Ten Most Wanted! Some of you folks amaze me because of the level of ignorance many of you are at. But not only at you are even content to stay that way. I have question for you all, should a man submit or hear from someone who is ignorant? Folks I did not write this article, however I do agree with it 100 percent. So you folks can repent for all of your false lies and judgements against me. But you won't do it becasuse of ignorance! You folks tell me not to judge, but you judge men all the while you are telling me not to judge! Reguardless of what many of you think. I do judge and will continue to judge. If you do not like like, then go to another website! "He that angers you controls you!"
People can talk about Jesus all day long and many of you just keep silence about it. But if someone talks about your Devil serving closet Satan worshipper Billy Graham you folks act like they have just insulted your messiah! WOW! "Ten Most Wanted" False Teachers In
Tim LaHaye has been dropped from this list due to the fact that his idiotic "Left Behind" series of fantasy books is completed and his new series is a total flop. He will not negatively impact the Christian world with his nonsense again. Yet his book series will continue to influence apostate Christians and ignorant ones. John Wimber has gone to his just punishment and can no longer be listed among the Ten Most Wanted false teachers in America. He was ranked number 6, but now takes his place among the most dangerous false teachers of the 20th & 19th Centuries -- along side Herbert W. Armstrong, Alice Bailey, Madame Blavatsky, Mary Baker Eddy, Maria Woodworth-Etter, Fred Franz, Nathan Knorr, Kathryn Kuhlman, Amy Simple McPherson, Norman Vincent Peale, Charles Taze Russell, Joseph Rutherford, Bishop Sheen, Joseph Smith, Paul Tillich, Joe Tkach Sr., Ellen White, Brigham Young and all Mormon "prophets." (No Mormon was or is a true "prophet." They are all false prophets who are burning in Hell or on their way there.) Other dangerous false teachers who are leading millions of people astray are: Most pentecostal/charismatic and virtually all Calvary Chapel and all Vineyard 501c3 CEOs (pastors), Joe Aldrich, Ernest Agley, Garner Ted Armstrong, Jon Arnot, John Avanzini, Ted Baehr, Jerry Barnard, Jonathan Bell, Rodney Browne, Joe Callaway, Harold Camping, Tony Campolo, Randy Clark, Ron Cohen, Ken Copeland, John Dawson, Ed Dobson, Crefflo A. Dollar, Jesse Duplantis, Mike Farris, Mark Finley, Jentezen Franklin, Joe Garlington, W.V. Grant, John Hagee, Kenny Hagin, Hendrick "Hank" Hanegraaff, Jack Hayford, Michael Horner, Bobby Jones, Ike, Larry Huch, T.D. Jakes, John Kilpatrick, Bob Larson, Zola Levitt, Billy Locklear, Eddie Long, Gordon MacDonald, Gerald Mann, Clarence McClendon, Paul Morton, Steve Muncie, Myles Munro, Mario Murillo, Arnold Murray, John Osteen, Luis Palau, Rod Parsley, Gilbert E. Patterson, Peter Popoff, Freddy Price, Derek Prince, Yacov Ramsel, Richard Roberts, Rod Rosenblatt, James Robison, Schambach, Bobbie Schuller, Chuck Smith, Lester Sumerall, Joe Tkach Jr., Randall Terry, Casey Treat, Larry D. Trotter, Ralph Wilkerson, Rich Wilkerson and Phil Wogoman (Sick Willie's religious CEO).The following men propagate false doctrines concerning eschatology. Most of the other doctrines they teach are Scriptural except for Harold Camping who preaches a false Gospel and some Watchtower doctrines and Arnold Murray who teaches the most bizarre false doctrines I have ever heard. He is Mr. One Verse Charlie, Mr. Revolving Rev., and Mr. Rachet Jaw. All amillennial, preterist, and covenant and dominion theology 501c3 CEOs and teachers, John Ankerberg, Sherlock Bally, Dave Breese, Tal Brooke, Ray Brubaker, Robert F. Campbell, Harold Camping, Tony Campolo, Charles Capps, David Chilton, J.R. Church, John Cionci, Reginald Dunlop Jr., Robert H. Gundry, John Hagee, David Hocking, Noah Hutchings, Thomas Ice, Jack van Impe, Grant Jeffrey, Bob Jones III, Robert van Kampen (deceased), D.J. Kennedy, Salem Kirban, Paul & Peter LeLonde, C.S. Lovett, Dave McPherson, Chuck Missler, Arnold Murray, John Noe, Gary North, Scott Pearson, Alex Reese, Marv Rosenthal, R.J. Rushdoony, Charles Ryrie, Chuck Smith, Don Stewart, Perry Stone, Lester Sumrall, Randall Terry, Joe Van Koevering, John Walvoord, Larry Wilson and Woody Young. The following are into "Christian" psychology which is an abomination. They mix Freudian psychobabble with Scripture to come up with total nonsense. James Dobson and These men are ecumenicalists. Bill Bright, Paul Crouch, Billy Graham, Frankie Graham, Jack van Impe, Hal Lindsey and Ralph Woodrow. All females teachers are false teachers for the Scriptures makes it explicitly clear they are not to teach men (I Cor. 14.34,35; I Tim. 2.9-15). Some of the worst false teachers are Joyce Meyer, Ken Copeland's wife, Marilyn Hickey, Betty Robinson, Beverly LaHaye, Arlene & C. Courtney Henderson, Karen Wheaton, Christie Harvey and Gail Riplinger. (Gail made the list due to her rabid attack on true believers who understand the King James translation is just that and nothing more.) Virtually all men who call themselves "pastors" are not true Biblical "bishops." They are chief executive officers (CEOs) of religious 501c3 corporations. They have unequally yoked themselves with the federal and state governments in direct violation of the Scriptures (2 Cor. 6.14-18). They are NOT qualified to be true Biblical bishops and they cannot be referred to as such. All 501c3 CEOs are backslidden and or apostate or NOT born from above! You must avoid them at ALL costs! If you have given them YAHWEH'S money you have sinned! Stop giving them YAHWEH'S money and find a true Biblical bishop who not only refuses to bow down and worship the state by being the CEO of a 501c3 corporation, but also teaches straight Biblical doctrine and speaks out against the myriad false teachers and prophets that plague America. Now that you know the truth, if you continue to support these and other 501c3 CEOs you are part of the problem and will have great loss of reward (I Cor. 3.15). Ten Most Wanted 1. Paul Crouch is the most dangerous religious con-artist because of his network, the largest Protestant religious network in the world. He promotes numerous false teachers and false prophets such as Hal Lindsey and he is an ecumenical leader. He has also been a leader in compelling believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a nation (Israel) that oppresses a large portion of its citizens (Palestinians). 2. Pat Robertson is dangerous because of his network. He teaches the charismatic false doctrines and has led millions astray into the charismatic movement. He is an ecumenical leader and has been a leader in compelling believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a nation (Israel) that oppresses a portion of its citizens (Palestinians). 3. Rick Warren is the latest dark star in the Christian world today. His two books have mesmerized the apostate and ignorant Christian masses. He has taken his seeker friendly program to thousands of churches around the country and now throughout the world. His program is copied after the program that Robert Schuller of Crystal Cathedral infamy developed a few decades ago. Warren has also thrown in some New Age mumble jumble and uses some of the New Age techniques. 4. Chuck Smith is dangerous because he revived the dead pentecostal movement and allegedly has more than 1,000 subsidiary corporations that propagate charismatic nonsense. He is also heard on several radio stations. He was heard on more than 300 radio stations until he had a falling out with Mike Kessler. The pentecostal/charismatic movement is a cancer in Messianic Faith that is eating it away. It is also the leading evidence we are living in the apostasy of the last days of the last days (2 Thes. 2.3). There is no evidence that Chuck Smith is truly born from above. He was allegedly saved in a Four Square assembly. They teach a person must maintain his salvation by works or by abiding in Messiah. Chuck holds to that false doctrine and teaches it. If he believed that false doctrine when he made a decision to trust Jesus Christ, he is not saved. Anyone who trusts Jesus Christ believing they must do something to help Him save him or to keep his salvation they are not born from above. They have believed a false Gospel (Gal. 1.6-9). The emphasis on signs and wonders among these false believers (Matt. 12.39) is solid proof they are not born from above or apostate. Smith and his disciples are false teachers who have infiltrated Messianic Faith to subvert it (2 Peter 2.1). It's possible that Smith and some of his devotees may be born from above, but if any of them are it is obvious from their teaching that they are apostate and are not being taught by the HOLY SPIRIT (I John 2:20,27). Smith has been a leader in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a nation (Israel) that oppresses a large portion of its citizens (Palestinians). For more information about the false doctrines Chuck Smith teaches and his amoral behavior visit this web site: 5. Benny Hinn was a disciple of the infamous false teacher Kathryn Khulman and has propagated the false doctrines she taught. He has adopted other false teachings from Kenny Copeland and Ken Hagin who picked up the heretical Mormon doctrine that all men can become a god. He also teaches the heretical doctrine that Jesus Christ was born again in hell. He is a leading "word of faith" false teacher who is not born from above and headed straight to hell! 6. Gerald Falwell (a.k.a. Jerry Falldown) has a network that isn't that large, but he has cloned hundreds of junior Falldowns through Liberty 7. Oral Roberts is another dangerous spiritual criminal because he launched the careers of myriad false teachers through his school. He is the leading pentecostal preacher in America, although his star has faded in the last decade. He also interprets his own "false satanic tongues". 8. Jimmy Swaggart is dangerous because he has pumped out hundreds of pentecostal preachers through his school and has deceived millions through his television broadcasts. His influence was greatly diminished when he was caught with prostitutes. 9. Franklin William "Billy" Graham has spent 50 years working with false churches in his crusades. The two million people who have allegedly made decisions of "easy believism", for the Lord at his crusades have been told to attend a local church of any kind, including Roman Catholic Churches. The vast majority of his alleged converts have not been born from above and are headed straight to hell. He has done a great deal in furthering the ecumenical movement. 10. Hal Lindsey, the self-proclaimed "Father of the Modern Day False Prophecy Movement," popularized the false eschatology doctrines of most dispensationalists. His books have influenced thousands of preachers, teachers and laymen leading them astray in the subject of eschatology. Hal has also joined the charispentecostal and ecumenical movements, and has been a leader in coercing believers into supporting a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a nation (Israel) that oppresses a portion of its citizens (Palestinians). Like most men who have acquired great wealth, prestige and influence he has spent a good deal of time chasing women. His third wife and church recently gave him the boot for his sexcapades. Hal posted a second web site www.hallindseyoracle.com/ (Oracle means "Answers from the gods" or "divine announcement." Does Halunatic truly think he speaks for God? He has gone over the edge! With this web site he has revealed his true colors -- he is a FALSE PROFIT!!! He is the Father of the Modern Day False Prophecy Movement!!! His other web site 11. Jack Impe is the number 11 most wanted false teacher in America. He not only pushes the false eschatology doctrines of John F. Walvoord and Hal Lindsey, he is a leading ecumenical who praises John Paul II and the Roman Catholic Church every chance he gets. He also jumped on the Hal Lindsey false prophecy movement making numerous false prophecies concerning the date of the Rapture. Like the rest of these false teachers Jack supports a false religion (Babylonian Talmudic Judaism), and a nation (Israel) that oppresses a portion of its citizens (Palestinians). He is also a leading ecumenicalist who will join hands with anyone as long as they claimed to be a "Christian." Their doctrine means little to him. 12. Tim LaHaye was dropped from the Top 10 but came in at number 12. He also teaches the false eschatology doctrines that Lindsey has popularized, and his "Left Behind" series has made him over $100 million. Sadly, he has deceived millions of people with this book series. Tim has also been a major figure in subverting Messianic Faith through the Council for National Policy which he founded in 1981. This secret council consists of backslidden and apostate believers such as Pat Robertson, Gary Bauer, John Ankerberg, Dave Breese, Bill Bright, Larry Burkett, Jim Dobson, Mike Farris, Bob Jones III, D. J. Kennedy, Marlin Maddoux, Gary North, R.J. Rushdoony and New World Order puppets like Jack Kemp, Ed Meese III, Larry North, Richard Allen, Ed Atsinger III, Rich DeVos, Jesse Helms, Reed Irvine, Trent Lott, Don McAlvany, Don Nickles, Paul Pressler, John Sununu and Phyllis Schafley. The success of these men and other false teachers within Messianic Faith is irrefutable proof we are living in the last days (2 Thes. 2.1-3; 2 Tim. 4.3,4). It is most difficult to free slaves from the chains they worship." Satan is indeed happy with these servants of his.. these false prophets... after all, organized religion apart from the "gospel of grace" is his masterful work and master plan and these his men, his chief propogators of THAT PLAN. Pastor Dowell's comments: I would like to add, if anyone teaches you to know obey the 10 Commandments are liars. Especially the 4th Commandment, the Keeping of God Holy Sabbath Day. The Sabbath has always been the 7th Day of the week and will always be. If it is called being legal to obey God then guess what I am legal. It is amazing to me how people will tell you to not commit Adultery, or Kill, but ye in the same Commandments it is written "Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it HOLY. Yes the Sabbath is binding upon the people of God today. The 4th Commandment! Which is the Seventh Day of the week and it is not Sunday the 1st day. Sunday cannot be proven by the Holy Bible. Keep the Commandments and live. Last
Updated:Sep 13th, 2009 - 15:35:27
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