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This was an article sent to me by my friend Shane of (Covenant Warriors)

His website is This should help in your studies of the Pagan satanic holiday of Halloween, which Christians should have nothing to do with.

If you are a believer in Jesus the Christ, you should not have anything to do with this wicked, devilish, damnable holiday.

Pastor Dowell

Xween (Halloween) the current day horrors

We are entering one of the most important months of the year for Covenant Warriors Ministries. The month of October is the month of worship for Satan's birthday and is celebrated by all of Satan's children in one form or another. The most important days of this month are October 30th All Hollow eve and the 31st All Hollows Day also known and celebrated as Satan's birthday by Satanist and Wiccans and other workers of demons.

It is important for you to know and understand that Satan's kingdom on earth is well organized. Yet, in the same token each coven has their own style and set of rules within the organized rule structure of satan. Many things set the stage of what a coven will and can do, such as, power, size, finances, and the regional rank of its ruling (royal) members.

Enclosed are the dates of a powerful satanic coven; The Child of Black Rose Coven, which is the royal coven of the North Central United States. These days and procedures are a fact for the covens in this regional area for we got them from the former High Priestess. She was also "The Regional Princess of Satan" (at about the age of 6), "the Bride of Satan" at the age of 17. Due to your prayers and donations she was delivered to us by the grace of Jesus Christ when she was in her mid 30's. Prior to birth she was "the chosen one of Satan" but Jesus had another plan. Satan still thought he could break her, make her willing to serve him. Even as a child the coven members would bow down to her as she would levitate across the room but she remained unwilling to serve Satan. Through extreme Satanic Ritual Abuse, torture and Illuminati mind control. She died at least 6 times for various escape attempts and for her unwillingness to serve satan. The Lord still held her fast; returning her to her body saying, "you must go back" and another time while rubbing her head as she sat in HIS lap, "It will stop hurting and then you will go back". At the end of this document are the dates of worship, torture, and mayhem for Satan's Month with a brief summary of what occurs on these particular days. They are not explicit yet strike the Xween core of horror.

Your prayerful and financial support is very much appreciated and a memorial before the Lord Jesus. Please join us in fasting and intense intercessory prayer on each of these days.

Many Christians and churches offer alternatives to this Druid Harvest celebration of the dead (Samhain). We are in a null position on alternatives and only include some suggestions for those who feel the Lord has called them to the front lines to counter act the works of the dead. I believe the Lord will lead each of his people and they should do as he has instructs them. If I was going to hand out tracts from the experience of receiving tracts on Halloween as a child I would give money and not candy. Informing the person that Jesus paid the price for our sins, that we would no longer serve darkness. That the true gift is salvation and life through Jesus Christ. I would think that the cash would be of a sum large enough to buy one item, one dollar or so. The point is to buy a single item with that single dollar. That at the time of purchase it would most likely be the only thing purchased. In this way the message would recur by the power of the Holy Ghost in their minds and hearts. Also in my opinion each dollar should be prayed over and anointed to ensure God speed.

After a prayer of agreement Holy Spirit has directed us that gatherings of various types mix Xween with the salvation of Jesus and are not acceptable. The use of costumes is a doorway in which satan delights. It is our responsibility as the people of God to ensure that these spiritual chains in the earthly image are not upon our children. However, there is an option for the believer and for evangelism. Since people are willing to open the doors of their homes to strangers let us give them a treat. The gift of inviting them to our church. Thereby offering them a bridge from darkness into the light by the person of Jesus Christ.

We at Covenant Warriors take the third option. The option of War! For we understand the reality of the living sacrifice that the Lord calls us and all Christians to make instead of the backwards requirement of a living sacrifice that Satan has his people do. The word of God has recorded portions of actual ritual practices that are still continuously being carried out by hard core Satanist. Those who are unaware of the reality of Satanic worship normally gloss over these scriptures as a figure of speech instead of knowing and understanding the truth of their existence as the Lord Jesus shows us in the "Death brew" and the "witches brew" in Micah 3:3. As well as the standard skinning alive of human beings in Micah 3:2. Which is reiterated by Jezebels judgement in Revelation 2:20-24 on the spiritual principle of sowing and reaping: the eating of flesh and certain internal organs of those humans who have been sacrificed to Satan, especially children.

We fully understand that the time of the Xween "celebration", that is to say Satan's birthday, is a time of great cursing to the churches and people of the true Lord and Savior and God, Jesus Christ. That massive human sacrifice is done to evoke the power of Satan and his actual personal presence. That sexual intercourse with demons as they continue to attempt to make gods in the flesh to rule the earth is common place. It is a corruption, an inversion of who we are in Christ Jesus. We war with noncarnal weapons given to us by the blood of Jesus through the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. We fast and pray on each day listed below and beginning on Oct 29th. We fast three consecutive days until the morning of Nov. 1st. We pray earnestly for light from Heaven to shine down into the covens even upon the altars that they will use to sacrifice animals, children, and adults. Asking the Lord to scatter the enemy and break down their altars. We assault the Heavens in the Name of Jesus for a way of escape for those being brutalized, tortured and killed. That they may know He is God. We pray as it is written in the Psalms that the snares of the enemy shall come upon their own heads. We pray that the pits that they have digged that they themselves shall fall into them. We pray that their bells cease not to ring indicating to them that a "unholy presence" is present. We stand in the gap for the churches and individuals of the Lord Jesus Christ breaking the curses of disunity, disorganization, destruction, and death rebuking the devourer from their finances. We pray for the Lord Jesus' favor upon the churches, the membership, upon their finances, upon their outreach. We pray that those giving tracts are protected and anointed as he leads and guides their every word. We pray for the going forth of HIS Word in power. We break down the enemy's camp and lift up the camp of the Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that revelation knowledge of HIM as the only living God be manifested in the hearts of His people and in the hearts of those that are on the fence. Those of us who have received the gift of a heavenly language use it abundantly that our will should not get in the way of HIS will. We war with much self-sacrifice sharing in the burden of the Lord Jesus' Christ. Standing firm against the instruments and techniques of the enemy as he uses our friends, our family, our workplaces, and direct demonic attack against us.

One of the main goals of these fasts is to have the Lord Jesus shine HIS light into the coven during the worship times. The time they start is at dusk with the exception of the 30th through the 31st. It lasts all day and all night on both of these days. Some of the more formal type covens start at midnight.

This is a known fact for those whom are coven members and those whom the Lord sends to free them. HE often shines HIS light into the covens when requested and the coven members drop what they are doing scattering and running away. It completely breaks up the meeting for 24 hours. Again, the exception is on Xween eve when the LORD shines HIS light into the coven they scatter like cockroaches when you turn on the light and they do not return on Halloween day or night. We want to save the person(s) life that they will be trying to sacrifice to Satan.

I ask all of the Warriors of Covenant Warriors to email the group and let us know their fasting plans of this Xween so that Jodie may coordinate which of us are fasting or using alternatives. Fasting can be one meal for each of the three days or 24 hour fast on Oct 31st even as the Lord should lead you.

The electronic double doors opened, waving their greeting and the greeter gave a cheerful "Hello." The robotic five foot Frosty the Snowman started his little jingle bells song. Swaying to the old time favorite song. The demon attached to "Frosty" suddenly grew to twice his size glaring hard at me. I met his menacing gaze and put him back down. Looking toward the front I almost stumbled over the Halloween decoration display. Momentarily pondering with disgust: "a demon in Frosty the Snowman. How many kids and adults was he going to be able to get into the Christmas and Xween as they touch him and gaily dance their acceptance of him. What destruction will he cause their family? Will they be able to resist his lies and see my Jesus?" "Oh my Lord, there is no stop to evil in this world. Help us, Jesus." The thought came as a light in darkness: we are celebrating Christmas and Xween at the same time.

We go in the stores and at the same time they are setting up for Xween they are also setting out the things for Christmas. Halloween being Satan's birthday and Christmas being the birth of Christ. Christ meaning the anointed one. Has not Satan devised a wily scheme to even place his throne above God's throne? Satan has brought together, converged the birth of God with his birth. I will not be surprised, in fact expect, the world at a date in the near future to wholly bring these two current birthday celebrations together in a single 'celebration of god'. The sinister scheme of Satan gave us Satan Clause (Santa Clause) as an Idol to worship with the clause of "what can I get for me?" as the meaning of Christmas. Slowly and subtly he moves the world into putting out the "X-mas" decorations to be purchased at the same time as the Xween decorations. Mixing the two themes and images in our minds to bring the "acceptable" converging of the two as one.

There are 2 known definitions of a Coven Child:

1) Coven child – a child that has been born from one of the coven members for sexual abuse, torture, and sacrifice. These children do not have birth certificates and as far as the law is concerned do not exist.

2) Coven child – a child that has been specially chosen by Satan to be the later leader of the coven. Such as a future High Priest or Priestess.


3rd: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, calling of satan, curses

7th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, and ceremonial sacrifice of small animal.

9th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, and ceremonial sacrifice of small animal, torture of a coven child or coven member.

11th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, and ceremonial sacrifice of small animal (preferably a goat), drinking of its blood by coven child.

13th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, and ceremonial sacrifice of small animal (preferably a goat), drinking of its blood and the baptism of coven child.

17th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, and ceremonial sacrifice of infant child, the heart eaten by coven child or the high priest/priestess (If there is no special coven child), calling of satan, sexual acts by all members to all members.

19th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, and ceremonial sacrifice of infant child, blood drank and the heart eaten by royal coven members, calling of satan, sexual acts by all members to all members.

21st: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, ceremonial sacrifice of goat, blood drank and raw heart eaten by royal coven members and coven child, calling of satan, sexual torture of coven child by coven members, goat skinned and placed on coven child to wear.

25th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, ceremonial sacrifice of 3 goats, blood drank of each one as well as each heart eaten by royal coven members and coven child, calling of satan, sexual torture of coven child by all coven members, all 3 goats skinned and coven child wrapped in all 3 goat skins and placed in coffin for several hours.

29th: prayer chanting, burning of candles, curses, calling of satan, coven child tortured physically and sexually by royal coven members, goat sacrificed and goats head cut off, coven child baptized in goats blood in the name of Satan, coven child decorated on outside of body with blood of goat, with symbols of satan.

30th: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, and ceremonial sacrifice of goat or other animal (dog, cow, etc.), sexual torture of coven child by all members of coven, drinking of blood, the calling of satan.

31st: prayer, chanting, burning of candles, curses, torture and ceremonial sacrifice of either an infant male or a male in his early 30’s, sexual relations with all of the children in coven by all of the members of the coven, calling of satan, killing of goat, blood drank and heart eaten by all coven members.

May God bless and keep you, in the name of Jesus.

It is an honor to serve.

Covenant Warrior

by Grace



Last Updated:Nov 10th, 2009 - 20:09:35
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