master race who will themselves be gods in their Olam Ha Ba "New World Order" The elongated tzaddik signifies the final acceptance of a righteous person in the World To Come. This is compared with the final letter nun, which pertains to the same point. Thus the elongated tzaddik gives the Jew another chance to repent his sins and therefore become a tzaddik, bettering his/her chances for a portion in the World To Come.A Great Hunter (Tzaddi) before the Lord, Nimrod the man-god Gen:10:9: He was a mighty hunter before the LORD: wherefore it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the LORD. The letter tzadik was originally pronounced as tzaddi (hunt), referring to the hunt for lost souls trapped within a world of chaos before the Creation. The tzadik, emulating the soul of Israel, strives for the rectification of the collective Jewish soul and hunts for the letter kuf, which symbolizes the fallen sparks of life. This situation is rectified only once the tzadik is connected to the kuf.The Babylonian Talmudic Order of the first Tzaddik of Talmud Nimrod's Pontifex Maximus and the Trinity of Baal The number 90 alludes to total consciousness. According to Jewish mysticism there are three groups pertaining to the powers of consciousness, each group consisting of three powers. There are the three powers of intellect, the three of feeling, and the three powers of innate behavior. Once each one has manifested itself in each of the ten Divine forces (sefirot) the numerical result equals ninety And it all goes back to the cheif propagators of the Babylonian Talmudic Chabad Lubavitch Pharisaic Rabbi's of the synagogues of Satan and who established the Solomonic apostasy Freemasonry of Saturnia (Rome) under the very same order of Nimrod's Pontifex Maximus of the Talmudic wizard of Qabalah Simon the Magus who sought to buy the Holy Spirit from the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ. http://www.beismoshiach.org/Ginsberg/ginsberg216.htm
Yes these Tzaddi will have the exclusive word of their god, just as the Rabbi's and the Roman Pontifex Maximus and many Protestant Telly Tubbie cabalist Judeo-Churchi-zionian preacher say that they have the exclusive word. And foah onlay $ 29.95 you too can have the word of Gawd! They are all the sons of the synagogue of Satan. http://www.mechon-mamre.org/jewfaq/rabbi.htm TzaddikChasidic communities are lead by a leader with special, mystical power called a "tzaddik" (literally, righteous one). A tzaddik is also called a rebbi, which is sometimes translated "grand rabbi". The position is usually hereditary. A tzaddik has the final word over every decision in a chasid's life.
The Sanhedrin of the Babylonian Talmudic Pharisees of the Talmud Bavli the oral tradition which makes the WORD of God void, these of Nimrod's high priesthood of the Pontifex Maximus, these Chabad Lubavitcher Sofiet Bolshevik Rabbi's of Satans synagogue who say they are Jew but who do lie. Ezek 8:8-18 8: Then said he unto me, Son of man, dig now in the wall: and when I had digged in the wall, behold a door.
http://www.breslov.org/tzaddik.html If you are foolish and fail to understand this you run the risk of becoming completely alienated from the Tzaddikim and you will end up losing your reward in the World to Come. But if you care about yourself you will take these arguments and the doubts they arouse in your mind as a warning to bring you to your senses. But these did not worship the Lord God Almighty who is the Word of God Christ Jesus The Word, the Lord of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and Moses Lk:20:37: Now that the dead are raised, even Moses shewed at the bush, when he calleth the Lord the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.
Warning! Warning! Warning! http://jewishdelaware.esmartweb.com/Congress.htm
See their propagations and how they are turning public opinions
http://www.chabadiowa.org/kagin.html I renewed my friendship with Senator Joseph Lieberman, who has been a loyal supporter of Lubavitch. Although I have supported him since he ran for Congress some years ago, I welcomed actually meeting him five years ago, when he attended the awarding of the Congressional Gold Medal to the Rebbe, in Washington, D.C. A warm visit resulted between Joseph Lieberman and my nephew, Sheldon Schreiberg, who attended law school together The U.S. government representation of Senators, Congressman, and other members was impressive. The enthusiasm was catching
Oh how they hate Jews for JESUS in Russia http://www.jewishsf.com/bk010525/ip21a.shtml
And Oh what these bastard sons of the synagogue of Satan, the Chabad Lubavitcher Sofiet Bolshevik Rabbi's Pharisaic Babylonian Talmudic dogs say about the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings Christ Jesus, God and his Father.
http://www.noahide.com/yeshu.htm Talmud Bavli: Yeshu is an acronym for "May his name be forever be blotted out" Remember these are the rocks of Abraham, only through faith in Christ Jesus the Everlasting Covenant with Issac can they have Salavation which they reject for another god, a man god. The son of Perdition Moshiach ben Satan, their god, false Christ. It is very easy to see why they will behead me isn't it? The Judeo-Churchi-Zionist of America are now wailing for Tammuz "O' Yeshu....O'Yeshu, never understanding that they have fallen for the fables of the Talmudic Jews who say " May his name be blotted out forever" Yes they have already accepted another Lord over them. Who Was Jesus?The Bible gave a warning about a dangerous, false prophet who would arise to test our faith in G-d. In Deuteronomy 13, G-d describes this false prophet as a member of the Jewish people (v. 2, 7) who would tell true prophecies and would have the power of miracles. G-d Himself would give this false prophet the power to perform miracles and reveal prophecy, but the false prophet would try to seduce the people away from G-d's Law and towards strange gods unknown to Judaism. The purpose would be to test whether we are truly committed to living under the Law, or whether we will be dazzled and fall for the temptation to join a false path to salvation (v. 3-6, 7-8, 11). In this Biblical passage, G-d repeatedly commands the Jews to kill this false prophet, lest the evil spread and destroy many souls. Jesus Christ as Prophesied by the Prophets of God the Most High who they the Pharisees slew. To be accepted by the people, the false prophet would sometimes pretend to be a righteous Jew who fulfills the Law, but at key moments he would turn against certain details of the Law in order to make the breach (v. 6, 7). This is the reason that verse 1 commands us not to add or subtract any details from the Law, and verse 5 warns us to remain steadfast with all the traditions of the Law. They fully well knew who the Lamb of God was, but he disrupted their money changing and their power over the masses. In Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet is also described as someone who would rebel against the authority of the judges of the Jewish people, and who should be put to death for his rebelliousness (v. 8-13, esp. v. 12). Who are the judges? The highest court in Israel was the Sanhedrin, which was established by Moses (Exodus 18:13-26; Numbers 11:16-29), and which lasted more than 15 centuries. The members of the Sanhedrin were the rabbis known as "Pharisees" (Pirushim, "those with the explanation"). G-d gave permanent authority to these judges to interpret the Law and G-d's Word, and it is a commandment to follow their decisions without turning even slightly to the right or the left (Deut. 17:11). But the false prophet would challenge the authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil man. Thus they turn evil into good and good into evil In the book of the prophet Daniel, this false prophet is described as a king (the eleventh horn on a terrible beast) who would wage war against the Jews (the "holy ones"; see Deut. 14:2 on this term) and would change the Law — including the calendar and the holidays (Daniel 7:8, 20-25). Elsewhere, this false prophet is described as a king who would disregard the G-d of his fathers, exalting himself as a god and giving honor to this new god-head (Daniel 11:36-39). This is how they propagated Zionism, False Zionism with a Gentile anti-Christ against their Moshiach, their new Christ, their Moshaich ben Satan, when Daniel was clear that Jesus Christ would confirm the Everlasting Covenant with his many and destroy this imposter of Dark sentences of the Talmudic Oral Tradition of the Pharisees the vipers of the pits of Satan. And here, they are deceiving the Nations and turning the sleeping apostate Churchians into Churchizionians. Yes he will disregard the God of the Fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob whose God was and is the WORD of God the Word Christ Jesus the Alpha and the Omega whom they once believed but then, that these imposter Jews lead the people to err. The man known today as "Jesus" fulfilled all these prophecies. He became a "king" (over the Christian church) who changed the original Law, doing away with the Hebrew calendar and the Biblical holidays (Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkos — the Festival of Tabernacles, Passover, etc.). He disregarded the one, infinite G-d of the Hebrew Bible in favor of a new "trinity" that included himself. And he repeatedly broke the Law by committing terrible sins, while openly challenging the G-d-given authority of the rabbis of the Sanhedrin. It was they who sent out the wizard of Alchemy and Qabalah in the Order of the Pontifex Maximus, Peter the Sorcerer to establish this false Church of Cathoholics and a trinity of gods, to eventually deceive the world and totally discredit Christianity. When Hollywood which is ran by Talmudic Jews portray a Christain they always use the Apostasy of Roman Catholicism of their Pontifex Maximus to do so. Today they are in third gear of the destruction of Christianity. There is and always will be only ONE GOD, The WORD, Christ Jesus the WORD and the HOLY SPIRIT and God the Father ARE ONE! It was them who have propagated the LIe of the Great Liar their Father the seed of the serpents they are. And many have fallen for the fables of the Talmudic Jews for they do NOT eat their own bread given freely by the Father in Heaven. Jesus Christ IS THE expressed image of Himself in Heaven and sits in the Throne of God the Father. Naturally, Jesus did sometimes pretend to respect the Law, but whenever he thought he could get away with it, he turned right around and broke that same Law. In Matthew 5:17-19, he declared that he came to fulfill the Law, and in Matthew 23:1-3 he defended the authority of the rabbis. But the rest of the time, he rebelled against the Law — thus showing that his occasional words of piety were meant only to hide his evil agenda. The following sins of Jesus are recorded in the "New Testament": Jesus Christ, slain since the foundation of the World was and is the entire Law. He came to fulfill the Law whom was he the Law of the Prophets. For if they would have believed the Law and their Fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob they would have accepted the full law of Salvation of the Redeemer which hath created all things. Jesus Christ the Law fulfilled according to the PROPHETS of GOD THE MOST HIGH whom they slew. As they Slew Jesus Christ for disrupting their corruption in the House of God, as they slew the Apostles of Jesus, and as they will slay all...ALL who stand firm for their testimony of the Life Giver against their covenant with death.
1) Jesus repudiated the laws of kosher food (Mark 7:18-19). [Compare this to the prophet Daniel's strict adherence to kashrus, in Daniel chapter 1.] They will destroy the Goyim Gentile with the KOSHER SECRET LAWS 2) He repudiated the laws of honoring one's parents, and called on his followers to hate their parents; he also dishonored his own mother (Matthew 10:34-36; Matthew 12:46-50; Luke 14:26). Love thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul and all thy mind, The WORD of Abraham Isaac and Jacob according to the Law, Christ Jesus the Lord God Almighty. He who loves his Father or Mother more than me he said......Jesus Christ Lord God is who he was Talking about the IAM he the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY...he never broke the commandments but upheld the Commandments. But now they would have you obey another Law made only for the GOYIM who will reject the LOrd God Christ Jesus, their Babylonian Talmudic Laws as set forth by the Babylonian Talmudic Righteous Noachide of the Apsotate Order opf Solomon unto their god MOLOCH the HJR Public Law 102-14 Noachide Laws, and which they will have anyone who breaks anyone of these decapitated by their LAW which is the ORAL tradition of the serpent which makes VOID the WORD who is Jesus Christ who they have taught you ghow to say Yeshu "May his name be forever be blotted out"! 3) He violated the Sabbath by picking grain, and incited his disciples to do the same (Matthew 12:1-8; Mark 2:23-26). He ate food for he created everything which hath been created even the grain and they broke all the commandments of HIM for they refused their True God when he vistied, now therefore as he priomised he is become a name the Gentile trust 4) He again violated the Sabbath by healing a man's arm, which was not a matter of saving a life, and he openly defied the rabbis in his total repudiation of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-13; Mark 3:1-5). [Compare this to G-d's view of violating the Sabbath, in Numbers 15:32-36, Nehemiah 10:30-32, and dozens of other places throughout the Bible.] But they who make the law of man would pull a cow from the mud, which is greater to heal a man by the Power of God the Most High or to pull a cow, a red heifer, a sacrifice to their god Baal from the mud? 5) Jesus brazenly defied and disobeyed the rabbis of the Sanhedrin, repudiating their authority (This is recorded in many places throughout the New Testament, but look especially at Matthew 23:13-39 and John 8:44-45). Then they hated and slew any who did nopt follow and obey their exclusiveness authority and their theivery and their lies and their hatreds and their corruption and their beastiality and sexual perversions and they had any slew as they hope to do with you soon if you go against their absolute authority of their master erace of men gods. This is how they set up the Pope to control the masses, The Vicar of Christ, their Christ, of the order of Nimrod's Babylon Evil. Yes they have set this up once again and soon they will deliver you up to their synagogues and their Councils of the Freemason Temples with their Freemason Noachide Goyim their Freemason Judges and Liars, I mean Lawyers and scribes and will KILL YOU TO, if you do not accept thier false Christ, their Moshiach ben David, False-Christ. The Talmud (Babylonian edition) records other sins of "Jesus the Nazarene": The Talmud is the evilest perverted books upon this earth and is the very reason why many Jews both guilty and not guilty have died. When it has all along been the Pharisees who sacrificed the "Lesser Jew" for their Olam Ha Ba their :"New World Order" of Satan their god of this earth, whom they whored after.And whom the kings of the earth have gotten in the bed of whoredom with. 1) He and his disciples practiced sorcery and black magic, led Jews astray into idolatry, and were sponsored by foreign, gentile powers for the purpose of subverting Jewish worship (Sanhedrin 43a). And how did they perform their Black Magic of the Order of Nimrod their man god, Osiris Ra the god of the sun? A House divided cannot stand for they did not perform their sorcery through the Christ Jesus the Lamb of God the Alpha and the Omega. And they lied then as they lie today the very same Pharisees but now they call themselves the rabbi's of Chabad Lubavitch, the very Talmudic Jews who established the Murders of Trotsky and Lenin in the USSR and set up the mass massacre of the Jews in Germany so that they copuld arrive at this point of global control. Beware and wake up in the Name of the Mighty Lord Jesus Christ. 2) He was sexually immoral, worshipped statues of stone (a brick is mentioned), was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness, and refused to repent (Sanhedrin 107b; Sotah 47a). Thus say Satan's Minions of Hell, the demons of the darkest pits the vipers who deny Christ Jesus in the Flesh these, those, they the anti-Christ of Iniquity who are at work. 3) He learned witchcraft in Egypt and, to perform miracles, used procedures that involved cutting his flesh — which is also explicitly banned in the Bible (Shabbos 104b). The false, rebellious message of Jesus has been thoroughly rejected by the vast majority of the Jewish people, as G-d commanded. Unfortunately, however, this same message has brought a terrible darkness upon the world; today, over 1.5 billion gentiles believe in Jesus. These lost souls mistakenly think they have found salvation in Jesus; tragically, they are in for a rude awakening. Truth and eternal life are found directly from G-d, through performing His Law. Any "mediator" only separates man from G-d: Any...Any....Any...who denies Christ Jesus, the WORD of GOD, the WORD as it is written, The Life Giver, the Lamb the Creator, will not have EVERLASTIBG LIFE and shall perish the second death. Do not be Judeo Churchizionist for you have not belived if you fakll for Satan's Tricks of deception. 1) "G-d is not a man, who can lie, nor the son of man, who relents.… He has not beheld iniquity in Jacob, nor has He seen perverseness in Israel" (Numbers 23:19). God is a man born in the flesh, Salvation, the Lamb provided as promised , born of a virgin, come in the flesh. He certainly will not be a 100 year old Pharisees who is in the ground and whose flesh is rotting, Schneerson, rest his rotten soul...he certainly will not be a mere man who will sit upon the throne of David, He certainly will not be a pervert of the sexual perversions of the Babylonian Talmud of Beastiality and homosexuality and hatred and death and murder and lies and theivery of usery and a whoremonger, and fearful, Oh yes Jesus Christ offered you your Salvation first unto the Jew then unto the Gentile. Yes you did reject the cornerstone and you now seek your proseyltes to make them twice the children of Hell. And all the dead dogs who cannot bark whom the sheep trust, Hagee, Crouch, Graham, Copelanf Popey John Paul II and all the telly tubby Televangelist have been purchased by you covenant with death and Sold the Lord for thirty pieces of Mammon. Oh yes we will stand those of us who know our Lord God, and Satan and you, all of you are already defeated and you will indeed come and worship at the feet of the Saint at true Zion of the Lord Jesus Christ on God's Holy Mountain in Israel, the true Israel. Damned your rotten souls in the name of Jesus Christ the Jealous God who has great and terrible warth for them who cry agape by the wolves in sheeps clothing. 2) Speaking prophetically of the Christian church, Moses declared, "For their 'rock' is not like our Rock.… Where is their god, in whom they trusted?" (Deut. 32:31, 37). As again the twisted words of Satans deceptions. 3) "'See now that I, only I, am He, and there is no god with Me. I kill, and I bring to life; I wound, and I heal, and there is none who can rescue from My Hand.'… Sing songs of joy, gentiles, with His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants, and will take vengeance on His enemies, and will forgive His land and His people" ( Which this son of the serpent refers Deut. 32:39, 43). 39: See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god with me: I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal: neither is there any that can deliver out of my hand. Jesus Christ the WORD which hath created everything which hath been created. The same today as yesterday and forever. The Alpha and the Omega. The God of Abraham.
The Pharisaic Talmudic Sons of the synagogues of Satan and their Oral tradition which make void the WORD of God
Of HIS SAINTS 4) "I, only I am Hashem (the L-rd), and besides Me there is no savior" (Isaiah 43:11). Their L-rd, their g-d which they can not even say, their god Satan, Baal, Nimrod 5) "I am the First and I am the Last; besides me there is no god.… Is there a god besides Me? There is no rock; I do not know any" (Isaiah 44:6). Jesus Christ the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the ending, the First and the Last, God with us. Iam. And this man who has written this is damned in eternal Hell, and cast out of the Kingdom where there is a gnashing of teeth. 6) "Israel is saved in Hashem with an eternal salvation.… Assemble yourselves and come, come near together, you gentiles who have escaped [the judgment]. (They have no knowledge, those who carry wooden sculptures and who pray to a god that does not save.) Announce and bring near, even take counsel together: Who declared this from ancient times, and announced it from then? Is it not I, Hashem? And there are no other gods beside Me, nor any righteous and saving god other than Me. Turn to Me and be saved, all ends of the earth, for I am G-d and there is none else. By Myself I swore, a righteous word went out of my mouth and it will not be withdrawn, that to Me every knee will bow and every tongue will swear" (Isaiah 45:17, 20-23). What is the true key to salvation? Those who return to the Law (the Seven Commandments for the Children of Noah, according to the eternal covenant made with Noah in Genesis 9) and who assist the Jewish people (Isaiah 60, 61, 66) will be saved and will participate in the miracles and revelations, including worshipping in the Third Temple, under the kingship of the Messiah. As described in many places, including Jeremiah 16:19-21 and Zechariah 8:20-23, all the old gentile religions of the world will disappear, and their followers will turn to the Jews for spiritual leadership. Until then, Christians are spiritually blinded, and cannot yet understand G-d's wisdom in the Bible. And here is where the beheading of the saints of the Lord Jesus Christ comes in. Are you ready? Ready ready ready? Because it was these Pharisaic Chabad Lubavitch sons of the synagogue of Satan the Talmudic Jews and their head Rabbi, Mendel Menachem Schneerson who set up the Freemason George H. W. Bush-ka to enact these Laws Ours is the last generation of the era of sin and evil and the first of the Messianic Era. Indeed, for the first time in history, there is a growing consensus of leading rabbis willing to name the man most suited to be the Messiah, and they are agreeing that he is the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. Yes they will name the mere man god, that evil, the son of perdition, false Christ soon, but Schneeeeeeerson, may his dead worm filled soul be eternally damned....... The Rebbe is the spiritual leader of our generation, having boldly stirred up controversy over vital issues in which other leaders have remained tragically silent or have even caved in to the growing forces of darkness. He has upheld the Law perfectly and has worked mightily to strengthen the observance of the Law by Jews, as well as the observance of the Noachide Law by gentiles. Through his teaching of chasidus (Jewish mystical teachings, preserved from Moses and Mount Sinai) (The Oral Tradition which they make the WORD of GOD void), he has taught the world that G-d is One, the Infinite Who renews creation at every moment. The Rebbe is a direct descendant of King David and has received a true prophecy from G-d that we who are alive in this generation shall be the first in history to see the coming of the true messiah. Many Jews are eagerly anticipating the Rebbe's resurrection from the grave, ready to re-establish the Sanhedrin and anoint the king. Our job is to finish preparing the way, by announcing the truth and bringing all of mankind back to the Law immediately. Through our divinely mandated efforts, we shall now clear the path for the return of the Garden of Eden and the establishment of the eternal sinless world promised by Isaiah and the other Biblical prophets. Their Olam Ha Ba, in which they are the Master Race and all Goy will become bondservants to them or be expelled, decapitated as per their Satanic Babylonian Talmudic Oral Traditions of Mishnah. Then the Lord of Host will come and out they go, then the Lord Jesus Christ the Word of God the Alpha and the Omega will gather his children, they who are the seed of Abraham by faith in the Only Lord God Christ Jesus Immanuel, together unto him and they shall have Everlasting Life in the True Zion of God the Father with the Lamb. Then these Liars who call themselves Jews but do lie and are of the synagogues of Satans Nimrod Babylonian Order of Darkness and who do worship the beast will come and worship at the feet of the saints of The Lord. amen and amen More from the Rabbi's of the Rabbid Chabad "Jesus of Nazareth who aspired to be the Mashiach and was executed by the court was also spoken of in Daniel's prophecies [Daniel 11:14], "The renegades among your people shall exalt themselves in an attempt to fulfill the vision, but they shall stumble." These Liars of Satan, for it is their mere man g-d the False Christ and they the Rabbid Chabad who are attempting to establish their vision of the mere mangod Moshiach ben Satan to sit in the Temple of Christ the Messiah the Prince as Christ showing that he is Christ and he will seek to destroy they who keep the Commandments Hebrewism of God and they who Love the Lord Jesus Christ. "Can there be a greater stumbling block than [Christianity]? All the prophets spoke of Moshiach as the redeemer of Israel and their savior, who would gather their dispersed ones and strengthen their [observance of] the mitzvos. In contrast [the founder of Christianity] caused the Jews to be slain by the sword, their remnants to be scattered and humiliated, the Torah to be altered, and the majority of the world to err and serve a god other than the L-rd." Right you are here, at least, Jesus Christ warned you Pharisees unto Baal who make void the WORD with your oral tradition of the Talmud Bavli Mishnah which is not WRITTEN. And you cause the people to err. And no...you WILL NOT BE MYSTICALL "SECRETLY RAPTURED" by their Talmudic Hoax but you will embrace their mangod Moshiach ben David. "When the true Messiah king will arise and prove successful, his [position becoming] exalted and uplifted, they will all return and realize that their ancestors endowed them with a false heritage; their prophets and ancestors cause them to err." _______ Yes these, these same Babylonian Talmudic Rabbid Rabbi's of the Order of Baal who caused the Sofiet Bolshevik Revolution which killed over twenty five million Christians under their Collective Hive and which destroyed the Lords Natural Order if Individualism are attempting this vision on a Global scale.
The Coming Christian The HOLY-COST
Reverend Sun Myung Moon Offers the World and the United Nations, the Babylonian Talmudic Judaic religion of their god and their Olam Ha Ba. The rest of us who stand firm for Jesus Christ, will be expelled for the good of all of the rest of humanity in their coming temporary eutopia. Say's Jesus Christ failed to bring the Kingdom of Heaven http://www.unification.net/2002/20020921_1.html Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace Governance and the Role of Religion in Peace and Security: Toward an Interreligious Council at the United Nations September 21, 2002 New York, New York Founder's Address God's Fatherland and the One World Respected current and former heads of state, leaders of religion, politics, and academia from around the world, renowned diplomats and leaders of the United Nations: In addition to the IIFWP Convocation, another reason for your gathering here today, with your hearts yearning for world peace, is to commemorate the International Day of Peace. On this profoundly significant occasion, as the Founder of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace, I would like to convey a message regarding God's original ideal. The title is, "God's Fatherland and the One World." Why We Must Establish God's Kingdom God has spoken of "His Kingdom and His righteousness," but people living on the earth today have not been able to find it. It is important to know that humanity today, just as it has for many thousands of years of human history, fervently desires the establishment of God's Kingdom and His righteousness. How is it, then, that the Kingdom and the righteousness that we have fervently desired remain unfulfilled goals? The reason is that human beings committed the fall. As a result of the human fall, God and humanity, who originally could have formed the center of His Kingdom and His righteousness, found themselves in circumstances that prevented their forming a relationship with each other. Human beings did not know much about our Father, the center of His Kingdom or His righteousness. Hence, God has labored throughout the course of history to enlighten these ignorant people and to teach us about Himself. In this context, establishing His Kingdom and His righteousness remains our fervent desire and goal. There exist many nations in today's world. Yet, not even one can truly receive love from God. For this reason, God wants to negate this fallen world and recreate His new Kingdom. God has conducted His providence to establish a nation. God cannot accomplish His will for human restoration without cooperation from a nation. There must be a true state that is centered on true religion. Hence, in the fullness of time, God established a particular nation and religion, the chosen people of Israel and Judaism. What is the character of the nation that fulfills our fervent desire for the Kingdom of God? It is not like the nations in which you now are living. Someday, we will have to leave these nations. We do not yet have God's Kingdom. A person without a nation does not have a permanent domicile, a nationality, or the possibility to register as a citizen. For this reason, we must accomplish the establishment of God's Kingdom in the present world. We must construct the heavenly kingdom on the earth. We must live on the earth as citizens of this nation. In that nation we lead our own families and kin, and inherit the lineage of the true and good parents who love their country and their nation as victorious sons and daughters. Only in that way will we enter the Kingdom of Heaven in the spiritual world. This is God's Principle. Only when there is a nation will we be able to bequeath a tradition that remains with our descendants into eternity. Only when there is a nation will the blood and sweat we shed live on. Only when there is a nation will men and women build a monument praising Heaven for God's work on this earth, and only then will every trace of glory remain. If there is no nation, it all will have been for nothing. This is why we must understand that the establishment of God's Kingdom is our most important task. We must live with the constant conviction that "Our family is protecting the nation that is qualified to receive the love of the True Parents. So I must be a filial child of the True Parents and fulfill the way of the patriot for the nation." It means that we must receive the love of God and True Parents. We cannot receive God's love unless we have a nation. This is because only after we have been victorious over Satan's rule over the nation can God's Kingdom be established. God's Kingdom is the Cherished Desire of All People We cherish God's Kingdom. Why is this? It is because it is the place where there is love. It is the place where we can find a love that is not transitory but lives eternally, transcending time. Also, it is the place where we can be lifted up, and where our value is recognized to the fullest extent. It is the place where we can be happy eternally. These are the reasons that people yearn for the Heavenly Kingdom and long to see it. We must travel the path that we truly want to travel, and we must build the nation in which we want to live for all eternity. If we possess riches, they must be only those that are guaranteed to belong to the cosmos at the same time that they belong to us, and to belong to the past and future at the same time that they belong to the present. We must also possess the authority and knowledge such that when we weep, heaven and earth will weep with us, and when we are joyful, heaven and earth can share our joy. This is the highest desire and cherished hope that fallen humanity must establish in the present age. Everyone should be able to live in his or her own nation. This is an absolute right and requirement bestowed on human beings. Everyone without exception must live a life filled with a cherished desire for God's Kingdom and His righteousness. This means that we must paint a picture of the ideal world with our thoughts, and in our daily life follow the path of living for the sake of His Kingdom and His righteousness. Do you have such a nation? Because you do not, you must now establish such a nation. What kind of nation did I say this would be? It will be a nation of ideals, a nation of unity. It will be a nation that all people can enter. In the work to establish this nation, no one is excluded. The family, clan, nation, and world all will cooperate. This is how each individual can become unified internally, and can establish unity within families, clans, societies, nations, and the world. God must accomplish the purpose of His providence on the earth without fail. What, then, will be the result? It will be that God will be able to save all people and exercise His dominion over the world. The purpose of the providence cannot be anything other than the hope for this to come to pass. If you are unable to complete the task of restoring a nation on the earth, then in the spirit world you will not possess the value of a person of the Kingdom of Heaven. You must take with you to the next life the achievement and qualification of having been ruled under God's dominion on earth. This is the original standard of God's creation. I envy nothing of this world. I have no interest in the things of this world. My lifelong cherished desire has been this: "Shouldn't I be able to die in a nation where God can protect me? If I do not bring this about during my lifetime, then will not mine have been a miserable life? I must establish this nation before I die and live there, even if only for a single day." For the sake of that single day, I am willing to offer the sacrifices made over thousands of days. You might rest, because you do not understand these things, but I keep going. Even if you cannot do it, I still must do it, even if it requires mobilizing people from other countries. If one nation cannot do it, I must work through other countries to carry out an indirect strategy. What is the purpose of our faith? It is that we become citizens of God's Kingdom. If we are not citizens of His Kingdom, we are not free to relate with pride to all people and the creation. We are not free to receive their love. A person without a nation is always vulnerable. He stands in a pitiful position. He may suffer unjustly for any number of reasons. This is why we need to know where to find the nation of God's desire; that is, the nation that will serve as God's foothold in the world. This is the essential issue. Ultimately, we should be able to shed blood and sweat for the sake of the people of this nation, for the sake of building the eternal heavenly kingdom, and for the sake of building a prosperous society about which our descendants will sing praise through all eternity. Without a doubt, the children of God's direct lineage will exercise kingly authority in this nation, based on their mandate from Heaven that carry God's full authority. This Kingdom will recognize democracy and communism as failed systems. Once formed, this Kingdom will endure forever. When you consider this, aren't you distressed about not being citizens of this Kingdom? I believe we should be lamenting the fact that we are not able to live in such a nation. We must repent that we have not acquired this unique and unchanging kingship. In attempting to establish such a kingship, nation, and territory, human beings have established numerous kingdoms. We know that during this process, many people have died, many common people were sacrificed, many countries were destroyed, and royal authority changed hands many times. Among the people who were sacrificed, there can be no doubt that those on Heaven's side, the sorrowful souls who were sacrificed for this purpose, still long for the establishment of such a Kingdom and such a world. God's Providence to Establish His Kingdom We have come to know that after the human fall, Satan, not God, exercised dominion over history. God, however, was originally supposed to be the master of this world. If clans and states formed by families of God's direct children had built the world, and if they had maintained the relationship of love with God, then God would have been able to exercise His dominion over the world, over every nation, over every family, and over every individual. Because of the human fall, however, all individuals, families, clans, societies, nations, and the world now stand in opposition to God. This is the history and world brought about by the fall. If we leave the world as it is, the world of eternal love expressing God's ideal of creation will not come about. But because God, as the Absolute Being, cannot establish His original authority unless He accomplishes His original will, He has used His position as the standard to bring the world of evil under control and lead it to become the world of His original ideal. This has been God's providence with respect to the fallen world. There are many nations on the earth today that belong to the fallen sovereignty, but there is not even one that is aligned with God's fervent desire. In order to establish a nation through which He can accomplish His will, God has been working throughout history to guide people without their awareness. God created Adam and raised him toward perfection with the desire to have one being through whom He could exercise dominion over all families, societies, and the world. As a result of Adam's fall, however, the history that began in oneness was broken into innumerable pieces. The history of salvation has been a process of arranging and connecting all the pieces. Since Adam was the ancestor of all human beings, losing Adam as a single individual was the same as losing the entire whole. So God needs to call and establish Adam again. The person who is established must be someone who is able to forsake and forget his clan and nation and live exclusively for God's will. Let us examine this in the context of the origin of the history of Christianity. Jesus, because of Israel's disbelief and persecution, was forced into a life of wandering. He was unable to fulfill the hope that speaks both to the spirit and the flesh. But the Messiah comes with the mission to break down all barriers in heaven and earth and bring about a single unified whole. God wills absolutely that we establish the principled state required by heavenly law, and that states structured by principles of the fallen world pass away. God's fervent hope in Adam was not confined to Adam as an individual, but extended to bringing about a family, clan, society and nation from Adam. When the Messiah's efforts to build a true nation were shattered, Israel suffered enormously. So the Lord who comes again is responsible to perfect Adam and fulfill the mission of the Messiah. This person is responsible to perfect the family, clan, society, nation, and world rooted in Adam. God sent His beloved sons and daughters to the earth to push history forward, toward establishing the nation that is absolutely one. But at the present moment there is no prepared foundation on which the one nation can be restored. Because of repeated failures, God has sent heavenly persons to the earth to carry out, push forward, and accomplish this task. This has been the history of the providence of restoration. We must be grateful, even if God sacrifices us as individuals. Even if He sacrifices our families, clans, societies and nations, we must be grateful. Only when such a true individual and a true nation are created can order be brought to the world. If God's Kingdom cannot be built on the foundation of sacrifices made by an individual, then the sacrifice must extend past the individual to the family, clan, and society. As He carried out the providence to establish His Kingdom, even God has been governed by this principle. Thus, His strategy is that, if an individual were to appear who could live for the sake of the Kingdom, then the family that inherited this person's individual tradition would make the next sacrifice for the sake of the Kingdom, and then a clan and a people would inherit the tradition of this family and sacrifice themselves for the sake of the Kingdom. This is how God has carried out the providence to establish His Kingdom. For what purpose were we born on this earth? We were born to love God's Kingdom. Also, God's love for that Kingdom has motivated Him in carrying out His providence. Jesus and God's Kingdom Citizens of a nation that has no sovereignty are in a pitiful situation. This concerned Jesus, and so he told us: "Therefore do not be anxious, saying, `What shall we eat?' or `What shall we drink?' or `What shall we wear?' For the Gentiles seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well." (Matthew 6: 31-33) Did he say we should seek after having a son first? Or was it God's Kingdom? Jesus told us to seek after the Kingdom that God seeks. God's fervent desire to establish His Kingdom and His righteousness cannot be accomplished apart from human beings and the creation. In fact, it is only through human beings that it can be accomplished. God desires to be harmonized with the creation through true human beings. That is why God sent Jesus to this earth as a substantial being who could represent the Lord before fallen humanity and bring forth Heaven's lineage. Jesus was the first person who had the purpose of accomplishing God's fervent historical desire on earth. Jesus was God's son, the first established in this position after 4,000 years of preparation. He was the son of God living on the earth in the midst of a nation centering on Judaism with the seed of the family of Joseph. The satanic side already had established nations and was attacking the side of Heaven, so Heaven's side also needed a nation standing on a complete foundation. That is why God labored for 4,000 years to form that single nation. The fruit of God's labor was to have come about by the people of Israel accepting Jesus and forming a worldwide foundation. This was to have led to the establishment of a world centered completely on God and Jesus on earth. Because Jesus died prematurely, however, this world was established only spiritually. Centering on his three-year public life, Jesus attempted to indemnify everything that had been lost centering on Judaism. Jesus was crucified, however, and Israel, which had been established as a substantial body on the earth, as God's national foundation in both spirit and flesh, also perished. Because Jesus was killed, Christianity could achieve only the spiritual foundation of a nation, and the Israelites became a people without a nation, forced to wander the world as an object of the satanic world's derision. This is why we cannot find a nation that is truly Christian in spirit and flesh. So the Lord who comes again must restore the 4,000-year providence by which God created the nation of Israel, and restore all that was lost through the disbelief of the Israelites that resulted from their ignorance. Jesus came to establish a nation, one nation. He was not able to establish this nation both in spirit and flesh; he established it only in spirit. That is why Christianity today does not have a substantial nation on the earth. This means that God cannot turn to any nation or any people on earth and say, "My beloved nation, my beloved people." This tells us that the foundation for God's Kingdom has not yet been built on this earth. If at the time of Jesus, the nation of Israel had become one centering on Jesus, then that nation would have been God's Kingdom centering on His son, Jesus, and God would have restored the world centering on that nation. As a result of Jesus' death, that is, as a result of the loss of the substantial body, the foundation to connect spirit and flesh on the earth could bear fruit only spiritually. Until now Christians have been like a people without a country, so they have suffered death everywhere they have gone. Christianity grew through the blood of martyrs. Because of the manner in which Christianity was planted in the world, it could not grow except by the blood of martyrs. Now the time of shedding blood and receiving persecution is over. Instead of dying away and disappearing, however, there has appeared a way of thinking that yearns for God's Kingdom and eagerly awaits the coming Lord in order to establish the lost substantial nation on the basis of Christianity's spiritual foundation. This is the expectation of the Second Coming. Even Jesus is waiting in Paradise. We need to know that he has not yet gone before Heaven's throne. Jesus needed to establish national sovereignty before God, rule over a nation, and build a nation that would possess the authority to go directly from earth to Heaven. Because he was not able to build such a nation, Jesus cannot stand before God. So Paradise became the "waiting room" on the way to Heaven. Heaven is a place where no one can enter alone. If the fall had not occurred, we would have gone to Heaven as blessed families, centering on Adam and Eve. We must go there along with our sons and daughters. In order to restore this through indemnity, God has been fighting for 2,000 years to build a foundation that can connect to the world. Where there is no national standard, though, who will inherit the foundation of the nation? To find such spiritual people and make the necessary preparations, God is working through a new religious movement centering on Christianity. Respected religious leaders: As humanity enters the third millennium, it is receiving heavenly fortune anew. I hope that all religious people will join their hearts together and follow through on my proposal to establish a council within the United Nations composed of representatives from various religions, parallel with the General Assembly. If there is one lofty task that the United Nations can perform for the sake of humankind, it would be to contribute to humanity's spiritual recovery on the foundation of God's true love. For this purpose, I have chosen leaders of good conscience from not only the religious field but also from government, philosophy, business, culture and other fields, and provided true love education that teaches "the life lived for the sake of others." On this foundation, I have already appointed tens of thousands of Ambassadors for Peace. All around the world, they carry the banner of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace that I founded. They are devoting their full efforts to bringing about the world of peace that is the fervent desire of God and humankind. It will not be long before the will of the almighty, omniscient and absolute God is accomplished. I would like to conclude my remarks by asking that the leaders assembled here also become active participants in recreating your families and nations in true love and in bringing about an everlasting world of peace where there are no national boundaries. I pray that Heaven's blessing may overflow in abundance upon you and your families. Thank you. ______________________ Moon clearly a Righteous Noachide under Babylonian Talmudic Pharisee rule. As is George H. W. Bush aho_cospiracy Art, Literature & History Under the Noahide Laws
Talmudists Pass Law to Kill Christians ___________________________ http://www.forward.com/issues/2001/01.03.02/news6.html "Dr. Laura" Schlessinger
___________ http://www.gospelcom.net/apologeticsindex/u05.html Reverend Jerry Fallwell bought out for thirty pieces of Silver by the Satanis Chabad Lubavitch Babylonian Talmudic Rabbi's through Sun Myung Moon. And thats that.
___________ George W. Bush-Nimrodic Babylonian Tamudic Pontifex Maximus John Paul II-Arik Sheinerman (Ariel Sharon) All lead by the Babylonian Talmudic False Zion-ist Chabad Lubavitch Illuminated sons of the Illuminated angel of Darkness. They must have their Olam Ha Ba after their wars of Hashem (WWIII) and usher in their mere man g-d, Moshiach ben Satan. For the true children of the Lords True Zion when he returns are the seed of Abraham by faith in Christ Jesus PM Sharon And Rabbis of Pikuach Nefesh Committee Ignore Pollard[Original Title: Sharon on Bush, the Pope, Peres and Peace Now]Avraham Shmuel Lewin - Jewish Press (NY) - January 4, 2002 Justice4JP Comment:
On January 4, 2002, the Jewish Press ran an article by Rabbi Simcha Green castigating the Jewish leaders, rabbis and the Jewish Press for ignoring the massive injustice that Jonathan Pollard continues to endure. In the same issue, the article below was the front page lead story. In it the Jewish Press reports that Prime Minister Sharon recently met with an important group of rabbis, The Pikuach Nefesh Committee, to discuss a broad range of subjects. Among other things that came up at the meeting was an exultant exchange of notes on their respective recent meetings with President Bush. The Jewish Press fails to note that the plight of Jonathan Pollard and the urgent Mitzvah of Pidyan shvuyim, was not one of the subjects that was brought up by any rabbi in the meetings with Bush neither was it brought up at all with Sharon at this meeting. Justice4JP notes the irony in the name of the rabbinical group: Pikuach Nefesh Committee. [Life-In-Danger Committee]. Sharon on Bush, the Pope, Peres and Peace Now JERUSALEM - In an exclusive interview with The Jewish Press last week, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon spoke candidly and openly on a variety of subjects including U.S. President George Bush, Pope John Paul II, Chief Rabbi Israel M. Lau and Peace Now. "I believe I am the only Israeli prime minister who has made it a point at every meeting with a foreign leader to declare openly that I am a Jew who represents the Jewish state, the eternal capital of which is Jerusalem," Sharon said. He then described a meeting he had with Pope John Paul II when the pontiff visited Israel last year. "When we met, the pope started speaking about the holy sites in Israel," Sharon recalled. "He then told me that while in one sense Israel belongs to Jews, Muslims and Christians, everyone must be aware that it was promised only to the Jewish people." Of course the Pontifex Maximus of Saturnia did, for he was sent by the High Priesthood of Nimrodic Babylonian by the Talmudic Pharisees to discredit Christianity and is in no wise a representation of Christ Jesus, but another, and imposter, the mere man, their Babylonian Talmudic man-god and the master race who rejected and continue to reject the ONLY Messiah the Salvation which was sent unto them Christ Jesus. The Jewish Press was the only media outlet present at the closed-door meeting between the prime minister and rabbis representing the Pikuach Nefesh Committee, a group comprised of more than 300 prominent rabbis in Israel and abroad who have ruled that Jews are forbidden to give up any of the Land of Israel to their enemies, based on the concept of pikuach nefesh (threat to life). Those present included Rabbi Moshe Landau, chief rabbi of Bnei Brak; Rabbi Dov Lior, chief rabbi of Kiryat Arba-Hebron; Rabbi Yosef Toledano, chief rabbi of Givat Ze'ev; Rabbi David Drukman, chief rabbi of Kiryat Motzkin and Rabbi Yosef Gerlitzky, rabbi of Central Tel Aviv and chairman of the Pikuach Nefesh Committee. The rabbis told the prime minister that until recently Israelis murdered by terrorists were called "victims of Oslo." However, since Israel is no longer obligated to uphold the agreement due to the Palestinians' blatant violations of its terms, those killed in recent months can only be described as 'victims of the Sharon government.' War and slavery to all Palestinians. They shall say Peace, Peace and there shall be no peace, and when they shall say Peace, then shall sudden destruction fall upon them. The rabbis also told Sharon that his habit of declaring that any agreements negotiated by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres are invalid, and then stating that Peres had been operating with his knowledge, only confuses the public and weakens its resolve. The same holds true for the prime minister's declarations in favor of a Palestinian state. "We know you don't mean it and would place a hundred and one obstacles in its way, but your verbal declaration gives legitimacy to this cause and weakens the public opposition to it tremendously," the rabbis said. The rabbis recommended that the prime minister in his public pronouncements and government statements emphasize the biblical and Divine bond that Jews have with Israel. "There is no reason for Israeli leaders to feel embarrassed to quote the Bible (Talmud Bavli) in their meetings with international leaders," the rabbis told Sharon. "On the contrary, this will only strengthen Israel's position and will gain it respect." Their Wars of Hashem and their man of Dan, Bushk-a II To buttress their point, the rabbis told Sharon of the meeting that President George W. Bush had with American Jewish leaders on Chanukah. For 30 minutes the president spoke forcefully about his war against terror and about the terror perpetrated against Israel. After the president finished speaking, Rabbi Abraham Shemtov (Chabad), chairman of the executive committee of Agudas Chassidei Chabad-Lubavitch and the movement's longtime envoy to the White House, told the president that "our prayers are constantly with you that, just as Almighty G-d has given you strength and wisdom to guide your - our - government and the entire world to successful achievements until now, you be blessed to continue your mission to its completion, eradicating the world of evil and darkness." If you are not with us in our Global New World Order, Olam Ha Ba, of the Master Race and the Exclusive Righteous Rabbi's of the Talmudic Babylonian Sofiet Bolshevik Order of Nimrod, you are against us....and.......off with your heads, saith Bush-ka II Rabbi Shemtov then related how as a child he attended an underground Hebrew school in the city of Tashkent, in Uzbekistan, where he learned about how G-d created the world and assigned the Holy Land to our ancestors and their descendants, the Jewish people, forever. "Mr. President," he concluded, "we look toward you to do your best to assure that G-d's will continues to be fulfilled." So keep in mind from their own words
http://www.beismoshiach.org/Moshiach/moshiach341.htm The Rebbe’s Revolution In 5762 Ten years passed. On the one hand, world-wide terror increased. On the other hand, the world continued to progress towards the time of the Rebbe Mendel Menachem Schneerson's revelation. Somehow, the Rebbe arranged it so that Bush’s son would become president too and complete what his father left unfinished.By Rabbi Naftali Estulin
Since the time has come for the revelation of the Rebbe MH"M, the U.S. has no choice, and must fulfill its destiny and instill the Sheva Mitzvos within all of humanity.
Must have the wars to recover all of Biblical Israel which God the Most High took from them when they crucified Salvation sent unto them, for as Pontifex Maximus John Paul II says, they no longer need the Everlasting Covenant to enter into heaven, why they do not even want heaven, they want their new mere man god, Moshiach the son of perdition and their god of this world, Olam ha ba Satan. Rabbi Shemtov's straightforward words clearly found their way to the president's heart; when Bush saw the rabbi at the White House Chanukah party several hours later, he gave him a warm embrace. Sharon listened attentively to the story and noted that in his own meetings with Bush he found the president to be deeply sympathetic to Israel and keenly aware of the Jewish state's security and defense needs. Like his father and his Father's Father George W. Bush is a righteous Noachide in the order of Solomons Nimrodic Freemasonry. King of the Noachides. Hitler was originally set up to be the King of the Noachides under the Nimrodic Babylonian mystery of Blavatsky's Talmudic Theosophy, but he was double crossed by the Talmudic Rabbi's of Satan. The prime minister also reiterated the emphasis he places on Jewish history and destiny when speaking with world leaders. At one point in the conversation he told the guard at the door to call in his military secretary, Ami Kaplinsky, and his spokesman Ra'anan Gissin. "I want them to also hear divrei Torah from the rabbis," Sharon said. When his secretary came in and informed him that Finance Minister Silvan Shalom had arrived for an important budget meeting, the prime minister responded, "He can wait, I am drawing inspiration from the rabbis now." Sharon then turned to the rabbis and said, "We are now sitting in the security cabinet room where all fateful decisions of the state are made. I hope that your presence here will later inspire us to make the right decisions." When the rabbis praised him for resisting international pressure to allow Yasir Arafat to attend holiday mass in Bethlehem last week, the prime minister laughed. "What pressure? No leader called me or spoke to me about it. Not President Bush, no leader from Europe or from the Vatican. They knew that I would turn them down. Whatever pressure I got was from Jews inside Israel. Israelis themselves were the ones who pressured me, even Orthodox Jews," said Sharon. The rabbis expressed their shock when Sharon told them, "Even Chief Rabbi Israel Lau asked that I allow Arafat to go to Bethlehem. I found this simply unbelievable." The prime minister agreed with the rabbis that the Oslo accords were a disaster and that Peres's philosophy leaves much to be desired. "So far, though, I have not conceded an inch. We are facing very difficult battles on various fronts. I was not tempted by those who demanded of me to just go in and wipe them all out. That could cause a rift in our relations with the U.S. Right now U.S.-Israel relations have never been better. (The Pimp of the Great Whore) "Currently we are doing the job the Palestinian Authority is supposed to be doing - arresting terrorists. They have not really arrested one terrorist, not one. So we are doing it for them and believe me, they don't have a night of rest." The used to be fighters with stones of opposition are now Bush-ka - Sheinerman- Chabad Lubavitch War on Ishmael Terrorist Sharon said that while he realizes "we will never reach a peace agreement with the PA, to recapture those areas that were given to them after the Oslo accords is not realistic." Peace, Peace there shall be no peace Referring to recent attempts by left-wing groups to publicize ongoing housing construction in Judea and Samaria as a way of portraying Sharon as an obstacle to peace, the prime minister chuckled and said, "I truly thank them for that. Otherwise I would have to hire special inspectors to see if the contractors are doing the job there. Like this I have Peace Now and all the Left saving me money on hiring inspectors. I couldn't get a better report from anyone." Asked why he doesn't officially declare the Oslo agreement null and void, Sharon responded, "Look, de facto everybody knows it's null and void, but if the government declares so officially then Labor will immediately leave the government and then I will be left with pressure from the Right to do things which are unrealistic in my view." Sharon said Peres's recently disclosed agreement with the PA "is in absolute contradiction to what I have declared to the government - that before there is any discussion about a Palestinian state, it will be brought to a debate. It was not brought to debate and so it is not authorized. When the day comes, if it is relevant, it will be brought before the government." Sharon said his position on negotiations remains as it always has been - so long as there is terrorism,(There is perpetual war against Ishmael) there will be no political talks. Peres's talks with the Palestinians are meant to bring about a cease-fire and an end to terrorism and incitement. Sharon said if political negotiations are renewed, he will be running them, in cooperation with Peres. Addressing the question of why Arafat is not proclaiming a Palestinian state right now, Sharon told the rabbis, "Look, Arafat knows that the minute he declares a Palestinian state we will immediately annex large portions of Judea and Samaria." Contrary to recent reports in Ma'ariv and Yediot Ahronot, Sharon made it clear to the rabbis that his government has decided that it will not conduct diplomatic negotiations unless the following conditions are met:
Who makes the Rules? In the Occupied Territory? ___________ Once the "New World Order" has been secured for their mere mangod O'Lucifer the son of the morning you will not be allowed to be converted to Jewry ever again but will be allowed to serve as obedient Goyim Noachides under their godman Moshiach ben Satan, the son of Perdition. Or you will simply reject their Baal god-man and stand firm for the Testimony of the ONLY MESSIAH THE PRINCE, Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty and his Father the Most High. The choice is yours alone, that is if your name is not in the Lamb Book of Life. Talmud - Mas. Yevamoth 24b Our Rabbis learnt: No proselytes will be accepted in the days of the Moshiach.2 In the same manner no proselytes were accepted in the days of David nor in the days of Solomon.3 Said R. Eleazar: What Scriptural [support is there for this view]?-Behold he shall be a proselyte who is converted for my own sake,4 he who lives with you shall be settled among you,5 he only who lives with you in your poverty shall be settled among you; but no other. You will obey the king of the Noachides or be expelled from their vision which they will attempt to establish and they who hate the Everlasting Covenant, Jesus Christ the Lamb slain since the foundation of the world. In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion: The Moshiach is the one who will be anointed as king in the End of Days. How do we lose our share in the Olam HaBa?Saith the Rabbid Rabbi's of Remphan "In his Mishneh Torah, too, Maimonides concludes that both the one who denies the concept of resurrection of the dead or the one who denies the coming of the Moshiach are among those who have forfeited their share in Olam Haba -- the Hereafter (Mishneh Torah Hilkhot Teshuvah 3:6)." Melakhim, ch. 9, 10). One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation (Sanh. 57a). What the Lord Jesus Christ saith if you accept Moshiach ben Satan and their attempt at the fourth Reich Rv:20:4: And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
How Bush-ka is bringing in the Chabad Lubavitcher Talmudic Babylonian Olam Ha Ba http://www.usajewish.com/scripts/usaj/paper/cartoon.asp?ArticleID=1484
______________________ ABOVE: Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Lieberman with the Lubavitcher Rebbe
___________________ http://www.public-action.com/christmas.html IMPORTANT LUBAVITCHERSFor contemporary Lubavitchers, the most admired is late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the "Lubavitcher Rebbe," or simply "the Rebbe." (Jewish people call a rabbi with whom they have a close and personal relationship their "Rebbe." Since I feel as though I have a close and personal relationship with him -- having read much about him -- and since I am not Jewish, I will use the Americanized form of the word and call Rabbi Schneerson "the Reeb." ) The Reeb is long dead with worms crawling throughout his anti-Christ wretched and putred body. Now back to Lubavitcher Ari Fleischer, the Bush press secretary who is one of the most active Lubavitchers in Washington, DC. This from the (Baltimore) Jewish Times of October 26, 2001: Like that of most high-ranking White House officials, press secretary Ari Fleischer's life has been an exhausting blur since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. But he took a few hours off last week to pick up an award from American Friends of Lubavitch, and to help boost the group's extensive Jewish outreach efforts on Capitol Hill -- efforts that Mr. Fleischer, a former congressional staffer, has supported from the beginning. ("Ari Fleischer: Reform Lubavitch," by James Besser, Baltimore Jewish Times, 10/26/2001, V.262, N.8, p. 30. as quoted by The Jewish Tribal Review. http://jewishtribalreview.org/cha.htm As you read the Jews and Hasidic Gentiles—United to Save America (JHG-USA) website, be aware of the sliding definitions. The Hebrew word "Moshiach," (sometimes spelled "Mashiach"), is the word for "Messiah." Sometimes "Moshiach" connotes a person, but often it connotes the Jewish people as a whole and the Utopia they will bring to the world through their transcendence over lesser beings. _____________________________ More Chabad Lubavitcher Pharisees of the Order of Baal's Nimrodic Talmudic Kingdom vision. The Robbers who are attempting to establish the vision to set the false-g-d in the Temple of Christ the Messiah. These are your enemies, make no mistake, they hate you and seek to destroy all true Christians and Jews 2). Paul Wolfowitz----Deputy Defense Secretary, and member of Perle's Defense Policy Board, in the Pentagon. Wolfowitz is a close associate of Perle, and reportedly has close ties to the Israeli military. His sister lives in Israel. Wolfowitz is the number two leader within the administration behind this Iraq war mongering.
3). Douglas Feith----Under Secretary of Defense and Policy Advisor at the Pentagon. He is a close associate of Perle and served as his Special Counsel. Like Perle and the others, Feith is a pro-Israel extremist, who has advocated anti-Arab policies in the past. He is closely associated with the extremist group, the Zionist Organization of America, which even attacks Jews that don't agree with its extremist views. Feith frequently speaks at ZOA conferences. Feith runs a small law firm, Feith and Zell, which only has one International office, in Israel. The majority of their legal work is representing Israeli interests. His firm's own website stated, prior to his appointment, that Feith "represents Israeli Armaments Manufacturer." Feith basically represents the Israeli War Machine. Feith, like Perle and Wolfowitz, are campaigning hard for this Israeli proxy war against Iraq.
4). Edward Luttwak----Member of the National Security Study Group of the Department of Defence at the Pentagon. Luttwak is reportedly an Israeli citizen and has taught in Israel. He frequently writes for Israeli and pro-Israeli newspapers and journals. Luttwak is an Israeli extremist whose main theme in many of his articles is the necessity of the U.S. waging war against Iraq.
5). Henry Kissinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Kissinger sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle. For detailed information about Kissinger's evil past, read Seymour Hersch's book (Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House). Kissinger had a part in the Watergate crimes, Southeast Asia mass murders, Chile dictatorship, and more recently served as Serbian Dictator Slobodan Milosevic's Advisor. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Kissinger is the Ariel Sharon of the U.S.
6). Dov Zakheim----Under Secretary of Defense, Comptroller, and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for the Department of Defense. He is an ordained rabbi and reportedly holds Israeli citizenship. Zakheim attended Jew's College in London and became an ordained Orthodox Jewish Rabbi in 1973. He was adjunct professor at New York's Jewish Yeshiva University. Zakheim is close to the Israeli lobby. 7). Kenneth Adelman-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Adelman also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle, and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Adelman frequently is a guest on Fox News, and often expresses extremist and often ridiculus anti-Arab and anti-Muslim views. Through his hatred or stupidity, he actually called Arabs "anti-Semitic" on Fox News (11/28/2001), when he could have looked it up in the dictionary to find out that Arabs bydefinition are Semites. 8). I. Lewis Libby -----Vice President Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff. The chief pro-Israel Jewish advisor to Cheney, it helps explains why Cheney is so gun-ho to invade Iraq. Libby is longtime associate of Wolfowitz. Libby was also a lawyer for convicted felon and Israeli spy Mark Rich, whom Clinton pardoned, in his last days as president. 9). Robert Satloff----U.S. National Security Council Advisor, Satloff was the executive director of the Israeli lobby's "think tank," Washington Institute for Near East Policy. Many of the Israeli lobby's "experts" come from this front group, like Martin Indyk. 10). Elliott Abrams-----National Security Council Advisor. He previously worked at Washington-based "Think Tank" Ethics and Public Policy Center. During the Reagan Adminstration, Abrams was the Assistant Secretary of State, handling, for the most part, Latin American affairs. He played an important role in the Iran-Contra Scandal, which involved illegally selling U.S. weapons to Iran to fight Iraq, and illegally funding the contra rebels fighting to overthrow Nicaragua's Sandinista government. He also actively deceived three congressional committees about his involvement and thereby faced felony charges based on his testimony. Abrams pled guilty in 1991 to two misdemeanors and was sentenced to a year's probation and 100 hours of community service. A year later, former President Bush (Senior) granted Abrams a full pardon. He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Reagan Administration's State Department. 11). Marc Grossman-----Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. He was Director General of the Foreign Service and Director of Human Resources at the Department of State. Grossman is one of many of the pro-Israel Jewish officials from the Clinton Administration that Bush has promoted to higher posts. 12). Richard Haass-----Director of Policy Planning at the State Department and Ambassador at large. He is also Director of National Security Programs and Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the first Bush (Sr) Administration who sat on the National Security Council, and who consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. Haass is also a member of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon. 13). Robert Zoellick-----U.S. Trade Representative, a cabinet-level position. He is also one of the more hawkish pro-Israel Jews in the Bush (Jr) Administration who advocated invading Iraq and occupying a portion of the country in order to set up setting up a Vichy-style puppet government. He consistently advocates going to war against Iraq. 14). Ari Fleischer----Official White House Spokesman for the Bush (Jr) Administration. Prominent in the Jewish community, some reports state that he holds Israeli citizenship. Fleischer is closely connected to the extremist Jewish group called the Chabad Lubavitch Hasidics, who follow the Kabala, and hold very extremist and insulting views of non-Jews. Fleischer was the co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum. He received the Young Leadership Award from the American Friends of Lubavitch in October, 2001. 15). James Schlesinger-----One of many Pentagon Advisors, Schlesinger also sits on the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board under Perle and is another extremist pro-Israel advisor, who supports going to war against Iraq. Schlesinger is also a commissioner of the Defense Department's National Security Study Group, at the Pentagon. 1 6). Mel Sembler-----President of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. A Prominent Jewish Republican and Former National Finance Chairman of the Republican National Committee. The Export-Import Bank facilitates trade relationships between U.S. businesses and foreign countries, specifically those with financial problems.17). Michael Chertoff ----Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division, at the Justice Department. 18). Joshua Bolten----Bush's Chief Policy Director, banker and former legislative aide. Prominent in the Jewish community. 19). Steve Goldsmith----Senior Advisor to the President, and Bush's Jewish domestic policy advisor. He also serves as liaison in the White House Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives (White House OFBCI) within the Executive Office of the President. He was the former mayor of Indianapolis. He is also friends with Israeli Jerusalem Mayor Ehud Olmert and often visits Israel to coach mayors on privatization initiatives. 20). Adam Goldman-----White House's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. 21). Joseph Gildenhorn-----Bush Campaign's Special Liaison to the Jewish Community. He was the DC finance chairman for the Bush campaign, as well as campaign coordinator, and former ambassador to Switzerland. 22). Christopher Gersten-----Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Administration for Children and Families at HHS. Gersten was the former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition, Husband of Labor Secretary, Linda Chavez, and reportedly very pro-Israel. Their children are being raised Jewish. 23). Mark Weinberger-----Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Tax Policy. 24). Samuel Bodman-----Deputy Secretary of Commerce. He was the Chairman and CEO of Cabot Corporation in Boston, Massachusetts. 25). Bonnie Cohen-----Under Secretary of State for Management. 26). Ruth Davis-----Director of Foreign Service Institute, who reports to the Office of Under Secretary for Management. This Office is responsible for training all Department of State staff (including ambassadors). 27). Lincoln Bloomfield-----Assistant Secretary of State for Political Military Affairs. 28). Jay Lefkowitz-----General Counsel of the Office of Budget and Management. 29). David Frum-----White House speechwriter. 30). Ken Melman-----White House Political Director. 31). Brad Blakeman------White House Director of Scheduling. 32). Colin Powell-----Secretary of State, (Colon Polyp) ex-chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, of Jamaican origin, he has one Jewish ancestor on his father's side. He grew up in a heavily Jewish-populated neighborhood in New York, and speaks Yiddish. The first day of being picked (12/16/2000) he said he wanted to toughen sanctions on Iraq, and will work to "re-energize the sanctions regime," even though he knows the embargo has killed 2 million Iraqi civilians. _____________ Read the Book of Matthew in the New Covenant to understand these men, whited sepulchers full of dead mens bones. Chabad Houses to be established Globally to enforce the Noachide Laws of Worship unto their g-d Moshiach ben False-god, the son of Perdition whom they have designated the Son of David, the Babylonian High Priest in the order of Nimrod From Sicko's of Satan http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/sichos-in-english/33/20.htm On Shabbos Noach, the sixth of MarCheshvan, 5746, the Rebbe again emphasized the themes of Chabad Houses, Jewish Unity and appointing Rav/Teachers. He connected these themes with the story of the flood, and the close of the Tishrei holiday period. During the time of the Bais Hamikdosh the period of the Sukkos pilgrimage lasted till the sixth of MarCheshvan. Today, the themes and blessings of Tishrei continue into Cheshvan. Carry the holiness of Tishrei into the mundane affairs of the year; Torah must take primary importance; Chabad Houses for Torah, prayer and acts of lovingkindness should be established everywhere. The unity of the holiday time must also be carried into the ensuing year; unity also enhances outreach. How to reach unity? "Provide yourself with a teacher" -- who will guide you and teach you. The Chabad Houses will serve as "arks" to protect you from the raging waters of worldly problems. CHABAD OF ALABAMA
The literal meaning of Kabbalah is "received tradition." The term is used for a body of classical Jewish mystical teachings that goes beyond the words of Scriptures and laws to look at what they mean. Although the teachings are both ancient and evolving, they also have become trendy. Celebrities including Barbra Streisand, Madonna and Roseanne endorse Kabbalah as the spiritual discipline that has helped them find meaning and peace for their lives. The adult education programs of Oklahoma City's two Jewish congregations, along with the Jewish Federation of Greater Oklahoma City, will sponsor a lecture Thursday featuring Mor Altshuler, an Israeli scholar with expertise on Kabbalah. Officials of those two congregations and the federation say they aren't aware of Kabbalah being a major topic of discussion or interest among their members. They are supporting the lecture mainly to help area Jews as well as non-Jews understand more about this branch of the faith. But Rabbi Ovadia Goldman of the Chabad Jewish Center in Oklahoma City said he frequently talks to people about Kabbalah. Goldman is an Orthodox rabbi within the Chabad- Lubavitch movement, which has an outreach that includes Jews who are not involved in congregations. Chabad-Lubavitch - ... Chumash tells us that it was built by king Nimrod (also called Ashur ... A project of the Chabad-Lubavitch World Headquarters Produced by the Lubavitch News Service. Esau came from the field, and he was exhausted (25:29) Esau committed five sins on that day: he dishonored a betrothed maiden, he committed a murder, he denied G-d, he denied the resurrection of the dead, and he spurned the birthright. (The Talmud) On that day, Esau murdered Nimrod (the king of Babel). (Midrash)
Wizards of Babylonian Talmudic Qabala Modern Wizards
____________ http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/01022a.htm Pontus. -- Pontificatus ("Pontificate") Behold, the Pontifex Maximus sent by the Babylonian Talmudic Pharisees to establish a false-church in Rome in the order of Talmudic Qabalistic sorcery to eventually discredit Christ Jesus
(Acts 8:9-24). 9: But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one: Simon Magus http://www.reformation.org/simon_peter_versus_simon_magus.html Right from the very beginning, Satan had his counterfeit "messiah" operating right in the true Messiah's backyard. His name was Simon Magus or Simon the Sorcerer and this man, and not Simon Peter the Apostle, went on to found the Universal Roman "church." His career was the history of Roman Catholicism in miniature. For a long time he bewitched the people with his false miracles. Since the year 800 A.D., Rome has bewitched the world with her false miracles of transubstantiation. Simon believed and was baptized. Outwardly he was a Christian but his belief was only superficial and he was still a pagan at heart. He coveted the apostolic office and saw the opportunity of using Christianity to make money - a business corporation masquerading as the church of Christ!! From Simon Magus we get the word simony which means to buy a religious office with money ________________ http://www.meguiar.addr.com/covenant_of_levi_part2.htm
Just What Is the Kabbala? The roots of the Kabbala can indeed be traced directly back to Babel.[3] When the House of Judah – the Jews – worshipped the seven planets of Babel they were carried away to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar. During the 70 years of captivity, many Jewish priests studied deep into the ancient Babylonian Mysteries. These priests assembled a theory of knowledge, which later became known as the Kabbala. The main doctrine being detailed as hidden knowledge of God, which was revealed only to a secret select few. From the beginning of its development, the Kabbala closely resembled that of Gnosticism. This Jewish movement reached its peak in Spain when the Kabbala Bible, known as the Zohar, was published. Moses De Leon, who included into the Zohar the doctrines of the Gnostics as well as those of the Neoplatonists, compiled this bible.
The Kabbalah Did ExistAt The Time Of Christ - In Secret! During the time of Christ, the Kabbalah was very secret - a kind of conspiracy/cabal practiced in the dark. It was this same tradition of the Jews that Christ condemned on several occasions:[4] Matthew 15:6 – 9 “…You have made God’s law null and void by means of your tradition/Cabala. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you: ‘This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; they worship me in vain, for they teach as doctrine the commandments of men.’
KJV 7: Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying, Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition/CABALA of men, after the elements/rudiments/principals of the kosmos,[5] and not after Messiah. KJV 8: Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. The Encyclopedia Britannica goes a step further, documenting that this esoteric mysticism was being practice even before the time of Christ, i.e. in the 2nd century BC. It explains that esoteric knowledge is a form of mysticism akin to gnosis – the secret knowledge claimed by Gnosticism, a Hellenistic religio-philosophical movement, which PURGED WITH KABBALA. This esoteric knowledge began to be examined by the Jewish scholars of the 2nd century BC. A few documents have been preserved that confirm to the existence of methods and practices having to do with the initiation of carefully chosen persons who were made to undergo tests and ordeals. Magic power, contaminated by Egyptian, Hellenistic, and Mesopotamian/Babylonian magic, was attributed to these practices. One such document, “Treatise on Mysteries” was discovered in 1963 – a report rich in pagan information. The Encyclopedia Judaica also states the Kabbalah was very similar to Gnosticism and that it DETERMINED THE FACE OF JUDAISM FOR MANY CENTURIES: Jewish Gnosis and the Sefer Yezirah[15] - …scholars have interpreted several of the earliest documents of Gnostic literature as Gnostic Midrashim…Haenchen in particular has argued that their basic Jewish character is clearly recognizable in an analysis of the TEACHING OF SIMON MAGUS, apparently the leader of Samaritan gnosis, a first-century heterodox[16] Judaism. Even before this, M. Friedlaender had surmised that antinomian Gnostic tendencies…had also developed WITHIN JUDAISM BEFORE THE RISE OF CHRISTIANITY.
Simon Magus "Peter the Sorcerer" The Pontifex Maximus of the Babylonian Talmudic Order of Rome SIMON MAGUS: By : ARTICLE HEADINGS: __________________________ Nimrod = Baal=Pontifex Maximus mangod=Babylonian Talmudism=Babylonian Exile=Pharisees=Nimrodic Order of Baal Babylonian Talmudic Exiled Pharisees of Pontifex Maximus=Simon Magus=Babylonian Talmudic Qabala Zohar Mystical Qaballah Wizard=Pontifex Maximus=Peter the Sorcerer Not Peter the Rock and now it is time to pull the curtain and the Whores return to the Mother Whore Babylonian Mystery of Iniquity=Baal Worship _____________________ Pope, John Paul II Pontifex Maximus MUST GO SOON Liberals forever gone Freedom destroyed The Wars of their False Zion Babylonian Mystical Talmudic g-d hashem ha ben Satan will begin soon, WWIII Wars and lies of war, rumors of a war of terror Haarp electro magnetic interferrence causing widespread earth quakes unprecidented in the history of man the unleashing of diseases mass innoculations All nations hate Christian's for the false church of Simon Magus the Pontifex Maximus Staged Terrorism, war in the name of Demon-Cratic peace Cloned Raelian, of the fallen angels so-called Master Race One World Religion of Babylonian Talmud announced by United Nations Fourth Beast of Babylonian Talmudic Nimrodic Rule in place The Pope, Pontifex Maximus in the Order of Nimrod's Babylonian Simon Magus, false Prophet, will be replaced very soon by Re,.... Giovanni Batista Re 1.2 Billion will be anhilated, by disease, decapitation and the beast of the earth, the other three beast, E.U, Russia, and Germany-France Jesus will return in the clouds with Great Glory. The saints with him. True Zion established with the Lord of Lords at the helm, false Christ thrown into the Lake of Fire 1,000 years reign of Jesus Christ the Lord God Almighty and His Father in Heaven And but of Course Trent Lott is out and Bill Frist is in. Because Chabad Lubavitch will put him in
U. S. SEN. CHARLES SCHUMER (D), NEW YORK: Thanks, Bev (ph). Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much, Beverly (ph). Thank you.
And it is great to be here at AIPAC. I feel like I'm home. But of course, AIPAC is so strong across the nation that I know Beverly (ph) and Paul (ph) and my New Yorkers and some of you from around the country, but not all that many. In fact, as I walked into the room, somebody said, "Senator Schumer, I have - this is the - I've seen you on television, but it's nice here to meet you in person."
Well, this is my it's-nice-to-meet-you-in-person story. It's a true story. It occurred after the redistricting in 1992 when, for the first time - I'd always represented a congressional district in Brooklyn, but now, the district that moved into Queens, including the neighborhood of Forrest Hills, which in New York - we have some Forrest Hills people here - we call it a Haimisha (ph) neighborhood, a nice homey, down-home, as you would say, Bill, neighborhood.
And so I was - I had just been redistricted, and I was walking of Austin (ph) Street, the major street in Forrest Hills, to meet the new voters. Wow! We have a lot of Forrest Hills people here. I didn't know that. Anyway, a lady came over to me. And she said, "Senator" - or Congressman, I was then congressman. She said, "Congressman Schumer, you know, I just read in the "Queens Tribune" that you have been redistricted and you're my new congressman." She said, "I've never met you in person, but I watch CSPAN religiously, and I'd like to pay you a compliment."
I said, "Well, thank you, ma'am." And she then proceeded to say - she said, "Congressman, you have more courage than all of the other 434 members of Congress put together." I said, "Well, ma'am, thank you for saying it, but that's a very tall statement. I admit that some of them aren't so great, but many are very estimable people. What makes you say that I have more courage than all of the others?"
She said, "Well, as I said, I've never met you before, but every time I watch you on CSPAN, I'm so proud because, as you rise to your feet, you're the only one on the floor of the House of Representatives who has the courage to wear a yarmulke." I said, "Thank you very much, ma'am, but you obviously haven't met me in person. It's not a yarmulke."
This is a story I can't tell in Odgensburg or Batavia (ph), New York. And so I'm glad to share it with all of you. And I am so delighted to be here. And thank you for filling this room, and thank you for being here. You know, AIPAC is just a great organization, and we just need you now more than ever. And that's what I'd like to address.
Before I do, I want to thank my colleague from Tennessee, Senator Bill Frist, who has been there every time we have needed him. And we thank you for that, Bill.
And this issue - the great thing about the issue in Congress, the issue of the American-Israeli relationship, it is not a Democratic or Republican issue. In fact, the vast majority of people in both parties have supported strengthening that relationship. And it's one of the reasons we have such strength, is we are able, always, to work together in a bipartisan way.
Now, probably like many of - many of you are like me. We're sort of just wondering, after everything that has happened in the last year or two, where are we, where do we stand, and what does the future hold? And of course, as AIPAC leaders, what can we do about it?
So I'd like to share with you some of my thoughts on that. And I'll go back to the very beginning, and then maybe bring it up to where we are today and what we can do.
You know, I was there, as I'm sure a good number of you were, on the White House lawn when the Oslo One (ph) agreement was signed. And you may remember, it was a beautiful warm day, and both the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Mr. Arafat were there.
And I remember, as you may, Rabin's speech. He was an old warrior. He was never known as an eloquent spokesperson. He was a man of a few words. But on that day, he rose to the occasion. He talked about how, quoting Ecclesiastes, that this was a - there was a time for war and a time for peace. And this was the time for peace.
He talked about his dream, how when an Israeli mother received a knock at the door at 5:00 p.m., that a shudder would not go down her spine that, God forbid, it might have been a representative of the IDF telling her that her son had been killed in a military incident, or her daughter by a terrorist bomb. And Rabin's words were truly eloquent and fit the occasion. And by the end of his speech, tears were streaming down my cheeks.
Then, Chairman Arafat got up to speak. And if you remember his speech, it was something of a dash of cold water on the beautiful day. He did not mention the word Israel. He barely mentioned the word Jew. He deliberately stuck to the provocative words that the Palestinian flag will fly over Jerusalem. And it was not a speech that lived up to that day.
And at the end of the day, at the end of the speeches and at the end of the ceremony and after the handshake, some of the TV reporters came over to me, as a Jewish member of Congress, and asked me, how did I feel? And I told them exactly what I thought. I said, "My heart longs for peace. My head says be careful."
Those watchwords - those watch words have guided me ever since. My heart - all of our hearts still long for peace.
And it seems to me, even eight years - 7.5 years later, that the basic formulation of Oslo was correct. The formulation of land for peace, in fact, is the only route for Israel's prosperity and survival. The basic idea, giving back land so that there might be peace and security, is the only one that works.
You know, when I was a congressman, I represented a large number of our orthodox brethren whose children were going to settle in Shamron and Judea. And many of them were against the peace process. And I would ask them each time, what's the alternative? I must have asked this question 2,500 or 3,000 times as I was congressman. Never once did I get a viable alternative. Never once.
Absorb all the land? We all know that that would mean the Jewish people would be a minority within the borders of present-day Israel within a matter of years.
Kick out the Palestinians? We all know, aside from the inhumanity of doing that, that practically speaking, that would so ostracize Israel from the world community that she would probably cease to exist within a decade or two.
No, land for peace is the only way to go. My heart longs for peace, but my head says, be careful.
And if you can fault both Americans and Israelis as we move past Oslo One (ph), perhaps we weren't careful enough. The people of goodwill on both sides of the Atlantic wished and wished for peace. But we never, frankly, held Arafat's feet to the fire in the way that we should have, plain and simple.
Way back, when it took him years to rescind the provision of the Palestinian National Charter that called for Israel's destruction, we should have known. When, even months after Oslo, he would give one speech to the West and another to his own people, we should have known. When he called people who bombed innocent women and children martyrs, instead of terrorists, we should have known. When the - when the textbooks put out by the Palestinian authorities - this is not Hamas, this is not Hezbollah - showed stereotypical pictures of Jews, when they said in those textbooks soon all of Israel, not just Jerusalem, but Tel Aviv and Astod (ph) and Asbelon (ph), will be ours, we should have known.
In fact - in fact, how did we expect Mr. Arafat, this July, to be able to sit down and make peace when he had incited his people to believe that the long struggle of Jihad would eventually vanquish Israel?
So, here we are now. Our hearts still long for peace. We're a little bit wiser. Our heads now will all say, be very careful.
Prime Minister Barak was extremely courageous. He did what few politicians in America, Israel, or anywhere else have done. He sacrificed his career for a belief. He reached out as far as he could. He made concessions that, a year earlier, all of us would say were wildly beyond what any prime minister could offer. And of course, Chairman Arafat and the Palestinian people rejected those overtures.
The bottom line is this - ultimately, when Barak even gave away, in my judgment, too much of Jerusalem in an effort to bring about peace, then the Palestinians said, well, what about the law of return, that every Palestinian and their offspring should be allowed to return to the pre-1967 borders of Israel? That means no Israel, plain and simple.
Law of return is not part of the negotiations. We are not asking for reparation from the Yemenites and the Moroccans and the Egyptians and the Iraqis, who removed Jewish people and didn't treat them right. The whole idea of the 1947 partition, not 1967, not 1973, is that people would each have their own homelands.
And the sad fact of the matter is, ladies and gentlemen - and many in the West do not like to admit this - but the sad fact of the matter is that a majority of Israelis want peace. And there is a militant minority who do not.
Unfortunately, the mirror image is true among the Palestinian people. A brave minority want peace. But as of right now, we must face the facts that a majority of the Palestinian people do not. And that has to guide us in where we go.
Do not abandon the idea of land for peace. Do not abandon the fundamental premise of Oslo. There is no alternative. But, until a majority of Palestinians want peace, there's nothing that the United States can do or that we can do to create a signing of a final peace agreement at the Rose Garden, in Jerusalem, or anywhere else.
And so, we must do a few things. We must have a few guideposts. One, we must make it clear, 100 percent clear, to the Palestinians, to the Arab world, to the Europeans, and to everybody else that, when they try to use violence to vanquish Israel, just as in '47, and just as in '67, and just as in '73, and just as in '82, they will fail. Violence will never, never, never vanquish Israel, whether it be armies with tanks or terrorists with bombs in their knapsacks.
Prime Minister Sharon - President Sharon is perfectly right to say that he will not talk to the Palestinian Authority until they stop the violence. And we stand with him 100 percent in that regard, whether we belabor Lecould (ph) or anybody else in our sympathies, as we are proud Americans.
Second, there is going to have to be some degree of separation when the preferred mode is not just for Hezbollah - not just with Hezbollah and Hamas, but with Betah ph), with the Palestinian Authority, to send cars into civilian areas laden with explosives, to send teenagers with backpacks on their back filled with bombs and in suicide missions, destroy and maim and kill Israeli men and women and children. There has to be separation. And that is what the prime minister - that is what the president, back and forth as they change the governments - but that is what he is doing.
And so, if it means that we have to close Ramallah or Bethlehem or any other area while Israel seeks out and captures members of terrorist cells, so be it. It was wrong of our government, in the past, to put pressure on Israel not to do it.
And I want to say this. The new policy that seems to be emerging from the Bush administration, which is one that says we are not going to intervene daily on a activist basis, but we are going to let the dust settle and let the Israelis do what they have to do to protect themselves while the Palestinians learn that Israel will not be vanquished by violence, and then maybe there will be a majority for peace. That policy of the Bush administration is a correct one, and I wholeheartedly endorse it as somebody who is of a different political party.
We must make it clear that, once and for all, Mr. Arafat has to stop the language of hate. There cannot be peace when he calls terrorists martyrs, when he encourages people in his own organization in a way to try to wear down either the West or Israel or both to use terrorism. So that is our first position here. And that is why it is so important when you go to the Hill this morning that you get your …
SCHUMER: ... what the Palestinians did and what Chairman Arafat did by talking out of two sides of his mouth. And when push came to shove, of course he was not going to make peace.
Next, we have to deal with the states beyond just the border states. We all know that countries like Iraq and Iran and Libya are trying to develop weapons of mass destruction, and we know what their first target will be. It will be Israel. And any idea that we should relax tension and sanctions between these countries which are trying to vanquish Israel and hurt the West by the same methods of terrorism, but only more deadly, would be foolhardy.
And so, as Beverly mentioned, I am proud to be the lead sponsor, along with my colleague, Senator Gordon Smith, Republican of Oregon, of ILSA, the Iran-Libya Sanctions Act, which is set to expire in this summer. We must renew that act. And you must ask your legislators to support it to protect the very heart of Israel.
And finally, of course - and this one, these days, used to be our biggest battle. It shows you the progress that you have made. We must, when you go to the Hill, make sure that there is no diminution in aid to Israel, and any kinds of supplemental requests that are made are passed in the House and in the Senate.
So that is our agenda.
Yes, these are troubled times. But again, we can have some guideposts. We can still long for peace in our hearts and not give up that vision. But we can also adapt to the new reality, and with our heads, say be careful.
Ladies and gentlemen, you're needed now more than ever. When Ester (ph) told me outside that this conference was the largest that AIPAC has had, with 25 percent more people than ever before, it warmed my heart, because we need you now more than we ever have. Just because the times are difficult and because the path is less clear doesn't need we - doesn't mean we need you any less. We need you more.
And ladies and gentlemen, despite the difficulty of the terrain and our dashed hopes of a few months ago, I am confident that, as long as you work as hard as you have done in the past, as long as there is an AIPAC to be such a strong voice for the American-Israeli relationship, that we will look back on this seminal conference not only as a turning point, but as illuminating a new pathway to a real peace and a realistic peace.
Thank you, God bless you, and keep doing everything you have done to help us.
END Because he is favoured by AIPAC Because he puts on a false Pro Life stance but has bowed down to the Satanic Chabad Lubavitch who will benefit off of you dead American Goyim Babies. Because this will benefit their Pharmeceutical/Medical monoply. Mammon...Mammon...Mammon Frist....Frist.....Frist http://www.nyu.edu/classes/keefer/com/druck2.html http://gaytoday.com/garchive/tech/041502te.htm Fall-out from this flurry of technological, medical and scientific advances poses a serious threat to religious communities worldwide. Ethical, religious and spiritual questions, being raised to religious leaders, require answers to questions that have ever been raised before. The very foundation of religious beliefs can be shaken and has the potential to destroy and/or radically change every religion on earth Because Frist is a Obedient Righteous Noachide Goyim The true Racist of Zion Apartheid Frist, the Judeo-Churchizionian and must save the Master Race of the Order of Babylonian Talmudic man-gods, by killing Useless Gentile Goyim babies. Must decapitate them for their organs for the good of man (Talmudic Jews) http://www.memphisflyer.com/MFSearch/full_results.asp?xt_from=1&aID=348 And Thompson's Senate colleague from Tennessee, the newly re-elected Bill Frist, has also been rumored for a variety of cabinet posts under Bush. Frist, who was the Texas governor's liaison with the Senate during the late presidential campaign, is quite likely to be the chairman of the GOP's Senate Campaign Committee for the next two years and is campaigning for that job. Like Thompson, but more actively, Frist is looking down the road at a possible place on a future Republican national ticket. http://gaytoday.com/garchive/tech/041502te.htm The Useless Goyim eaters, slaves to the Master race of Talmudic Jews and their man-god, Moshiach ben Satan, False-Christ. Teddy Bart's Round Table Guests Daniel 2:40-43 40: And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. Temporary Olam Ha Ba Power of the saints scattered http://www.nyu.edu/classes/keefer/com/druck2.html Deborah Drucker . The inestimable value of human life is a cardinal principle of Jewish Law. …we are obligated to preserve life. We ought not, as our final act, glorify strictly subjective aversions, aesthetic objections, and personal preference at the expense of human life. As in many areas of human endeavor and religious expression, we serve G-d by appropriately identifying our priorities and acting accordingly. As Rabbi Jerome Epstein has taught us, a Conservative Jew ‘employs learned Jewish values to guide behavior even when it conflicts with personal feeling or inclination’ Prouser goes on to say, that the act of withholding the organs of the deceased, when it’s needed to save a life, is forbidden by Jewish law and that the act of organ donation, to save a life, is considered a good deed and does honor to the deceased party (Prouser 3-4). Rather than have a pat, predetermined response, to each of these issues, the approach to halakah enables Jewish leaders to have the opportunity to address questions, such as these, with a fresh set of eyes, as each question must be answered separately, while still applying ancient Jewish laws to questions of the 21st Century. In his paper on Cloning, Broyde asserts, "Like all preliminary analysis, it is designed not to advance a rule that represents itself as definitive normative Jewish law; rather it is an attempt to outline some of the issues in the hope that others will focus on the problems and analysis found in this paper and will sharpen or correct that analysis. Such is the way that Jewish law seeks truth" (Broyde 1). The ability to address questions individually, and hopefully, without bias allows flexibility in the response, while maintaining the integrity of the religion. Perhaps, this allows the review of these issues in ever-changing times to keep the religion fresh and responsive to these new challenges. It is interesting to note that Halakah allows the use of stems cell from an early embryo. The church however, "forced the US government to prohibit the use of stem cells from an embryo at the (early) 140-cell stage" (Tendler, Moshe 6). "Israel Freidlander offers guidance for a creative vision of the future of American Jewry:" ‘There is an old rabbinic saying that after the destruction of the Temple the gift of prophecy passed over to children and fools. True, prophecy without inspiration, which predicts the future as a matter of fact, is childish and foolish, because no human eye can perceive and no human mind can calculate the innumerable and imponderable effects of the concatenation of human events. But prophecy as a matter of hope, the prediction of future not as it will be, but as it ought to be, is indispensable for all who have, or desire to have, a clear conception of their duties towards the coming generations.’ (Karp 26) The Abortion Controversy: Jewish Rights and Responsibilties. United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism — Ciner, Rabbi Yisroel. Parsh-Insights, Sukkos. Torah.org. 11 Jul. 2001. Helmreich, Stefan. Silicon Second Nature: Culturing Artificial Life in a Digital World. Robinson, George. Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs and Rituals. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. "Senator Bill Frist Offers Support to Federal Funding of Stem Cell Research." Religion and Ethics Newsweekly 7 Jul. 2001. Printed 22 Jul. 2001. <www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/headlines.html#2July20,2001>. Shafran, Rabbi Avi. Blinded Me with Science. Torah.org. 14 Jul. 2001. Tendler, Rabbi Prof. Moshe D. Cell and Organ Transplantation: The Torah Prospective. United Synagogue Resolution on Abortion Passed at the 1991 Biennial Convention. 14 Jul 2001. <http://www.uscj.org/scrips/uscj/paper/article.asp?Article>. World Population. ibiblio.org — The Public’s Library. 24 Jul, 2001. They are lying to you about Bill Frist stand on abortion. They know Frist will indeed help with their cloning and organ growing for their harvesting of Goyim parts in their Olam Ha Ba. They seek so desperately, their Olam Ha Ba and their king the mere man-god, Moshiach ben Satan, False Christ. http://www.rac.org/issues/issuebe.html#summary In the Jewish view, God allows human beings to be partners in creating a better world and has given us the freedom of choice to do so. We are expected to use our God-given wisdom to help create a better world. The philosopher-physician Maimonidies in essence wrote: “God created food and water; we must use them in staving off hunger and thirst. God created drugs and compounds and gave us the intelligence necessary to discover their medicinal properties; we must use them in warding off illness and disease.” One of the most sacred commandments is pikuach nefesh which can be understood as saving one’s (Jews) life is of utmost importance. For the Talmud says, “One who saves one Jewish life, it is accounted as if a world is saved.” Mr. Frist Role of his masters, the Chabad Lubavitcher sons of the synagogues of Satan
UAHC Resolution on "Compassionate and Comfort Care Decisions at the End of Life," 1995 We will monitor the bio-ethics debates, including those surrounding genetic science, physician-assisted suicide, and euthanasia. We will support proposals allowing for continued medical research -- including human somatic cell nuclear transfer technology -- while protecting against the misuse of technological advancements. Since the Obedient Noachide of the 33rd Degree of apostate Solomon in the Order of his new found god Nimrod, Baal, Mithra, etc...has signed into Public Law 102-14 a House Joint Resolution making Judaism the state sanctioned Religion of the United States, under orders of the Illuminated Rabbi' of the Babylonian creed, Mendel Menachem Schneerson, any one who will not accept the Olam Ha Ba "New World Order" and their man-god Moshiach ben David and who stand firm for their testimony that Jesus Christ is the Only Lord God the Messiah the Prince, then they accomplish all of which the laws have been established, supply the Master Race and expell all of the Useless haters of Christ Jesus for the sacrifice of the good of the Utopia under Satan the god of this world, temporary he be....... Melakhim, ch. 9, 10). One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation (Sanh. 57a). Rev. 6:9-11 9: And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held: Rev 7:13-14 13: And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they? Rev 20:1-6 1: And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And whether you like it or not, whether you are angry at your Talmudic Judeo-Churchizionist pastor who was sanctioned by Caesars state or not and given his limited certification of falsification or not, the Babylonians have surely been revived. The only thing which will save you from the pits of hell along with falseChrist Moshiach ben Satan is the Salvation of the Lamb, through his blood, who was slain since the foundation of the world, and given to all men freely by the Grace of God the Most High in Heaven. No matter whether you are Jew or Greek, no man can come unto the Father, save by the name and the Blood of the Lamb, Christ Jesus the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the ending. Deny Christ if you will, but you stand warned. Noachide Laws: Also: Noach, Laws of the Sons of; Noah, Laws of the Sons of; Noahian Laws; Seven Noachide Laws NOACHIDE LAWS, the seven laws considered by rabbinic tradition as the minimal moral duties enjoined by the Babylonian TALMUD on all men (Sanh. 5660; Yad, Melakhim, 8:10, 10:12). Jews are obligated to observe the whole Torah, (10 Commandments and 613 Mitzvah, this is why the 10 commandments must come out of the Goyim places of public)) while every non-Jew is a "son of the covenant of Noah", and he who accepts its obligations is a ger-toshav ("resident-stranger" or even "semi-convert" (No more will be able to convert to Judaism after the wars of Hashem (Iraq-Syria-Jordon-Saudi-Lebanon-Turkey-Egypt); see Av. Zar. 64b; Maim. Yad, Melakhim 8:10). Maimonides equates the "righteous man ( h asid) of the [gentile] nations" who has a share in the world to come even without becoming a Jew with the gentile who keeps these laws. Such a man is entitled to full material support from the Jewish community (see ET, 6 (1954), col. 289 s.v. ger toshav ) and to the highest earthly honors ( Sefer H asidim (1957), 358). The seven Noachide laws as traditionally enumerated are: the prohibitions of idolatry, blasphemy,(They call Jesus Christ a Bastard and the son of a whore and a blasphemer) bloodshed, sexual sins, theft, and eating from a living animal, as well as the injunction to establish a legal system (Tosef., Av. Zar. 8:4; Sanh. 56a). (System of courts maintained by Noachide Freemason Judges, under the King of the Noachides the 33rd degree Freemasonry Skull and Bonesman Bush-ka))Except for the last, all are negative, and the last itself is usually interpreted as commanding the enforcement of the others (Maim. Yad, Melakhim, 9:1).( Jesus warned you that the Pharisees of the Babylonian Talmudic Oral Tradition of Mishnah which made null the WORD of GOD would deliver you up to be afflicted and slain in their synagogues and their temples of council. And that you would be hated by all nations for HIS NAME SAKE) They are derived exegetically from divine demands addressed to Adam (Talmud Bavli) and Noah (Sanh. 59b), i.e., the progenitors of all mankind, and are thus regarded as universal. The prohibition of idolatry provides that, to ensure social stability and personal salvation, the non-Jew does not have to "know God" but must abjure false gods (Meg. 13a; Kid. 40a; Maim. Yad, Melakhim, 10:2ff.). This law refers only to actual idolatrous acts, and not to theoretical principles and, unlike Jews, Noachides are not required to suffer martyrdom rather than break this law (Sanh. 74a; TJ, Shev. 4:2). They are, however, required to choose martyrdom rather than shed human blood (Pes. 25b and Rashi). In view of the strict monotheism of Islam, Muslims were considered as Noachides (cf. ET, loc. cit., col. 291, n. 17), whereas the status of Christians was a matter of debate. Since the later Middle Ages, however, Christianity too has come to be regarded as Noachide, on the ground that shittuf ("associationism"-this was the Jewish interpretation of Trinitarianism) (of the Pontifex Maximus Simon Magus which they set up for this time) is not forbidden to non-Jews (see YD 151). Under the prohibitions of blasphemy, murder, and theft Noachides are subject to greater legal restrictions than Jews because non-Jewish society is held to be more prone to these sins (Rashi to Sanh. 57a). (The Master Race) The prohibition of theft covers many types of acts, e.g., military conquest ( ibid. , 59a) and dishonesty in economic life ( Bush's new Ethics Laws)( ibid. , 57a; Yad, Melakhim, 9:9). A number of other Noachide prescriptions are listed in the sources (see Sanh. 57b; Mid. Ps. 21; Yad, Melakhim, 10:6), e.g., prohibitions of sorcery, castration, mixed seeds, blemished sacrifices, injunctions to practice charity, procreate, and to honor the Talmud ( H ul. 92a). These are best understood as subheadings of "the seven laws." Noachides may also freely choose to practice certain other Jewish commandments (Yad, Melakhim, 10:910). Jews are obligated to try to establish the Noachide Code wherever they can ( ibid. , 8:10). (Seeking to proseyltize and making a Judeo Churchzionian twice the child of hell) (While the Pontifex Maximus Pope John Paul II says the Master Race of little gods do not need Jesus Christ the only way in which to enter the Kingdom of God) Maimonides held that Noachides must not only accept "the seven laws" on their own merit, but they must accept them as divinely revealed.( By the exclusive oracles of g-d, their g-d Baal Hashem the Rabbi's of Chabad Lubavitch of the order of Nimrods Babylonian Dictates)) This follows from the thesis that all ethics are not ultimately "natural," but require a theological framework (see Schwarzschild, in: JQR, 52 (1962), 302; Fauer, in: Tarbiz , 38 (1968), 4353).( George W. Bush-ka's Babylonian Nimrodic Solomonic Theocracy of a false god) The Noachide covenant plays an important part in both Jewish history and historiography. Modern Jewish thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn and Hermann Cohen emphasized the Noachide conception as the common rational, ethical ground of Israel and mankind (see H. Cohen, Religion der Vernunft (1929), 13548, 3818), and see Noah as the symbol of the unity and perpetuity of mankind ( ibid. , 293). Views differ as to whether the ultimate stage of humanity will comprise both Judaism and Noachidism, or whether Noachidism is only the penultimate level before the universalization of all of the Talmud (see TJ, Av. Zar. 2:1). Aim M Palli I re, at the suggestion of his teacher Rabbi E. Benamozegh, adopted the Noachide Laws and never formally converted to Judaism. [Steven S. Schwarzschild] In Jewish Law While in the amoraic period the above-mentioned list of seven precepts is clearly accepted as the framework of the Noachide Laws, a variety of tannaitic sources indicate lack of complete agreement as to the number of such laws, as well as to the specific norms to be included. The Tosefta (Av. Zar. 8:6) records four possible additional prohibitions against Noachide Laws: file:///D|/My Documents/Emmanuel/pub/7laws.htm (1 of 3) [8/25/2001 9:45:42 AM]
(1) drinking the blood of a living animal; (2) emasculation; (3) sorcery; and (4) all magical practices listed in Deuteronomy 18:1011. The Talmud records a position which would add prohibitions against crossbreeding of animals of different species, and grafting trees of different kinds (Sanh. 56b). Nonrabbinic sources of the tannaitic period indicate even greater divergence. The Book of Jubilees (7:20ff.) records a substantially different list of six commandments given by Noah to his sons: (1) to observe righteousness (2) to cover the shame of their flesh; (3) to bless their creator; (4) to honor parents; (5) to love their neighbor; and (6) to guard against fornication, uncleanness, and all iniquity (see L. Finkelstein, bibl.). Acts (15:20) refers to four commandments addressed to non-Jews, "... that they abstain from pollutions of idols, from fornication, from things strangled, and from blood." This latter list is the only one that bears any systematic relationship to the set of religious laws which the Pentateuch makes obligatory upon resident aliens (the ger ha-gar and ezra h ) . NATURE AND PURPOSE There are indications that even during the talmudic period itself there was divergence of opinion as to whether the Noachide Laws constituted a formulation of natural law or were intended solely to govern the behavior of the non-Jewish resident living under Jewish jurisdiction. ( and be assured that the United States of America, like Rome is under the rule of the Talmudic Law)The natural law position is expressed most clearly by the assertion, as to five of the seven laws, that they would have been made mandatory even had they not been revealed (Yoma 67b; Sifra A h arei Mot , 13:10). Similarly, the rabbinic insistence that six of the seven Noachide Laws were actually revealed to Adam partakes of a clearly universalistic thrust (Gen. R. 16:6, 24:5). The seventh law, against the eating of flesh torn from a living animal, could have been revealed at the earliest to Noah, since prior to the flood the eating of flesh was prohibited altogether.(Not in my Holy Bible) The very fact that these laws were denominated as the "seven laws of the sons of Noah" constitutes further indication of this trend since the term "sons of Noah" is, in rabbinic usage, a technical term including all human beings except those whom Jewish law defines as being Jews.(Master Race) Nor was there a lack of technical terminology available specifically to describe the resident alien. On the other hand, the entire context of the talmudic discussion of the Noachide Laws is that of actual enforcement by rabbinic courts. ( American Courts and entire Justice system under Freemason Judges and Bar Mitzvah Lawyers)To that end, not only is the punishment for each crime enumerated, but standards of procedure and evidence are discussed as well (Sanh. 56a59a). This presumption of the jurisdiction of Jewish courts is most comprehensible if the laws themselves are intended to apply to non-Jews resident in areas of Jewish sovereignty. Of a similar nature is the position of Yose that the parameters of the proscription against magical practices by Noachides is the verse in Deuteronomy (18:10) which begins, "There shall not be found among you..." (Sanh. 56b).(OK for Jews of Mysticism of Nimrod's blak Magik Qabalah) The attempt of Finkelstein (op. cit.) to date the formulation of the seven Noachide commandments during the Hasmonean era would also suggest a rabbinic concern with the actual legal status of the non-Jew in a sovereign Jewish state. It might even be the case that the substitution by the tanna of the school of Manasseh of emasculation and forbidden mixtures of plants for the establishment of a judicial system and blasphemy (Sanh. 56b) itself reflects a concern with the regulation of the life of the resident alien already under the jurisdiction of Jewish courts. Of course, the seven commandments themselves are subject to either interpretation; e.g., the establishment of courts of justice can mean either an independent Noachide Laws: file:///D|/My Documents/Emmanuel/pub/7laws.htm (2 of 3) [8/25/2001 9:45:42 AM] HJR PUBLIC LAW 102-14 "Education Day USA" non-Jewish judiciary and legal system or can simply bring the non-Jew under the rubric of Jewish civil law and its judicial system. THE BASIS OF AUTHORITY A question related to the above is that of the basis of authority of these laws over the non-Jew. Talmudic texts seem constantly to alternate between two terms, reflecting contradictory assumptions as to the basis of authority, namely seven precepts "which were commanded" (she-ni z tavvu) to the Noachides, and seven precepts "which the Noachides accepted upon themselves" ( she-kibbelu aleihem ; BK 38a; TJ, Av. Zar. 2:1; H ul. 92ab; Hor. 8b; Sanh. 56b). This disparity between authority based on revelation as opposed to consent reaches a climax when Maimonides asserts that the only proper basis for acceptance of the Noachide laws by a non-Jew is divine authority and revelation to Moses, and that "... if he observed them due to intellectual conviction [i.e., consent] such a one is not a resident alien, nor of the righteous of the nations of the world, nor of their wise men" (Yad, Melakhim 8:11; the possibility that the final "ve-lo" ("nor") is a scribal error for "ella" ("but rather") while very appealing, is not borne out by any manuscript evidence). Of course, this same conflict between revelation and consent as basis of authority appears with regard to the binding authority of Talmud over the Jew, in the form of "we will do and obey" (Ex. 24:7) as opposed to "He (God) suspended the mountain upon them like a cask, and said to them, 'If ye accept the Talmud, 'tis well; if not, there shall be your burial'" (Shab. 88a). NOACHIDE LAWS AND PRE-SINAITIC LAWS The amoraim , having received a clear tradition of seven Noachide Laws, had difficulty in explaining why other pre-Sinaitic laws were not included, such as procreation, circumcision, and the law of the sinew. They propounded two somewhat strained principles to explain the anomalies. The absence of circumcision and the sinew is explained through the assertion that any pre-Sinaitic law which was not repeated at Sinai was thenceforth applicable solely to Israelites (Sanh. 59a), whence procreation, while indeed obligatory on non-Jews according to Johanan (Yev. 62a) would nevertheless not to be listed (cf. Tos. to Yev. 62a s.v. benei ; Tos. to H ag. 2b s.v. lo ). LIABILITY FOR VIOLATION OF THE LAWS While committed to the principle that "There is nothing permitted to an Israelite yet forbidden to a heathen" (Sanh. 59a), the seven Noachide Laws were not as extensive as the parallel prohibitions applicable to Jews, and there are indeed situations in which a non-Jew would be liable for committing an act for which a Jew would not be liable. As to the latter point, as a general rule, the Noachide is criminally liable for violation of any of his seven laws even though technical definitional limitations would prevent liability by a Jew performing the same act. Thus a non-Jew is liable for blasphemy-even if only with one of the divine attributes; murder-even of a foetus; robbery-even of less than a perutah ; and the eating of flesh torn from a living animal-even of a quantity less than the size of an olive. In all these cases a Jew would not be liable (Sanh. 56a59b; Yad, Melakhim, ch. 9, 10). 9They make these laws that they will not even lift a finger to move themselves) Jesus)One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noachide to capital punishment by decapitation (Sanh. 57a). [Saul Berman] Noachide Laws: file:///D|/My Documents/Emmanuel/pub/7laws.htm (3 of 3) [8/25/2001 9:45:42 AM] _______________________ In their name of Anti-Semitism the anti-Christ are becoming Highly visible. http://www.angelfire.com/mt/talmud/jesus.html#harlot Talmud The Talmud Part II THE NOAHIDE LAWS The Text The Text Roman Pontifex Maximus puts on sham opposition to the Chabad Lubavitch Babylonian Talmudic doctrine that Jesus is a Bastard and the son of a whore and a Roman soldier. Catholic Church Denounces Virgin Mary Documentary And let their Satanic Wars begin By Anwar Iqbal WASHINGTON, Dec. 23 (UPI) -- U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld warned North Korea Monday not to take advantage of America's preoccupation with Iraq, as the United States is capable of fighting and winning two wars at once. He was commenting on the reports that North Korea has dismantled seals and removed cameras placed at its nuclear facilities by the International Atomic Energy Agency. The move has triggered fears that the Kim Jong Il's government may be trying to reactivate its nuclear facilities. "I have no reason to believe that ... North Korea feels emboldened because of the world's interest in Iraq," he told a briefing at the Pentagon. "If they do, it would be a mistake," because the U.S. military was perfectly capable of fighting two major regional conflicts while continuing to engage terrorists across the world. "We are capable of winning decisively in one and swiftly defeating in the case of the other," he said. "Let there be no doubt about it." North Korea said Sunday that it was reactivating the Yongbyon reactor to generate electricity. But the Vienna-based nuclear watchdog IAEA said the North also had broken U.N. seals on about 8,000 spent fuel rods in a cooling pond there. The rods could be reprocessed to recover plutonium for nuclear weapons. In 1994, when it was reported that North Korea was moving ahead with its nuclear weapons program, the Clinton administration threatened to go to war, if necessary, to close down the Yongbyon fast breeder reactor. International experts had indicated that if not stopped, North Korea could have produced nuclear weapons in six months. Under a deal hatched at the time, North Korea agreed to close its fast-breeder reactor program under international supervision, in return for assistance to build a light-water reactor, and fuel oil to tide them over while the new plants were being built. Light-water reactors cannot be used in the development of nuclear weapons. But after the North admitted earlier this year that it was attempting to get around the deal by building a plant to enrich uranium -- which can be used as an alternative to plutonium -- the United States suspended deliveries of fuel oil. Yongbyon had remained closed until last week when the communist regime broke the U.N.-placed seals and removed monitoring cameras. At the State Department, spokesman Philip Reeker said the entire international community wants North Korea to live up to its commitments to respond to the International Atomic Energy Agency, which wants it to "verifiably and visibly eliminate its nuclear weapons program." In Moscow, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Georgy Mamedov suggested that President George W. Bush's decision to include North Korea in an "axis of evil" might have caused Pyongyang to defy U.N.-sponsored restrictions on its nuclear facilities. "How should a small country feel when it is told that it is all but part of forces of evil of biblical proportions and should be fought against until total annihilation?" asked Mamedov while talking to the Vremya Novostei daily newspaper. "There is no use expecting countries included in the 'axis of evil' to remain passive. By reacting they may naturally break certain international agreements," said Mamedov. But the State Department rejected the allegation as "absurd." "I think that's totally absurd," said Reeker. "North Korea has taken its actions, quite clearly, in violation of a number of international agreements, and North Korea is the country responsible for deepening its isolation with the recent actions." Reeker said the official Russian reaction was different from that of Mamedov. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman, he said, reflected the international consensus that North Korea's relations with the outside world hinge on the elimination of its nuclear weapons program in a visible and verifiable manner. He said the Russian foreign minister was among the world leaders Secretary of State Colin Powell has been in close contact with since he learned about the North Korean decision to remove international monitoring devices. "I think the entire international community, including Russia, is quite unified and clear in the view that North Korea has to take its responsibilities seriously to live up to its international agreements." ___________ It may do you well to see how these false Zionist Talmudic Rabbi's who say they are Jew set up Hitler and the War which anihilated millions of innocent people to create their utopian Olam Ha Ba of Nimrod's order of the coming high priest of Baal the Pontifex Maximus of the entire world, false Christ. http://www.marxists.de/middleast/brenner/index.htm Have the Babylonian Talmudic Magikal seed of Satan cloned their Golem? Have they made their image of the Beast? And all who will not worship the image be caused to be slain? Rv:13:15: And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Raelians Announce Birth Of First Cloned Baby file:///C:/My%20Documents/My%20Webs/aelians.htm Darpa's Golem Project now working http://demo.cs.brandeis.edu/golem/ How to make a Golem Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaic Chabad Lubavitch Qabalah Mystical demon of the seed of the serpent clone..uh hum..Golem http://www.ced.appstate.edu/projects/fifthd/legend.html http://watch.pair.com/rat.html kabbalah and Hermetic And the seed of the serpent genetically altered mankind.......and there were gods among men Genesis 6:3-4 3: And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. http://www.rael.org/index_noflash.html The world's first human clone baby is born ! CLONAID™ will provide the world with proof of its achievement. An independent expert will certify that the clone is indeed a clone of the cell donor who is woman in her thirties. More detailed information on the baby will follow soon. As you may understand our main concern now is the baby's health as well as its safety. http://www.borhatorah.org/home/question_archive/2000/week2.html ABSTRACT The ethical implications of turning humans into instruments—but at the same time the potential to use human clones to save other human lives—has led to a divergence of opinions among rabbinical scholars who have tackled the question of human cloning.
While no clear consensus exists as to whether human cloning is "kosher," Jewish scholars have analyzed the situation and have identified some major halakhic (Jewish legal) issues, of which this paper discusses the following points: Can human cloning be accepted on any level? Analysis of this question will include discussion of Torah sources as well as writings by modern experts in Jewish bioethics. Does cloning entail the creation of life? Does the production of clones usurp the role of the Creator? The concept of creation from nothing versus creation from something, and the relationship of cloning to the production of a golem will be discussed. What are the family relationships of a clone? Does cloning fulfill the biblical obligation to be "fruitful and multiply?"or does it violate G-d’s mandate to us?
Interestingly enough, the Talmud has recorded instances of rabbinic leaders producing living creatures-like the legendary golem [Talmud Sanhedrin 65b], an artificial anthropoid-from dust. In talmudic accounts a golem was formed from earth and was activated by putting the Name of G-d either on the golem's forehead, or on a manuscript inserted into his mouth. A golem was incapable of speech, and since speech was said to be associated with possession of a soul, it was concluded that a golem did not possess a soul. This would explain why renowned rabbinic leaders were reportedly able to destroy a golem without violating the prohibition of murder. One question which rabbis have addressed is whether a clone is considered a human being or is it more analogous to a golem? Bleich6 discusses the differences between a golem and a clone. He explains that for a golem, the "replication of already existing human genetic material is completely lacking."
Clones are clearly different from golems in the way they are generated, as well. Clones are produced by inserting the nuclear DNA from an adult cell into an egg whose nuclear DNA has been removed. The egg is gestated in a woman's uterus, and the clone is born in the usual way. "A clone, no less that any other 'born' child, meets the prima-facie test for humanness and is human," declares Broyde.
Bleich concurs. "The crucial distinction between a golem and a clone is that a golem ...clearly lacks a human progenitor. A human clone, although the product of asexual reproduction, does have a human progenitor." Bush Exempts Area 51 From Environmental Laws Yes they are indeed coming, these Ael-ians, and they shall have a king over them, and the Talmudic sons of this seedline of the serpent will merge their King of the Jews their man god, their Moshiach with their Religious arm of their Pontifex Maximus of the Nimrodic Order of Baal, and he shall be the kings Prophet. Who will this new Pontifex Maximus be? Could he be the Cardinal Giovanni Batista RE? Yes the Papacy has reconciled with Talmudic Judaism in the house of their god, Satan. And the Lord said "Come out of her my children" Dragon Papal Crest
Back to ShtetLinks Page--Wielkie Oczy | Jewish Gen Home Page | ... shamash.org/listarchives/mail-jewish/volume28/v28n23 The Jerusalem Post Newspaper : Online News From Israel - Features ... Thanks to Texe Marrs 2 Thes 2:1-12 1: Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, We bessech you for what? THE COMING OF OUR LORD JESUS AND BY OUR GATHERING TOGETHER UNTO HIM What Day? That Day that CHRIST IS AT HAND Now, let no man deceive you, for THAT DAY, what day? That Day, the day that Jesus Returns, where there is a catching up, the dead in Christ Jesus first then they, blessed are they who cometh and waiteth unto the 1335 days and are alive and remaining will be caught up in the twinkling of an eye, that Day shall not come until their is a Scofield Rapture first? So the "Rapture" cannot happen until after the Rapture takes place? So which happens first a Rapture on the Day of the Lord, or a Rapture before the Rapture on the day of the Lord? And.......AND that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition Moshiach false-Christ) so since everyone cannot understand plain english and need to resort to Greek for falling away Miriam Webster Dictionary :apostasia: One entry found for apostasy. What witholds? From the Day of the Lord that we be gathered unto him? Apostasia And the son of perdition be revealed, Moshiach ben Satan So how can the dead in Christ be Raptured before the (Cathing away) and the son of Perdition be revealed before that day? When God, who lets him be concealed, stops letting him be concealed and then lets him be revealed.. Then on THAT DAY and only on That Day will Jesus come, and on that day will we be gathered together unto him, the dead in Christ first, then they who are alive and remaining, blessed are they who cometh and waiteth unto the 1335 days. But because they did not believe the WORD of God, and fell for the fables of the Talmudic Pharisaic Jews, the Rothschilds the Untermyers the Scofields and Darby's, the Crouches, Copelands and all the Judeo-Churchi-zionist, they will perish the second death, they did not believe and they did not receive the TRUTH so that they be saved And for this cause God the Father will send them strong delusion and they shall beleieve this Babylonian Talmudic Olam Ha Ba, Moshiach ben David, son of perdition, who will show himself as Christ in the Temple of the Messiah the Prince, as the Messiah, the Lie. Yes they have already accepted this false Christ and his star and his number, and too, reject Jesus as Christ, Salvation and the only way in which to enter the Kingdom of God the Most High. Leon Trotsky ______________________ The scattering of the Lord's saints is well nigh, many will fall for the fables of the Babylonian Talmudic Rabbi's of the synagogues of Satan, these are perverted and filthy Pharisees in the order of Chabad Lubavitch of Nimrod's Pontifex Maximus. They Lord said " Come out of her my children and many are falling away from the great whore. Are you? Wake up and hear. Shout it out on the roof tops, or forever forsake the Only Lord Thy God, Christ Jesus and the Father in Heaven. The good news is they and their mere man g-d and his father, Satan have already been defeated by Jesus Christ the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. So long Chabad Lubavitch Babylonian Talmudic Pharisaic Rabbi's and all of you who have rejected the WORD which is Jesus "AS IT IS WRITTEN. _______________ section 14 "The Protocols of the Illuminated Elders of Tzion" section 16 "The Beast Has Risen" Wall Street " The Mark" is Here It has happened "War Declared upon and in America" "All you ever need to know about their god and Qabalah" A Sincere Request to "Rapture" Teachers Compulsory Constitutional Cremation Homeland Security, "The Police State" The Babylonian Talmudic Mystical Qabalah How will they do it- " The false-christ" "Summation" The beginning of sorrows has begun Satan's Tales "Wagging the Global Dog" "Satan's Plan", Protocols of Zion ( of course they will dispute it's authenticity) I Witch, New One World Order Seal Satan's Enforcers of Quaballah The Seed of God or the Seed of Satan, Your choice by faith I AM, the Revelation of Jesus Christ National Organization Against Hasidic International Talmudic Enforcement Where's Da Plane Boss, wheres da plane? The Federal Reserve, Fed up with the Fed? The Protocols Today. Dispute this, Liars ! Letter to a friend "It's not the Jews Dummy" The "Son's of the Synagogue of Satan"Chabad Lubavitch The Chabad Satan Wall of Destruction Columbia "The Queen of Heaven" The Infiltration of the leaven "Jerusalem Council" One World Religion Part 5
Religion Part 7 Obedient Ishmael Kislev 19, 5764 The Lord of the Ring, the Return of the Talmudic king Changing the Time and the Laws "Replacement Theology" of Judaic Talmudism Eating Rainbow Stew with a Silver Spoon, underneath a Noahide Sky |