Moshiach Moshiach ben Dovid the Babylonian who they will anoint in the "Secret Chamber of Hewn Stone, in the Temple on the Temple mount, the council of the Sanhedrin and the ten men who are the Bed of Shlomo and who will share as kings with him in one hour, and the three men who will stand for him in the king of kings chamber The Mark of his name, Moshiach ben David and his star of Molech
5. Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: Give thanks to God and bow the knee before him who bears on his front the seal of the predestination of man, to which God himself has led his star that none other but Him might free us from all the before-mentioned forces and evils. 1. I pass now to the method of confirming the dynastic roots of King David to the last strata of the earth. 3. Certain members of the seed of David will prepare the kings and their heirs, selecting not by right of heritage but by eminent capacities, inducting them into the most secret mysteries of the political, into schemes of government, but providing always that none may come to knowledge of the secrets. The object of this mode of action is that all may know that government cannot be entrusted to those who have not been inducted into the secret places of its art .... 8. The king's plan of action for the current moment, and all the more so for the future, will be unknown, even to those who are called his closest counselors. 9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. 15. The prop of humanity in the person of the supreme lord of all the world of the holy seed of David must sacrifice to his people all personal inclinations. 16. Our supreme lord must be of an exemplary irreproachable. Behold the falsechrist http://www.shemayisrael.co.il/dafyomi2/megilah/backgrnd/mg-in-23.htm SHOMREI HA'SAF - the gatekeepers 9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. Rv:17:12:
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.
And of the ten horns that were in his head, and of the other which came up, and before whom three fell; even of that horn that had eyes, and a mouth that spake very great things, whose look was more stout than his fellows.
And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.
c) THE VILNA GA'ON (ibid.) supports Rashi's interpretation. He explains that when Sanhedrin sat, ten (of the most important members) sat in the middle of the group, and they were surrounded by the other sixty. These are the "sixty mighty men *around* the bed of Shlomo. (The ten in the middle correspond to the seven "Ro'ei Pnei ha'Melech" and three "Shomrei ha'Saf," who are closest to the king, in a king's court --
9. Only the king and the three who stood sponsor for him will know what is coming. and in the king of king's court -- see Megilah 23a. The verse in II Melachem 25:19, which associates these authoritative members of the king's court with sixty other men, is discussing the members of the Sanhedrin. three royal guards at the gate ("Shomrei ha'Saf"), five of the royal servants who see the king ("Ro'ei P'nei ha'Melech"), and the seven royal servants who see the king ("Ro'ei P'nei ha'Melech"), as depicted in Sefer Melachim and Megilas Esther. Rv:17:10: And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And why are they fallen ? Pesachim 113113b1) "TALMIDEI CHACHAMIM IN BAVEL HATE EACH OTHER"QUESTION: The Gemara says that the "Talmidei Chachamim in Bavel despise each other." How could the Gemara Bavli say this about the great and holy Amora'im? Certainly they were not suspected of committing any sins, and if so, why were they permitted to despise each other? The Gemara in Kidushin (30b) cites the verse, "Happy is the person who has many children, he will not be embarrassed when he speaks with his enemies at the gate" (Tehilim 127:5). The Gemara asks, who are the enemies? Rebbi Chiya bar Aba answers that the verse is referring to a father and his son, or a Rebbi and his Talmid, when they learn together, at which time they are called "enemies" of each other. The Gemara adds that "they do not leave from there until they become beloved unto one another." Rashi explains that they are "enemies" because they constantly challenge each other with questions and are not satisfied until they are convinced that they have arrived at the truth. According to that Gemara, the Talmidei Chachamim in Bavel do not literally hate each other. Rather, they look, at times, like enemies because they learn together and challenge each other as if they hated each other, with the sole intention of arriving at the truth. because a house divided will not stand Mt:12:25: And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: During the twelfth century, Rabbi Maimonides (Rambam) attempted to counter Christian interpretations of Hebrew Scripture, so he provided an alternative Jewish response for the Jewish people. He wrote, "All the books of the prophets (Nevi'im) and all the Sacred Writings (Ketuvim) will ultimately be annulled in the era of the Mashiach, except for the book of Esther." 2 (Esther is the story instructing us to remember and celebrate Purim throughout every generation). Consequently, few today seriously read and study the Nevi'im (prophets) and Ketuvim (writings). But they do stand ready to murder all goyim who oppose Talmud and their coming mangod, Moshiach ben Satan. Their sacrificial testing ground has been used numerous times, They used it on the Jews with their man Hitler of the order of Nimrod and his teacher a Chabad Lubavitcher Blavatsky of the Sofiet Bolshevik brood. This brrod of vipers are not Jews but are Liars and the synagogue of Satan is their lair. Beware Jew, Beware Christian, Beware ALL men upon the earth, Stan's minions are in preparation to welcome him home Behold, the son of perdition who will cause the nations to tremble and who the Lord Jesus Christ will destroy with the brightness of his coming with his saints. He will be the Final Sofiet Tzaddik The Wars of Bush's Hashem for this Moshiac to reveal himself Talmudic Plan Three chaotic wars will be perpetrated by the children of Ishmael at the end of days… one at sea… one on land… and one in a large city which will be harder than the previous two… and from there Ben Dovid [Moshiach] will sprout and we will witness their destruction, and from there we will go to Eretz Yisroel (Midrash ibid, remez 506) The children of Ishmael are they the Chabad http://www.moshiach.com/discover/articles/essay_today_the_world_trembles.php "How do we transform the world’s tremble – the tremble of the World Trade Center – into the world’s birth?" "America must now lead the world in this war waged against humanity. And all countries of the world must join this war." "All countries – including the Arab states – must join in this war. And if they don’t, then they have declared war on humanity." We now have our greatest opportunity to shine and fulfill our true destiny: to bring this world to Redemption. * * * For more on this see: Zohar II 32a. 8a. III 212b. Rambam’s Iggeret Taiman ch. 3. Ramban, Sefer haGeulah shaar 3. ______________ Their so-called Omega codes of their Talmudic god Baal and their mysticism
" Most Luminous"-Brother-Ventriloquus-He kindled-" Glory " as well as "Splendor"-Became powerful, grew high-Night Demon of 2nd Dec. Leo-There; The Name-A bear-Gog, the giant whose partner is Magog-Angel of 8 C.-Mirabilia, vel occulta sapientiae-Red Dan:8:23: And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up. http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/highlights-of-moshiach/14.htm Moshiach will study Torah according to the Written Torah and the Oral Torah:" Why does Rambam add these words? This follows the end of Halachah 3 (in uncensored editions): "Whoever adds to or deletes from Torah, or interprets Torah incorrectly, taking mitzvos out of their literal context, he is certainly an evildoer and a heretic (this negates any belief in Yeshu as the Messiah). And their Moshiach will build the third temple "And he will build the Beis Hamikdash:" As the Midrash notes,[89] Moshiach will build the Beis Hamikdash: And he will come out of the North of Jerusalem, Safed "When the King Moshiach who is in the north will arise, he will come and build the Beis Hamikdash which is situated in the south"[90] (i.e. the south part of the Temple Mount). "The Beis-Hamikdash in its place:" Although, in general, only the Altar can never be changed from its place,[95] yet, the whole Temple of the future must be in its original place, as specified in Ezekiel. Also, this will determine who Moshiach really is, by showing the precise site of the Beis Hamikdash. "And he will bring the ingathering of Jews:" At the end. As Rashi states:[96] First "G-d will build Jerusalem" - then "He will gather the ingathering of all Jews." Then The Lord Almighty, Christ Jesus, the Everlasting Covenant of Isaac, the Lamb Provided, slain since the foundation of the world, the WORD of God, the Word who hath created everything which was created, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, the Life, the Light, the Name above every name, the Redeemer, the Councilor, Salvation, The Lord of the Jews, who hath made us adopted sons of God the Most High, by his blood, through faith, of Grace given freely, whether Jew or Greek, only they who hath put on Christ Jesus, has he made us Priest and Kings unto him and his Father, will come again as promised, at the last trumpet as was told to the Prophets of God, at the Last Trump, the Seventh Trumpet, and those who are dead in Christ Jesus, and they who were slain for the testimony of Jesus that they held, will rise first, and they who are blessed in Christ and hath waited and cometh to the 1335 days, shall be caught up in the twinkling of an eye, and shall be changed to new uncorruptible bodies, to be with Christ forever. And his glory is in his saints who have been slain for the testimony that they held and stood firm for in spite of Moshiach ben Satan their god of this euphoric vision they seek, and Moshiach and his Prophet and ALL who accepted him and his star of Moloch and the number of his name, and who accepted his mark on their forehead or in their hand, shall be thrown into outer darkness where there shall be gnashing and gnawing of teeth forever in eternal damnation for they loved not the Truth in Righteousness and so they shall perish and are damed. Praise and Glory forever unto Jesus Christ the Lord over all and the only name in which to enter into the Kingdom of God the Most High. http://www.moshiach.com/discover/articles/comment_sighting_moshiach.php "The arrival of Moshiach and the accompanying turnabout in the World Order, is a very pragmatic ideal. In fact, much of it has happened already." "Even the Kabbalists agree that Moshiach isn't planning on a sudden appearance. Rather, the people will slowly wake up to the fact that he's already here. Just not in places people generally look." Moshiach ben Perdition's False Prophet for his false and temporary king-ship Rv:13:14: And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. Rv:19:20: And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone. Rv:20:10: And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Rv:16:13: And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. And they and their Talmudic Babylonian Proselytes are waiting for the Prophet to come as prophesied, thus once again the Judeo-Churchi-zionitized pastors, the dogs who reject the Word and who cannot bark, reject the WORD, Christ Jesus the Word of God. http://www.moshiach.com/discover/tutorials/the_prophet_elijah.php The Messianic redemption is closely associated with the name of the prophet Elijah. He is regarded as the forerunner of Moshiach, “the harbinger who will proclaim peace, the harbinger of good who will proclaim salvation, saying to Zion ‘Your G‑d reigns!’ And he will come before their wars of hashem, the Noachide king, Bushka's war which will begin soon, the war on their hated enemy, Saddam Hussein and the other seven nations, Lebanon, Turkey, Egypt, Jordon, Saudi Arabia and Iran, according to their rabbi mammon-eyes..... Rambam writes: “Before the war of Gog and Magog[2] a prophet will arise to rectify Israel and prepare their hearts, as it is said, ‘Behold, I am sending you the prophet Elijah [before the coming of the great and awesome day of G‑d]’ (Malachi 3:23).. Some of the sages say that Elijah will come before the coming of Moshiach.”[3] But Jesus warned you already and told you Elijah the Prophet has already come... Matthew 3:1-4 1: In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, Matthew 12:14-21 14: Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him. Behold Esaias has already preceded the Only Messiah the Prince, Christ Jesus Matthew 11:7-17 7: And as they departed, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John, What went ye out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken with the wind? http://www.moshiach.com/discover/tutorials/the_prophet_elijah.php reference to the day of Moshiach’s coming, stating that Elijah will come prior to this to announce and proclaim his coming; But they will make null and void in their oral tradition of their Talmud Mishnah the Word of God and many Judeo-Churchizionians and Jews have fallen to Satan's deception regarding Moshiach's false-Prophet The prophet (False) Elijah’s functions will thus include: to rectify Israel’s behavior, causing them to return to G‑d with teshuvah, as a preparation for the Moshiach redemption;[7] to proclaim the imminent coming of Moshiach;[8] to restore the sacred objects placed in the Holy of Holies of the first Bet Hamikdash, (Temple) and later hidden by King Josiah[9] before its destruction;[10] and to be involved with the resurrection of the dead.[11] Above all, the essential task of Elijah will be to resolve legal disputes (Courts of Justice and Noachide Laws) and to establish peace in the world, as it is said, “He will turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers. Dan:8:25: And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand. The Axis of Evil, the wars of their g-d hashem A climactic battle in the early stages of the Moshiach redemption (see Igeret Teyman, end of ch. 3) against the forces of evil. (Axis of Evil) (In Tanchuma, Korach: end of 14, there seems to be an allusion that it may involve all the nations of the world.) (WWIII) These forces presumptuously undertake to battle not only Israel but the Almighty Himself, as it were, and will suffer an appropriate defeat. Even so, for a while it will be a most traumatic event with great trials and tribulations for Israel. See Agadat Bereishit 2:1; Midrash Tehilim 2:4; and the parallel passages cited there. See also Targum Yehonathan (and Targum Yerushalmi) on Numbers 11:26; and Torah Shelemah on this verse, note 196. See, though, below, Appendix II, note 17. Note, though, that even according to the sources cited above note 5, this need not be, and Moshiach may come even without any prior announcement by Elijah; see Otzar Balum on Ayn Ya’akov, Sanhedrin 98a; Responsa Chatam Sofer, vol. VI:no. 98; and Keren Orah on Nazir 66a. Cf. Chidushim Ubi’urim Behilchot Melachim, III:17, and IV:9; and the sources cited there. And their much touted enemy is Amelek, and the spirit of Amelek is Christians who doubt and who oppose, and Amelek is their prime target to destroy Therefore, if G-d "rested" on Shabbos, it means that on this day of the week, G-d lessened the effect of nature on creation, allowing for a clearer vision of the hand of G-d in everyday life. Keeping Shabbos allows one to be able to hook into this higher reality, and gain this intellectual and spiritual clarity for the upcoming six days of the week. However, if one does not keep Shabbos, then one never arrives at this level of spiritual clarity, and such a person will sink deeper and deeper into the world of nature and intellectual doubt. It is on this level of existence that one finds and confronts Amalek. This is because "amalek," in Hebrew, is equal in gematria to the Hebrew word "sufek," which means "doubt." Furthermore, the Hebrew word "amalek" (ayin-mem-lamed-kuf) can be broken up into two parts: "ayin" (eye) and "malak" (mem-lamed-kuf; severed), as if to say, Amalek is the cause/result of the "severed eye." Which "eye"? The mind's eye, the one with which we can see G-d clearly in life. If one is, G-d forbid, physically blind, he can still "see" G-d in life. However, if one's mind's eye is "blind" to the reality of G-d, then, even if he has 20-20 vision, he won't see the hand of G-d in everyday life, and that is the goal of Amalek. This is the insight to which the Talmud refers when making the connection between Shabbos and the evil people of Amalek; increasing our obseervance of Shabbos decreases the effect of Amalek, for, as the Talmud says: If the Jewish people were to keep two Shabboses, they would be redeemed. (Shabbos 118b) Listen to this Talmudic Babylonian Judeo-Churchi-zionist regarding who is the spirit of Amalek http://www.parenthood-divine-stewardship.org/parenthood-divine-stewardship-v7i1p1.asp In the Old Testament no enemy is dealt with more thoroughly than Amalek, because Amalek is a type of the flesh, which is the last enemy against God's kingdom. The flesh is what keeps the church from being built up adequately. As long as the flesh remains a problem, the kingdom cannot come. The kingdom comes in only after the flesh has been dealt with. For the sake of the church life, we need to deal with our flesh. If the flesh is not dealt with, there can be no kingdom of God. Then without the kingship of Christ, His headship, there is no way for the Body to be built up. This is the reason that, during the past nineteen hundred years, there has been very little building of the church. The confusions and divisions among Christians today are primarily due to the flesh, to Amalek. Among Christians Amalek is prevailing. Because of this, we do not have the kingdom of God in a practical way. Without the kingdom, it is impossible to have the building.... But the truth remains, the identity of Amalek is indeed the Chabad Lubavitch them selves, all things perceived by these are a ruse of Satan their god http://www.lampbroadcast.org/plets/phtm3/Amalek.htm And Amalek, the man of flesh, is presently making his appearance -- attacking, exactly as in the type (though the light now exists, the darkness remains [cf. Gen. 1:3-5; II Cor. 4:6]). And Amalek will seek, through every means possible, to stop Christians short of the goal. In this respect, the man of flesh, typified by Amalek, is presented in Scripture as one whose main goal centers around opposing those called to inherit the rights of the firstborn. He is the one who stands in the way, seeking through every means possible to prevent individuals from coming into a realization of the inheritance to which they have been called. And how is Amalek to be defeated? That's what the account of the Israelites' encounter and battle with Amalek in Ex. 17:8-16 is about. This section of Scripture reveals how the man of flesh is to be defeated, so that redeemed individuals can be victorious in the present warfare, allowing them to one day realize the rights of the firstborn, in another land, within a theocracy. Slay Amalek, Or... Either slay Amalek, as the Lord commands, or Amalek will, in the end, rise up and slay you. This is a teaching graphically set forth in the Books of I and II Samuel (cf. Num. 14:42, 43; 20:2-21). The Rabbid Rabbis continue to say, about Amalek (Christians) "And when we have turned away from moral compromise to stare unblinking into the face absolute truth, then the insidious philosophy of Amalek will be erased forever from the collective memory of all mankind." When Yeshu "may his name be blotted out forever (Talmud) and his followers are erased from memory, they they can have their Olam Ha Ba and Moshiach ben Satan, un-emcumbered Back to Moshiach ben Perdition the god of the Chabad Lubavitchers who say they are Jews but who do lie and are the sons of the synagogue of Satan and Babylon's whore. Jews, Christian's Wake up! The enemy Amalek is Chabad Lubavitch, the house of the Assyrian, the Babylonian order of the High Priesthood of Satan's synagogue, the war mongers of the earth, the whores of Babylon, they who have rejected the God of their Fathers who they refused at the time of his visitation of Salvation and crucified him. They who cause the children of Israel and all of Christianity to be deceived. The Jews are taught to blame the Christians and the Christians are taught it was the Jews. Wake up before you lose your souls in unrighteousness, IT Is Satan and his minions of Hell The Talmud elucidates on this:[53] King Solomon desired to attain the status of Moses. A Heavenly voice came forth and cited this verse, "There arose not a Prophet in Israel like Moses" - neither a Prophet nor a King (can emulate the status of Moses). Others say, no other Prophet arose, but a King (like Moses) can arise. This indicates that Moshiach, a King, can attain the status of Moses. Rambam, however, offers a somewhat different description:[54] Oh how they lead the "Lesser" Jews to rebel and become traitors of the American Republic to establish their long held and coveted Olam Ha Ba, so that they under their God, these Pharisaic Chabad Lubavitcher Talmudic sons of Satan can be the rulers of their long sought after Master Race with their king, Moloch at the helm, Lo, their god of their Olam ha Ba, Satan the Father of Lies, and they are indeed of their father, for they are master liars http://www.sichosinenglish.org/books/highlights-of-moshiach/10.htm All Jews, including their Prophets and Torah scholars, desire to see the Messianic era, in order to be freed from the oppression of the nations who do not permit them to study Torah and to observe mitzvos properly. For, the King who will rise up from King David's progeny will be a man of wisdom on a higher level than King Solomon, and he will be a great Prophet close to the status of Moses. Therefore, he will teach all the people and will guide them in the path of G-d. Moshiach ben Satan will have animal doglike senses Yet, with reference to the status of a King - the Talmud describes Moshiach[55] as a person who will judge with his sense of smell, as is written,[56] "and he shall be animated - v'haricho (power of smell) with the fear of G-d." Said Rava: This means he will be able to detect the truth of a person's statement and will truthfully judge who is guilty, as is written - "not after the sight of his eyes shall he judge." Upon this the Talmud relates: He will have ESP Even according to the Talmudic opinion that there may arise a King like Moses, such as Solomon, yet, he was only able to judge on the basis of witnesses. Moshiach will judge with an extra-sensory perception, in the capacity of a King - not as a Prophet - since a Prophet cannot judge with his power of prophecy. He shall cause the nations to tremble, but he is but a mere man... Moshiach is called "the great mountain,"[59] inasmuch as he is greater than the Patriarchs. "He shall be exalted" - more than Abraham. "And uplifted" - higher than Isaac. "And placed very high" - higher than Jacob. Moreover, even "Higher than Moses." "If you are not with us, then you are aginst us" George W. Bush From the Robbers of God's people http://www.seekgod.ca/kabconnects.htm
Describing, "On the Mystical Shape of the Godhead: Basic Concepts of the Kabbalah", by Gershom Scholem, Arthur Green, Professor of Jewish Thought, Brandeis University states the basic elements of Kabbalah: "In the Zohar and other writings of the Kabbalah, Jewish mystics developed concepts and symbols to help them penetrate secrets of the cosmos that cannot be understood through reason or intellect… Gershom Scholem, the pioneer of the modern study of Jewish mysticism explains the basic concepts of the Kabbalah: the mystical "form of the imageless God"; good and evil; the Tsaddik or righteous soul; the Shekhinah, the feminine aspect of God; gilgul, the transmigration of souls; and tselem, the concept of the astral body…. " 1. Rest assured that the god of the Jews of Talmud is NOT Jesus Christ, and that Judaism is contrary to all men, there is not and cannot be any reconciliation between true Christianity and Talmudic Judaism. Rest assured that their god is not the LORD GOD Almighty of Abraham, the Word which created everything created, but a strange god with many pantheistic gods. DO NOT BE DECEIVED. According to Gershom Scholem, Maimonides is referenced by all Kabbalists. Warning about the caution which should be exercised in embracing mysticism, Maimonides wrote in his Mishnah Torah: "The less educated the candidate for mystical illumination, the less he knew of theology, the greater was the danger of a conflict with authority. Quite regardless of their specific content, all manuals of mysticism written from the standpoint of traditional authority illustrate this point. The Jewish authorities, for example, tried to avoid conflicts by restricting the right to engage in mystical practice and speculation to fully trained Talmudic scholars. All Kabbalistic manuals quote Maimonides' warning: 'No one is worthy to enter Paradise [realm of mysticism] who has not first taken his fill of meat and bread,'1 i.e., the common fare of sober Rabbinical learning " 5. Beware of the mystical DEAD sea scrolls of Satans minions of Oxford "It is worth noting in passing the extraordinarily conservative streak in some of the Jewish magical literature…One of the Hebrew texts from the Cairo Geniza …has a passage that is almost a direct translation of a Greek incantation for ascent of the uterus also found in the Greek Magical Papyri… The Havdalah deR.Akiva contains Aramaic material… has close parallels with the much earlier Babylonian magic bowls and material…that seems to echo the Watchers myth in the Enoch literature…" 9. "… There is an ever growing corpus of Jewish magical texts, extending now back to the turn of the era with the publication of a number such documents from the Dead Sea Scrolls. These include …a Hebrew physiognomic and astrological text…with themes related to physiognomic and Merkavah traditions… an Aramaic "brontologion," a genre of omen that predicts the future by interpreting thunder…"Songs of the Sage," songs for protection against demons…Aramaic apotropaic incantation anticipating much found in the Babylonian incantation bowls… and some exorcism incantations…" 10. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan Part VI of this series, referenced Peter Michas' statement that he received his education in the Hebrew Roots of Christianity through the Chabad-Lubavich. Dr. Eliezer Segal of the University of Calgary describes Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidism as a Kabbalist movement. The doctrines of the Lubavitch Movement are derived from the Kabbalah. The acronym for Chabad even contains the names of three sefirot--chokmah, binah and Da'at:http://www.acs.ucalgary.ca/~elsegal/363_Transp/Orthodoxy/Chabad.html and 'Da'at' -- Wisdom, Intelligence and Knowledge. These Kabbalistic terms are central to the distinctive intellectual theology of the movement... The name Lubavitch refers to a town in Lithuania that was the centre of the movement for a brief period during the nineteenth century...Chabad Hasidism continued to be a major force among Russian and Lithuanian Jews from its inception..." The Encyclopedia of Religion states that the Lubavitch Hasidic system of Kabbalah is among those taught in traditional Jewish institutions:Behold the sons of the synagogue of Satan "The dominant brand of Qabbalah in the modern Qabbalistic Yeshivot (traditional Jewish academies) is the Lurianic system. It is studied according to the interpretations offered by Mosheh Hayyim Luzzatto, by Eliyyahu ben Shelomoh Aalman, by Habad, the Lubavitch Hasidic Movement and by the Sefardic Qabbalists of the Beit El Academy in Jerusalem." 16. http://www.inner.org/gematria/gemabsol.htm In this reckoning, the letters chaf sofiet (final chaf), mem sofiet, nun sofiet, pei sofiet, and tzadik sofiet which are the "final forms" of the letters chaf, mem, nun, pei,and tzadik, used when these letters conclude a word, generally are given the same numerical equivalent of the standard form of the letter. However, sometimes the final chaf is considered equivalent to 500, the final mem to 600, etc. (see chart below). http://www.expage.com/page/raig/ oshiach is Here But Just Has To Reveal HimselfJews Have to do Torah and Mitzvos so we can worthy of Moshiach revealing himself and taking us out of exile. Non-Jews can also help by keeping the 7 Noachide Laws. habad - LubavitchYes this man-god is just about to be revealed by the great letter, God the Most High who has ...LET him be concealed until he be taken out of the way, until corruption is finally thrown out of incorruption, and lo unto the world for when he is cast out he will be like a roaring lion seeking whom he can devour, behold the Final Tzaddik in the Order of Nimrod's Babel, the son of perdition who hates the Jews and who hates the Christian's. What they are teaching your little goats (Kids) Last
Updated:Sep 28th, 2009 - 05:00:36
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